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@reisub.eth #311845

I like it when it makes me feel something. 🪀🎢 🤘 Deployer of /yoyotoken
7458 Follower 1354 Following
Big shout out to Claude.AI - I didn’t write a single line of code for this. I did write a lot of prompts and pasted in a lot of error messages tho haha.
This actually went quite well! I got an instant @paybot notification with the winner seconds after the raffle closed on 10th entry. Gg @apex777.eth

I had fun seeing this idea I had on Saturday be alive today, let’s iterate. Please don’t hesitate to hit me up if you want to setup a raffle of your own! Any token supported by @paybot should work, and you can set your reward in any other supported token.

Big thanks to all users that gave it a shot!

We need just 2 more people sending any amount of MOXIE >1 via @paybot for this raffle to end.
I just saw the frame on mobile lol. I need to do something about that font size haha.
A MVP version of my @paybot raffle system.

The first 10 people that use @paybot to send a minimum of 1 MOXIE to another user will be entered into the raffle system, after the 10th transaction Is made their will be a winner picked automatically and they’ll receive 5000 MOXIE

Alpha v0 version

I’m on version 82 of my file trying to get my organize raffle frame going. I’m running into trouble with state persistence between views (forgive me if my jargon is off, I’m no proper dev, I’m mostly using Claude.AI to get things “done”). Hit a roadblock now though, would love to connect with someone willing to take a look at my current code and give me some pointers <3
Should I make a /ai-coding channel (we call them communities now?)

I think there is really something there with this stuff but also found out the hard way it still isn’t magic yet. Lots of the standard frustrations still apply… I think sharing learnings and tips should make it more accessible for other to go play
It’s fun to work on my @Paybot Raffle system/frame and see data come in (it works!)

Here is @maretus.eth accidentally entering my test raffle because he was sending @freymon.eth some Moxie
Right in the feels!


I hope you made a little bit of moxie @dongtan

No sell shaming here <3
It’s really cool to work on code with Claude.AI

I’ve never been a developer but know just about enough to get me in trouble and talk to developers….Turns our that is also enough (for now) to talk to Claude. I’ve been slowly progressing through the challenge of getting a frame up, and for now I haven’t hit a massive roadblock.

I just went through refactoring my Frog Frames project with Claude, and while it was a lot of steps my code base now is much more separated out and structured, which in turn should make it much easier to continue to work on with my virtual coder.

Also, my iPad only lifestyle is not proving too much of a challenge for now (I do use an External screen most of the time while working on this)
Okay I struggled with Frog for a bit but I have something working again. Looks sorta nice even, I was so impressed being with Claude and still am, the interesting learning I have so far that it gets a lot right, but sometimes you’ll have to go through the code manually to fix small oddities. Unfortunately I’m not a real dev, so that takes a lot of time for me ahah.
I want to be a member in the following channels:


Anyone that can help?
I should be posting these updates in /base-holland - New channels and stuff really threw me off haha. From now on I'll do my updates here
So i'm stuck with my frame. going to go for a different approach and just keep my Node.js server (on replit) as the place to host the logic, receive webhooks ect

I think i've heard Frog mentioned as a good place to start with a frame. Can I use another replit instance to just gear up a Next.js replit and go from there? Or should I consider something else, like vercel. Since i'm paying for Replit now I would love to keep it there?
I just copy-traded my friends @kia.eth and @mvr via the brand spanking new v0 of proxyswap.social

New on /base
I have a little progression for my @paybot raffle system, but not as much as I would have liked. I was really getting stuck on showing the data from the active raffles in my first ever frame. I think I landed on a weird workaround for now and after hitting a refresh button people can see the currently active raffles, including some information about how many entries are left (for now I’ll move away from time based, and just do count-based)

I’ll go out to dinner in a bit so I’m done for a little bit. After dinner I’ll try to include more data in this view, and have a better starting point image (I really don’t grok this yet)

I’ll also try to add a button to organise a new raffle to become active, I’ll likely have to figure out how I can do some sort of allow-list for @usernames so I don’t get overwhelmed with new raffles during my testing and building phase.