Oliver Nordbjerg

@onbjerg #260256

/rust and ethereum at /paradigm (/reth /foundry /alloy)
335 Follower 58 Following
i don't remember exactly, but i started in 2007 with visual basic 6.0, quickly moved to c#. picked up php/js early on, used php/js for work until around 2018/19? and then moved on to rust

picked up some others along the way, used go/python for one job for a year, used java for android apps spare time
rust 1.79 released https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/06/13/Rust-1.79.0.html

juicy release:
- inline const expressions
- bounds in associated type position
- more improvements to automatic lifetime extension
wow, rust-lld now uses on nightly for linking and it's looking really fast (from ~50% of the compile time to ~10%): https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/05/17/enabling-rust-lld-on-linux.html
our domain now points to something! reth.rs
wasn't aware cranelift was available in rustc nightly! https://lwn.net/Articles/964735/
rust 1.78 released https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/05/02/Rust-1.78.0.html

#[diagnostic] stabilized and deterministic realignment!

full details here: https://releases.rs/docs/1.78.0/
rust 1.77.2 released, this update fixes a critical arbitrary code execution exploit on windows https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/04/09/Rust-1.77.2.html
i lasted 30 seconds on the hackernews comment section today without having a violent seizure ama