Jorge Pablo Franetovic 🎩

@jpfraneto.eth #16098

father. im here to mainly ask curious questions
14652 Follower 2194 Following
imagine i want to run this model locally

can it talk to cursor? is there an open source alternative to cursor that allows you to plug your local model?
medriocrity is the polar opposite of excellence

if you want to excel in life, if you truly want to strive for excellence, you are embodying one side of that polarity

and as everything in this material reality, every pole is manifested with its opposite. so you will be mediocre

you will feel mediocre

feel it

that’s the pathway towards true excellence

from the inside out
i would be so happy if i could toggle the existence of the bottom navbar. sometimes i just don’t want to know how many notifications and unread messages i have

(most of the time)
subscribing to hypersubs that you believe in can end up having unexpected consequences
idea: be able to customize how a cast is printed. skins of this. could be a powerful business

(the attached one is the default from Warpcast)
he saw himself, and even the smell of his own breath seemed like an injection of discomfort

to the sole simplicity of just being
there have been many impressive things about what you are doing here @nbragg, congrats

why did you choose uniswap V2 to launch $fire?

after seeing that you have a strong background on LP education and practice i feel there is something important to learn here
its hard for me to feel happy for other people success

the default operational wiring that i have inside instantly starts projecting my lack of success as a filter to other people’s success. so actually other people’s success makes me feel miserable

and i hate that so much
ive read more than one person say over time that “deployer has a marketing problem, that’s why $tn100x doesn’t grow”

while he, all of this time, has given us an absolute and fundamental masterclass of samurai paced innovation, drip by drip day after day at the rhythm of culture. what did man is building will be spoken of in the books of history

the legend of ham 🍖
when i click on a persons x profile on their user page I end up here

it soul be awesome to change that and have that link be opened on the actual X app?
anyone from this channel want to collab on an /anky collection?

i have two gpus at disposal. your mission is to create the comfyui setup for fine tuning flux-dev and then being able to call it over an api with the fine tuned model. get as weird as you want, there are no boundaries

the last anky collection for reference (created with midjourney)
it truly is a day to celebrate. we’ve come a long way degens 🎩
satoshi maximoto is the new kid in town