
@gulhansa #366864

A nerdy birdy interested in clouds and yellow flowers.
892 Follower 716 Following
Every action in the universe meets an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's law may explain the stars, but does it not also govern the currents within me? I often wonder, as I move through life, why every flicker of joy seems to cast a shadow, why every burst of hope carries the seed of despair. Could it be that my soul, like the cosmos, balances itself between opposites? The good and the bad, the right and the wrong, each chasing the other, never allowing me to drift too far in one direction.

When I choose hope, is it not followed by the quiet murmur of doubt? When I strive for truth, does falsehood not whisper in the corners of my mind? Perhaps I am the product of these contradictions, shaped as much by my failures as by my triumphs. I reach for joy, yet pain holds me back, grounding me, reminding me of the balance that life demands.

I wonder, then, if I accept both light and darkness within me, will I find peace in the constant push and pull? Or is this balance itself the paradox that drives me forw…
Day 4: Phaverish Haiku vol. 4

Laughter spins so bright,
Ideas bloom in @phaver’s light,
Fun with wisdom’s bite!
The Milkmaid by Johannes Vermeer (1660)
When someone says, "It's not about you, I'm just really busy right now," it's clear they are trying to play hide-and-seek with words. But do you really need to participate in their game, pretending not to see the truth awkwardly hidden behind a translucent veil? Allow me to rescue you from this endless torment of childish games with a few small additions: "It's not about you, my heart is just very occupied with someone else right now."

The year is A.D. 2023, or even circa 2500 B.C., and believe me, even the workers building the Great Pyramid of Giza had time for those they cared about. Let's not deceive each other. Spring has arrived, the air smells of freshly cut grass, so stop playing hide-and-seek in hidden corners and step outside. Is there no love for you out there?

(I love you, older me 🫂)
"What happens when life breaks down?
When there is systemic contradiction?

My name symbolized all that was corrupt to society
His name symbolized all that was pure
And I was being held in the embrace of a man who was pure

Think of what it is when God himself puts his arms around you and says, 'Welcome home' "
Day 3: Phaverish Haiku vol. 3

With each thought we share,
$SOCIAL tokens of purpose fill the air,
@phaverapp's wealth laid bare.
Dear Rain,

You walk beside me like an old friend, whispering secrets of forgotten streets. Each drop pulls me into your quiet rhythm, turning the city into a canvas where I am both painter and paint. I wander without direction, yet I know I'm going somewhere, perhaps nowhere, but your voice guides me, urging me to release the weight I carry.

This melancholy, once my burden, becomes my shield, and you wash over me, tending to old wounds. Beneath the grey clouds, hope lingers, fragile but real, like light after a storm. Maybe I'm not aimless. Perhaps I'm gathering lost pieces of myself scattered across the wet streets. In the silence between thunder, I feel it. Growth, slow but certain.

The world may feel heavy, but I know you, Rain, will carry me through. Step by step, through sorrow and song, I’ll find that this wandering has been my way of healing, becoming more than I thought possible.

I'll find my rainbow, thanks to you, Rain.

A Flâneuse of the Storm
San Giorgio Maggiore by Twilight by Claude Monet (1912)
I feel you bro 🥲
Day 2: Phaverish Haiku vol. 2

Thrill sparks in each post,
Echoes rise, ideas coast,
@phaverapp hearts race most!
2024 Nobel Ekonomi Ödülü, Daron Acemoğlu, Simon Johnson ve James Robinson’a verildi. Bu üç bilim insanı, toplumsal kurumların bir ülkenin refahı üzerindeki etkisini gösterdi.

Araştırmalarında, hukukun üstünlüğünün zayıf olduğu ve kurumların halkı sömürdüğü toplumların, büyüme ve iyileşme sağlayamadığını vurgulayan bu bilim insanlarının araştırmaları, temel olarak ülkeler arasındaki gelir farklarını azaltmanın en büyük zorluklardan biri olduğunu gösteriyor.

My mind is always on you. Every moment, with every breath, I can't help but think of you. These thoughts pull me like a wave, dragging me to shores unknown. Wherever I turn, I find paths carved by your eyes, as if every step I take follows the trace you've left behind. It feels as though I'm walking on clouds, weightless, as gravity vanishes in your presence. Everything is lighter, as if I'm floating in a world where you are the center.

But this feeling, it's something else entirely, a passion unlike any other. There's a bird within me, wounded, struggling to flap its wings, and with each beat, it pulls me deeper into the abyss. In my hands, I carry fragments of unfinished sentences, each one tied to you, waiting to be completed. They feel like words in an unknown language, yet I understand them in my soul. I break your name into every letter, sending them into the sky, scattering them into the wind. And in that moment, a gust stirs within me. Time halts, as if the wind itself sketches your face across th…
Woman (Black Hair Passion) by Shima Seien (1917)
My very first paid content: Send me some $SOCIAL to get the exact location with local navigation and parking tips 🥳🥳

Note: The devil lies in the details 😉
I thought maybe this time… But Cupid missed, and the arrow fell. A hollow room filled with echoes of could-have-beens. Silence louder than… But no, there's no one to share it with. Just me, and this ache that never asks permission. Shadows stretch long in the absence of someone who never arrives. I reach for connection, but all I grasp is the fading warmth of my own hand. Alone. More alone. More and more, each time alone. A heartbeat slowing in the quiet, waiting for nothing at all.
I close my eyes, and the world dissolves into vibrations. The sound - no, the pulse - starts deep in my chest, like something waking. Expanding, stretching. I feel it swelling through my veins, as if my blood has learned to hum. This rhythm isn't mine, but it is. I follow it, or does it follow me? The lines blur.

Time - there's no time here. Just the rise. The tension. Like standing at the edge of a cliff but not wanting to fall. Or maybe I do. Gravity whispers my name, but my feet... They stay grounded. Held by something invisible, yet heavier than air.

I see colors behind my eyelids, they swirl. They crackle and fold into shapes that don't have names. My heart echoes in the distance, a delayed beat, waiting for the moment everything clicks. When the scattered pieces align, and the noise becomes music.

But not yet. There's still more. Always more. And I don't need to understand it. I just need to feel the ascent. Feel the space between now and the next.


Video by Infinite Vibes (https://infinite
Let's fricking start again!

Day 1: Phaverish Haiku vol. 1

Through Phaver I soar,
Silent bonds in shared voices,
Hearts connect like stars.
The Flowering Orchard by Vincent van Gogh (1988)
Heyooo! 🎉🎉

Yesterday I hosted a Bronze Cred Pass NFT giveaway, and thanks a million to everyone who participated answering my question by commenting 🫶🫶🫶

Congratulations to @gamerjay, the winner of the Bronze Cred Pass NFT! (https://randraw.com/r/12530-YZKRTgAOH6XUhLJVQCI_lfN0bGertM)
@gamerjay dear fren, please send me your BASE wallet address ❤️

And my frens, looking forward to seeing you in future giveaway posts 🎈

Happy weekend! 🍫
"özenle soyduğum şu elma söyle şimdi kimindir
özenle ne yapıyorsam bilirsin artık senindir

suya giden adam mesela omuzunu eğri tutsa
güneş su ve adamın omzundaki eğrilik senindir

ayağa kalkarsın, adına uygunsun ve haklısın
kararan dünya bildiğin gibi sık sık senindir

kararan dünya, yeni bir güle bir ateş parçasıdır
bir ateş parçasından arta kalan soylu karanlık senindir

bir deneyli geçmişi aldın geldin yeniyi güzel boyadın
ben bilirim sen de bil ilk aydınlık senindir

çünkü bir silah gibi tutarsın tuttuğun her şeyi
her yeri bir uyarma diye tutan ıslık senindir

senindir ey sonsuz veren ne varsa hayat gibi
tutma soluğunu, genişle, öz ve kabuk senindir

ey en güzel görüntüsü çiçeklere dökülen bir çavlanın
aşkım, sonsuzum, bu dünyada ne var ne yok senindir"

- turgut uyar, "çokluk senindir"
Atención atención! Hear ye, hear ye! 🎉🎉🎉


While the $SOCIAL whales joke around and enjoy themselves, why not host a Bronze Cred Pass NFT giveaway?

To join the giveaway, all you need to do is answer the question below by leaving a comment before 3 AM UTC on October 12, 2024.

🍫 Today's question: Do you snore? 😴😴😴

I'm waiting for your honest answer in the comments 🥳

(Some of us have been caught snoring after staring too long at the $SOCIAL chart before bed, juuust saying 🫠)

Good luck! 🍀
He brought her three walnuts one golden evening, their shells rough like the passage of time, yet within them rested the promise of life. As she held them in her hands, she spoke quietly, “One is for you, as resilient and unwavering as you have always been. One is for me, in hopes that I find the strength to walk beside you. And the last one, for us - may it bring us days filled with beauty, even in the simplest of moments.”

She held the walnuts close, their weight light yet meaningful. To her, they became more than just offerings - they became symbols. Each one whispered of the earth's endurance, reminding her that like the walnut's shell, love and life often require us to be strong on the outside while nurturing something tender and powerful within.

From that moment on, those three walnuts lived in her mind as a quiet prayer to never falter, even in the hardest of times, to always hold tight to the things and people that gave her strength. And in doing so, she realized that the true gift was not j…
I asked for a name, but the little one refused to answer. "Fine, don't answer," I muttered and began to talk. My words seemed to float in the air, ignored by the feline who wandered back and forth, indifferent to my presence. So, I called out again, "Hey, nameless four-legged creature, aren't you going to listen?" It remained unmoved, as if I didn’t exist. In that moment, I realized that perhaps this place wasn’t mine after all. Just as I was about to leave, it dashed towards me, crossing my path, and let out a sharp cry.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed, startled.

"That's why I'm here", it seemed to scream back, eyes flashing with the mischievous truth.
In a distant galaxy, a dying star slowly collapsed inward, folding into itself like a secret lost to time. This wasn't just death, but the birth of something fascinating - a black hole, a void pulling everything into its insatiable grasp. Like a hole cut from metal, yet far beyond the tangible, it consumed stars and dust, growing larger, expanding as if fed by the universe's own heat.

But this black hole wasn't alone. In the depths of the cosmos loomed a greater force: the supermassive black hole, too vast to be born from a single star. Its origins were a mystery, devouring galaxies in a dance of destruction and creation.

As time passed, the two black holes were drawn together, shadows merging under fading light. The smaller one grew, but was still dwarfed by its massive counterpart. They spiraled closer in a cosmic waltz, destined to collide. In that meeting, perhaps the universe's greatest secrets would be revealed - or swallowed whole, leaving only echoes in the void.