
@olesyakiseleva #796340

kind, cheerful, love to study, interested in investments, cryptocurrencies and proper nutrition
117 Follower 181 Following
I just subscribed to Daylight Energy on Paragraph! 🎉
Узнаете? Что за фильм?
Здоровый дух - здоровое тело!!! Спартакиада!
I just completed "Explore the Abstract Testnet" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/explore-abstract-testnet
Спартакиада! Здоровый дух - здоровое тело! (Spartakiad! A healthy mind means a healthy body!)
Муж в террариум даже заходить не стал, змей терпеть не может🤣
(My husband didn’t even go into the terrarium, he can’t stand snakes)
Случайно увидела на одном из кучи каналов в Телеграм сообщение о розыгрыше, нажала "Участвую" и выиграла набор чая🔥 Очень неожиданно и весьма приятно😋
(I accidentally saw a message about a drawing on one of a bunch of Telegram channels, clicked “Participate” and won a set of tea🔥 Very unexpected and very pleasant😋
I just completed "Superseed Testnet Phase Three: Stryke" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/superseed-testnet-phase-three-stryke
I just completed "ZK Sprint: Liquidity on ZKsync" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/zk-sprint-liquidity-on-zksync
Грибочки 😋 Готовимся к зиме 😉 (Mushrooms 😋 Getting ready for winter)
Бар с мороженым и коктейлями посреди бассейна. Очень удобно👍(Ice cream and cocktail bar in the middle of the pool. Very convenient)
I just minted a photo on Moshicam! :•>
Зеркальный лабиринт (Mirror Maze)
Minted Eva, 21st August 2024
Minted Doodles Certified Viral: Coffee Me
Смешные обезьянки-игрунки
Новосибирский зоопарк: черепаха + крокодил = друзья!!!
Collect Public Parks and DAOs: The Rise of Digital Cities with Alex Zhang from Mint Podcast on Pods!
Collect Public Parks and DAOs: The Rise of Digital Cities with Alex Zhang from Mint Podcast on Pods!
I just completed "Next Phase: Masa" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/side-event-masa
I just completed "Next Phase: Masa" on Layer3 - https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/side-event-masa