Justin Mezzell

@justinmezzell #248691

Artist. Designer. Human. Maker of things at PROOF.
155 Follower 68 Following
Between Orville Peck, Kacey, and this new Beyoncé album, I need to formally accept my country appreciation era. Please respect me and family’s privacy at this time.
The Mythics egg hatching ended yesterday and I’ve got mixed feeling about it—not because it isn’t the right call, but more just like closing out a season.

Launching Mythics was such a fun experience with the creative team firing at their best in everything from the art to the web experience.

Forever grateful.
Jungle 2 Jungle uses Papyrus. Just as god intended.
I love that everyone I open this app, there’s @akastevey

Or, The Daunting Perils Of Passion
Whisperer Of Malice

Or, The Lies We Tell Ourselves
Art Gm!

Bearer Of the Beast

Or, We Defiled The Sacrament But Our Cups Runneth Over
Stars Defied! (In Troubled Skies)

Or if you can’t get around it go through it.
I’ve been making new drawings every morning/evening as a personal challenge and y’all — I really fuck with this. This is what I get for designing while listening to metalcore.