
@jjor #11279

Experimenting, Fun, DeFi, Consumer Crypto & Ghouls
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Return of the Zaibs marks the Farcaster bottom. Higher.
Very useful quote in TradFi stonks. Even more useful in Crypto with altcoins and stablecoins like MIM:

"The market is like a large movie theater with a small door. And the best way to detect a sucker is to see if his focus is on the size of the theater rather than that of the door." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb in Skin in the Game

Don't be the sucker. Always keep an eye on the size of the exit.
This has to be the saddest 'innovation' in DeFi this year. Combined with Vitalik fudding DeFi, my optimism just treats these as early bottom signals.
Vitalik forgot which theory is boss when economic incentives are involved: game theory.
RE: Expanding farcaster beyond crypto

Below an interesting read from Alan Couzens, a legend in endurance training insights with >50K followers on twitter. https://x.com/Alan_Couzens

He left the bird app, found no platform that could facilitate his wishes and decided to make an old school forum...

Could Farcaster ecosystem facilitate a home from him? Why yes, who no? Might be an interesting case study for bootstrapping growth beyond builders/crypto.
What is a good metric to measure SocialFi in web3?

Getting the metrics right in crypto/web3/defi is hard and opaque. If you start from a strong WHY, measuring a north star metric is very useful to keep an eye on achieving what you set out to do.

It's very easy to get lost in tracking vanity metrics. For example, tracking the number of token holders is a great example of a vanity metric in my eyes:

In DeFi I would still stay the combi of TVL with a fee/revenue ratio KPI is a good north star.

In SocialFi I have my doubts:
-> # of token holders is a very vulnerable metric, super easy to manipulate, says nothing if the big chunk is just farmers. "Getting the token in the hands of as many people", always a bit of a strange goal, does that make it a meaningful project?
-> DAU: Easily inflated by airdrop farmers, bots etc. Can be used by projects in their advantage (fundraising from Farcaster for example), but it might take more to really define what meaningful DAU is.
Testing UX with out-group peers is as relevant as testing with in-group peers

Case in point: Compound!
The moment you connect your wallet, it asks you if you are looking for v2?
Ofcourse! Who does not want to use v2?
Except.....the version you connected currently to is v3....
How would any new user understand this? 😀
Don't deploy big stuff on Fridays. Oldschool, I know, going against the just ship bro culture, but i rather have my teams enjoy their weekends, let them ship it on Mondays with a fresh mind.
The power of DeFi vs web2/tradfi is that eliminates unnecessary middlemen. Too often I see new middlemen popping up, and I laugh at their attempts. The very nature of DeFi will expose the unneeded fee.

They should know better, an unknowing user will find out eventually that Cowswap, Llamaswap etc exists. In this case they don't even inform the user with an info icon what the fee is about, that it's them taking a cut, not a fee that is necessary to provide the service as they just run it through 1inch. Nor did they do a proper announcement about this fee introduction. Feels very unDeFi like.

Did not expect this move from /rabby, I love their wallet, I would happily pay a yearly fee for the wallet for example.
No explanation needed. 🐐
Sharing a minor annoyance for Desktop users @privy:
Scenario: Logged into Warpcast on 1 tab. I try out a new dApp (/toc) on another tab in the same browser. I click "sign in (farcaster)".
This leads me to grabbing my mobile phone, scanning the QR, approving etc.

Is this really needed to route this as a 2FA? Is there a security reason for it? Just trying to understand the tech better here - as "sign in with Google", staying on Desktop, works more frictionless in these cases (no need for grabbing the phone), could be a win for sign in with Farcaster. Also don't know if this is something Privy could improve or up to Farcaster.

Tldr; I don't want to grab my phone for login if I'm on desktop, it's not a banking app I'm interacting with imo.
I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
Point systems within the context of DeFi are over imo. (not talking about socialfi loyalty programmes). In DeFi, points are just a 1:X conversion to tokens and teams can just retro-actively decide a conversion they like, leaving real users in the dust (apart from real users already losing to industrialized farmers).
Real users are seeing through this pattern and decide to deposit into places where liquidity is better treated, to never return to the point protocols they participated in.
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x832AeFC663C20539D4D7aD89254272b34a48130c

let the scoop wars begin 🍦
Supernice frame by @jaimin ! Trying out eco apps and sometimes cracking the brain a bit. Great way to do spread awareness about a product (in this case @caddi ))
Very cool DeFi focused frame. I like the intersection of SocialFi x DeFi.

Frames could be a great window shopping way for projects to highlight or represent contextual and personal DeFi strategies based on their connected wallet history.

Maybe start with a DeFi strategy of the week or way for people to feed the frame with strategies @farfi
Removing UX friction is not THE singular holy grail for web3 onboarding. Seed phrases are a hurdle, just like NFS2 CD keys were a hurdle. But people desperately wanted to play that game so a lot of illegal keygens circulated.

Account abstraction will make onboarding easier. However, it won't make people onboard in a meaningful way, magically. People still would need to WANT to use an app, because it solves a problem or meaningful value to their lives. This is the real 'hard problem'. I follow the one's that get this closely.
Has been a while since I used a CEX.
I guess all the good UX'ers went to DeFi instead of CEX....
Very curious/excited USD0 will launch soon.
Putting the D in DeFi stablecoins with the influx of centralized 'tokenized' stables is rare.

Once in a while a wild protocol comes by that matches DeFi values that matter: transparency, community, innovation, security, and sincerity.

Enough with the picks & shovels (infra, chains).
We need more ppl working on apps that solve (latent) problems.
The problem is that it's easier in this space to raise money on dreams, than through grinding the DAU through honest work with boots grounded in reality, outside of the speculation apps that web3 offers.
Great experiment! Online influencing IRL.

Also curious, this will be the first possible 'battle test' for @receipts attestations. As we know, things like STEPN got gamed by farmers by 'faking' physical activity. So when money incentives enter the game, will we see the first attempt at farming?
the merge:
- the actual merge is you bank app more becoming like a wallet (self-custody with account abstraction)
- and your wallet more becoming like a bank app (fintech UX standard)