
@lightcap.eth #191010

Buidling web3 from a shed in the woods.
505 Follower 175 Following
Achievement unlocked.

My wife is on a mech as of today.

MX whites on a UHK.

Lookout Corne here she comes.

(Yo @cbxm would love to post this in channel)
Why no bookmark here?
Is it time for a martini yet?
Venmo’s social feed will never not be weird af
So post boost results.

Holy bots batman.

Whole lotta love though.
Either every channel is pinning the same couple tweets or there's a bug. Guessing the latter. Don't think /books cares so much about /degen but maybe

I 100% know this is oversimplified.

Since the boost I've gained like 200 followers. But almost every one of them is a bot. Looking closer at the bot accounts they're all following each other. Seems like a simple filter based on the social graph of accounts would help this massively.

Also, is there really no way for me to block or filter a follower?
Are there any plans to add twitter-like lists to WC?
@carrrrrlos.eth this tracks our irl convos about project abandonment.
One thing I'll give the warpcast team, they don't just ask for feedback on features and launches, they engage with the feedback directly.

It's not lost on me how much work that is alone.
So what's the state of the art these days for stupid simple one page sites?

I've been doing next.js apps for so long now I don't even know. Last time I did this I think I used Jekyll.

Just need to make a simple site for my wife's writing so agents can learn a little more about her.

I don't want to use a service like squarespace or wordpress either.
In my real job I've just started the product research phase of building a new wallet.

This community knows more about the pains and pleasures of using wallets than any other.

I would *love* to hear what you love, hate or want.
Only a couple hours left on my boost and it's made a huge difference.

I'd love to pay it forward. Drop a reply and I'll recast 10 of you.

1. Less than 100 followers.
2. The cast tells us something about you or a product you're building.

I'm very grateful to those of you who followed or had a conversation with me this last 24 hours.
Found this gem on @launch today. Wondering how others are managing their lists of links these days.

Delicious, pinboard in the days of web2. Now I just find myself stuffing it all in Notion and that's not working.

Can someone make the touch target on the back button in conversations bigger? Or maybe just a little padding to get it away from the edge of screen. Smaller bezel may be the issue there.

Can’t tell which. Just know that it’s hard to hit on the 16 pros anyway.
Does the prompt about posting in channels for more views make sense anymore? Seems like Home be where it’s at for a while. Better signal in channels for sure, but if you just go below the fold you’re gonna get less exposure.
It would be cool if you could reply to a channel you’re not a member of yet while boosted. Could result in the invite you’re looking for.
Related, if you do get stuffed below the read more fold, but then become a member, are you above the fold again?
Ok, I'm confused. If I'm rolling along in my home feed and something interesting pops up so I reply, but it's in a channel, then it gets flagged as spammy and put below the "read more" fold?
Does anyone have a list of charities or non-profits with a presence on farcaster?
Has anything popped up that serves a similar purpose as nf.td did? I was bummed to see it went inactive before I got around to setting it up.
Note to self: Have a stash of excellent casts drafted so you're ready in case you get boosted.