
@fucory #13434

CEO of compiler magic https://tevm.sh
1078 Follower 177 Following
I'm zigging!
An open letter to rpc providers
Nix isn’t actually good. But disagreeing with that statement correlates with being a top tier programmer
One of the key pieces of the Tevm architecture is we protect the cannonical state.

Outside of "cheat" methods that update state directly (like anvil_setCode) only one method (tevm_mine) is allowed to update the cannonical state.

That function is only allowed to touch the cannonical state at the very end after it successfully executes everything on a safe fork of the original node with no errors

This makes it nearly impossible for Tevm to end up in a undesired state from an unexpected error
If you are hacking at Eth Global and using Tevm reach out to me and I am happy to help in person

If you want to be on my team my DMs are open
I call casts tweets and I will not apologize for it
Soup is underrated all forms of it
I think one could argue all smart contracts are infra not apps
I'm trying to write an article about light clients to force myself to learn all the nooks and crannies about light clients

Appreciate any links to resources
Been enjoying miniworkouts throughout the day

I'm just grinding code all day. It's awesome to take a break, do a 5 minute warmup, get in my 3 sets of rows, and then go back to work

Then later warmup, ladder up to a top set of squats, then go back to work
Privacy is a human right

Without privacy someone out there would have a video of me dancing and rapping along to glorilla
Nobody has correctly generalized miniapps yet. But farcaster is the closest to getting it right
Now Tevm Cast supports formatted traces

Bragging about being bad at marketing annoys me the same way my parents bragging about being unable to use a cell phone did
Tevm was discovered not invented. Took a lesson from failing to build a consumer app to its absolute extreme and then was shocked at how powerful and beneficial it is
ULPT do not pay for audits. Instead arrogantly tweet that you are a coding god who never writes bugs with a link to your contract. Mention that everybody else makes it too complicated.

You will get free audits from solidity devs dunking on you
I think there might be popular vote electoral vote arbitrage atm
Personally, I believe bridging and interop only needs a minimum viable solution. Chain abstraction is a cool idea but I categorize it as an ivory tower idea
I encourage intent builders to build the best ux break things and be irreverent to standardization and the eip process

Talk to users not the rest of us devs
Big l
King crooked
Black thought
Eventually you lose your inner joy and just want to write golang
Polymarket odds go from 49% to 51% and people act like the election flipped on its head
I have not released a token and Tevm has not released a token.

stay careful out there