Sophia Edwards

@halon0g #658637

Charles Schwab Director.
51 Follower 113 Following
TD is ready to pay billions to resolve a series of US regulatory probes, but the non-financial penalties might sting even worse. Read more in Bay Street Edition, our new weekly newsletter from Canada.
happy to flame your mid crypto product takes anytime
Incredible projects + incredible energy from devs at #HackIndia2024 🇮🇳 This is onchain innovation in action. See for yourself 👇
Here comes yet another act of aggression against the blockchain industry. There will be more overtures over the next 68 days to imbue the blockchain industry and its 50M US holders with false hope. Because crypto has become a broad, cross cutting constituency that people hope to
即便盘前交易规则一开始便讲的很清楚,但在交割前还是会出现不同的声音出现。我理解部分卖方卡在了“我们的DOGS PONITS(代币) 和官方DOGS Bot 里展示的积分没有对应关系”。在此再次梳理信息,以便大家清晰掌握: $Dogs 项目方在此前从未没公布会发行多少代币,在此情况,我们选择了发行 Dogs Points
🛸FORESIGHT 2024 嘉宾登场🛸 嘉宾介绍: Jocy Lin JinzhouLin Founding Partner, IOSGVC 更多嘉宾即将揭晓,持续关注🤩 完整大会信息请前往: 我们 8 月香港见🙌 #FORESIGHT2024
比特币美元全线崩溃,黑色星期一背后:日元套利交易逆转 一只蝴蝶在巴西轻拍翅膀,可能导致一个月后在得克萨斯州引发一场龙卷风。 7月31日,日本央行将政策利率从0%至0.1%提高至0.25%左右,这是今年3月日本结束负利率政策以来首次加息。
推测BTC未来关键事件: 1.BTC减半; 预计2024年4月 2.家族办公室、私人银行和财富管理机构对BTC ETF的配置; 预计2024年6月? 3.主权基金开始配置ETF ,时间未知 4.央行囤积BTC;对BTC作为全球价值储存手段“数字黄金”的认可。时间未知
Good vibes all around ✨ Thank you for having us NFT Fest, we had such a great time celebrating web3 and #NFT culture with our frens and community. It’s NFTFESTWTF vibe!
Mega_Fund: After integrating native USDT Tether_to on TON in April, the network has now handled over $9.29B of total transfer volume a…
suji_pop: We all know drip_haus is known for the free art. Unfortunately creators need to be paid to sustain themselves. For this…
研究唐朝历史,如果只读李世民的“贞观之治”,和李隆基的“开元盛世”, 而不读安史之乱后历朝皇帝和藩镇,宦官的权力博弈,不读从黄巢造反到赵匡胤黄袍加身这八十年的"残唐+五代十国"的历史,就会形成完全错误,完全丧失比例感的史观。
pmarca: THE LITTLE TECH AGENDA Marc Andreessen & Ben Horowitz July 5, 2024 Little Tech is our term for tech startups, as contrasted t…
TON Blockchain 资产在复苏后突破 10 亿美元 今年加密货币领域表现最好的项目之一是与 Telegram Messenger LLP 有关联的项目,后者是 WhatsApp 的竞争对手,其区块链计划此前曾引起美国监管机构的愤怒。
7.07梭哈晨报: 热闹的是别人的,我什么也没有,杠杆山寨币就是在杠杆上加了杠杆。 1. $BTC 迅速反弹到58000附近,2天时间反弹超10%; 在 Mt. Gox 解锁带来的波动中,比特币 ETF 创下 30 天内最高净流入量; 比特币 ETF 投资者周五逢低买入,流入资金突破 1.4 亿美元; 2. $ETH
🥳 WEB3 Space giving away 500K $USDT as rewards! ✅ Random 1000 Get 500 $USDT(each) Web_3space ✅ Complete #gleam ⤵️ ⚠️ Giveaway campaign will end after 100k participants join. And the end date of the campaign will keep extanding until 100k
下周解锁大户👇 $OP:3134万枚(价值5670万) $ALT:1.05亿枚(价值2030万) $YGG:1669万枚(价值1070万) 真羡慕你们舒服的很!
🥞The CAKE rewards from Epoch 14 have been successfully distributed to the voted Farms 👇Check out the top 3 Gauges with the most votes from each chain
Do you want to: - meet fellow Solana devs and artists? - find a job in crypto? - learn about upcoming projects? Host or attend a meetup near you👇
Announcing Frame Interface Guidelines! We’re excited to open source Frame Interface Guidelines (FIG), best practices for building great @farcaster_xyz Frame experiences, inspired by Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.
不知道这是不是主网第一个诞生的火焰头发 @LumiterraGame
RT @SUPRA_Labs: From the top Web3 champs to new challengers, get your dApps ready for the ultimate arena -- The Super dApp Showdown. https…
zk被反撸之后,我只给了自己一晚上时间调整 Web3这么多年了,还是要学会迅速切换目标 这个不行,就下一个,只要不下牌桌,机会就还在👇 空投埋伏🪂——Ton链新 Gamefi @hamster_kombat 进阶攻略💪 之前分享了 Ton 生态大热的 0💰交互Gamefi-打仓鼠🐹 今天再分享一些进阶拿金币技巧👀