
@music-guy.eth #192490

Hi, my name is Chris and I have a dog ;) | @base global builder: /base-pl | /yellow Collective Noun #295 | /musicguy
2006 Follower 982 Following
Classic: Just leave your @base name in the comments, and tomorrow at the same time, I'll send you the NFT you see below. It's easy, and everyone wins! I would be grateful for a recast, which would allow more people to receive the NFT.
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
01001001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100001 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 00101110
@coinbasewallet @base
Hey everyone, as you know, I'm a music supervisor and a huge movie buff. So, along with NFT stuff, I'll be dropping some film recs here too. Today, check out "Aftersun" by Charlotte Wells. It's a super touching film about a dad and daughter trying to connect. It's got this amazing mix of closeness and loneliness. Trust me, it's a film you won't forget.
cc: @janna
@talent goes onchain 🔵

Mint yours to:
📈 Boost your Builder Score by 3 points
🎁 Unlock exclusive perks coming soon
🌐 Make your reputation verifiable & accessible to everyone

Zrób mint by:
📈 Zwiększyć swój Builder Score o 3 punkty
🎁 Odblokować ekskluzywne nadchodzące korzyści
🌐 Uczynić swoją reputację weryfikowalną i dostępną dla wszystkich
If you want to get this NFT for completely free, leave your base name in the comments. The giveaway ends in 24 hours.
If you don't have a base name - check the available base names here: https://www.base.org/names
[ENG] I'm planning an online meetup in October or November where I'll introduce you to the world of onchain art. We'll talk about how to get started, the benefits, and the challenges. Is there anything specific you'd like me to cover? Let me know! The meeting will be in Polish.

[PL] Planuję spotkanie online w październiku lub listopadzie, gdzie pokażę Wam świat sztuki onchain. Będziemy rozmawiać o tym, jak zacząć, jakie są korzyści i jakie wyzwania. Chcecie, żebym poruszył jakiś konkretny temat? Dajcie znać! Spotkanie będzie w języku polskim.
This week I nominate @redykay.eth for the incredible animations he's created for @coinbasewallet 🧑‍🎨
[ENG] Want to join the Base Poland channel? Simply click the "Join Base Poland" button in our new frame. Remember, spamming will not be tolerated. Want to start building? Tag me in this post and send me a private message! I'm happy to help everyone.

[PL] Chcesz dołączyć do kanału Base Poland? Wystarczy kliknąć przycisk "Join Base Poland" w naszej nowej frame. Pamiętaj, że spamowanie nie będzie tolerowane. Chcesz zacząć budować? Oznacz mnie pod tym postem i napisz do mnie prywatną wiadomość! Chętnie pomogę wszystkim.
I'm so stoked! I just minted my first NFT with @zora on my phone. This app is a game-changer.
I totally agree! If you're new to NFTs and need a hand with your first mint, hit me up and let's start building together.
Looking for help! Does anyone know how I can get a list of the top 1000 wallets with the highest Talent Protocol scores? I'm planning to send out some special NFTs to these addresses.
@base has redesigned its homepage to better reflect Base's mission to build an on-chain economy that empowers creativity, innovation, and freedom.

Take over this moment with us. Do the right thing :)

Base przeprojektowało stronę główną, aby lepiej odzwierciedlała misję Base polegającą na budowaniu gospodarki onchain, która zwiększa kreatywność, innowacyjność i wolność

Przejmij tę chwilę z nami. Rób właściwe rzeczy, zwłaszcza te, które możesz mieć przy użyciu prawego przycisku.
My Warpcast name pretty much forces me to recommend this:
Base Sessions from Onchain Music: https://x.com/music_onchain/status/1844797312175939754
Mint here:
I've been in the music game for ages, and this is exactly what I've been waiting for. It's awesome. It's so dope. It's BASED AF
I've had a blast these past few days! Not only that, but I've also cooked up some cool contests and NFTs. Check out these links for a few of my favorite activations on Base:
1. NFT: https://warpcast.com/music-guy.eth/0x4f8869da
2. Contest: https://warpcast.com/music-guy.eth/0x1755a317
3. Contest: https://x.com/musicguybaseeth/status/1843691548518822157
4. Contest: https://x.com/musicguybaseeth/status/1843308045486498020
5. Contest: https://x.com/musicguybaseeth/status/1841217489511878775
6. Contest: https://x.com/musicguybaseeth/status/1842853801931223236
7. Contest: https://x.com/musicguybaseeth/status/1841913447178448920
8. NFT: https://warpcast.com/music-guy.eth/0x782116f6
To enter the contests, simply leave a comment with your @base name.
One love 🔵
If you want to get this NFT for completely free, leave your base name in the comments. The giveaway ends in 24 hours. If you don't have a base name, you'll find a link to check the available base names in the comments.
Don't miss the 'World Mental Health Day' gallery hosted by @crownandpalette and be sure to add your artwork. https://warpcast.com/coinbasewallet/0x4eff42d2
@coinbasewallet @base
I had the pleasure of designing the cover art for the 'World Mental Health Day' gallery hosted by @crownandpalette. I'm grateful for this opportunity as I've personally struggled with various challenges and have been working towards improving my mental health.
In addition to designing the cover, I have also created an NFT, which you can view here:
@base @coinbasewallet
I like the option of turning my @base name into a practical online portfolio. Additionally, I can easily invite everyone to my /musicguy channel with musicguy.base.eth
If you don't have a base name yet, please check the available names here: