Polly Janae

@resulto #847588

Watching a movie is like opening a blind box | F4F
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Sharing some favorite classical movies | 02
▪️ Shouts and drizzle: red, white, black. Shouts are the gloomy and moving peaks, and after reaching the top, there is the roar of heavy rain. Those women in gorgeous clothes who are hopelessly kept, placed, left still, and displayed cannot reveal their shouts, so they hide their voices. The drizzle takes away the whispers, densely weaving the hills covered with mist, the whispering soil, and the names of gravel.
Sharing some favorite classical movies | 01
Compared to BBC or post-millennium British pastoral movies, it is more cautious, solemn and solemn in lighting, composition and scene arrangement, and the narrative is closer to literature or drama. There is no or less use of modern editing such as montage and jump cuts to achieve classicism in form and content.
▪️Death in Venice: discusses purity and pretense, the opposition between soul and flesh, the sensory characteristics and soul characteristics of art, youth, beauty and, aging and death, reminiscing about the emptiness and sadness of the passing years, and the cheerful temperament of Florence in summer. A person who has been pursuing the balance between art and morality all his life meets the ultimate beauty in this life, but when he realizes the existence of beauty, he understands that his emotional connection is incompatible with secular ethics and moral constraints. So he was covered with oil paint and sat under a parasol waiting for death.
Share some favorite meta movies/movies about movies
Share some movies about meta movies, centered around directors/screenwriters/filmmakers/movie fans. The concept of "meta movies" here is also relatively broad, and I have roughly defined movies with movie elements.
▪️Rifkin's Film Festival|Woody Allen
Relatively speaking, I think it's not that good. Woody Allen played a fan joke here, Wild Strawberries, Eight and a Half, Mask, Film Festival, Arty Old Youth, Travel Encounter, but the discussion is relatively superficial, staying on the simple menu. But the picture is beautiful, relaxed and leisurely.
▪️Pastoral Festival of the Dead|Shoushan Shuji
I personally think it has the same purpose as the Holy Mountain and Eight and a Half, all of which explore the reality by pointing out the fictional existence of movies. Dreams/memories/reality are intertwined, like a gorgeous kaleidoscope. It is worth mentioning that the aesthetics of this film is unique.
Some "low-scoring" movies in my private collection | 04
Some "low-scoring" movies in the private collection of beginner movie fans
The "low-scoring" here refers to movies with Douban scores between 6 and 7, but with a personal impression of more than 8 points. They are also movies that I like very much and think are unique.
▪️Escape into Nothingness: I feel that Gasperno is even crazier than von Trier... The most peculiar movie-watching experience, the feeling of being attracted by the atmosphere of the image despite the physical discomfort.
▪️Petrov's Flu: Russian rock is very addictive, the playlist is very nice, and the pictures are very beautiful. The advantage is the showmanship, and the disadvantage is that it is too showmanship.
Some "low-scoring" movies in my private collection | 03
▪️Belle de Jour: Buñuel is the eternal master of comedy and satire. I like Catherine Dephner in this film, and there are many surreal imaginations.
▪️Into the Void: I feel that Gasper Noe is even crazier than von Trier... The most peculiar movie-watching experience, the feeling of being attracted by the atmosphere of the image despite the physical discomfort.
Some "low-scoring" movies in my private collection | 02
The "low-scoring" here refers to movies with Douban scores between 6 and 7, but my personal impression is greater than 8 points. They are also movies that I like very much and think are unique.
▪️Monkey: A Latin American fantasy film with great photography. The original visual impact and sensory stimulation are overwhelming, and it is incredible that it only has a score of 7.2.
▪️Busan: A work of Tsai Ming-liang that I personally like very much. It is suitable for watching alone on a quiet, rainy night.
Some "low-scoring" movies in my private collection
The "low-scoring" here refers to movies with Douban scores between 6 and 7, but my personal impression is greater than 8 points. They are also movies that I like very much and think are unique.
▪️Holy Motors: Carax is the kind of movie that you may not understand all of it, or even can't explain it, but you just like it.
▪️Antichrist: Lars von Trier's crazy and crazy work. (Perhaps one thing that von Trier is not widely recognized is that he is really too crazy...
Share some favorite artist movies |05
▪️Pina: My favorite movie in this list. Watching Pina's dance is like a pilgrimage of the soul. You will feel that the soul trapped under the shackles of the body is released because of liberation. The body is heavy, but the soul is light. Pain and screaming tremble every aging wrinkle and loose skin, "all that suffering, all that pain hide behind the great beauty of being a human", and the original, pure white agility and joy also flow in it. Everything is unpretentious, primitive, and full of vitality. It is touched only because of the pure and great beauty itself.
Share some favorite artist movies |04
▪️McQueen: The story of the genius/mad fashion designer McQueen. Dark, romantic, and unrestrained, these adjectives are the footnotes of this genius artist. This documentary will take you on a crazy romantic journey and fashion feast in the form of a combination of show/interview clips.
Share some favorite artist movies |03
▪️Shirley: Realistic Vision: The entire film is strictly based on Edward Hopper's paintings. The colors, lighting, and composition are meticulously beautiful, and aesthetic accumulation is essential.
Share some favorite artist movies |02
▪️Egon Schiele: Death and the Maiden: Don’t miss it if you are obsessed with looks, the male lead is so handsome (he himself is like a painting). The photography and music are very touching. The snow in Vienna and the wind in Krumau blew into the inspiration muse on the tip of Egon Schiele’s brush when he was painting, and it was instantly frozen into eternity.
Share some favorite artist movies | 01
Share a list of movies about painters/dancer/artists. Recommended movies may be beautiful or touching, there are simple, clumsy artists, and geniuses who are not tolerated by the world.
▪️Maudin: A clumsy and simple painter* a volatile and arrogant husband, two worn socks that snuggle and keep each other warm. I thought it was a simple biopic, but I was moved by the love story. The pictures are beautiful, like Maudin's paintings covered with icing sugar.
My favorite female filmmaker! Agnès Varda, the grandmother of the New Wave | 03
Childlike, interesting, imaginative, and passionate
Any compliments are not too much for her.
▪️ Jacques Demy in Nantes: Agnès's love letter to Jacques Demy, and Jacques Demy's love letter to movies. Simple, sincere, and honest, Jacques Demy's love for movies is almost overflowing. The last beach, love for husband, love for wife, love for time, love for movies, love that can accommodate everything.
My favorite female filmmaker! Agnès Varda, the grandmother of the New Wave | 03
Childlike, interesting, imaginative, and passionate
Any compliments are not too much for her.
▪️Pure freedom means pure loneliness. Mona has no roots, like a willow catkin sitting on the ground, with nowhere to rest, and the world is her home. Without soil, nutrients, and air, she cannot grow into a complete tree, and is cut off prematurely like a split branch. Perhaps Mona chose to cut off the umbilical cord between herself and society with her own hands. The necessities of growth are the chronic suicide of the soul and the burden of corroding freedom. She just stopped when she still had a choice. We can only follow the traces to find plum blossoms in the snow. After all, none of us has lived like this.
The female filmmakers I love! Agnès Varda, the grandmother of the New Wave | 02
▪️The Gleaners: Varda picked them up one by one into a small handheld DV, the crowd will change with the music, the painting of weighing rebirth and hell in religion is cut into grotesque and interesting sections, and the name of surrealism is reflected in the mirror. The plan to fill the stomach and pride of the forced scavengers, the abandonment and communication of modern material desires, and the beginning of the exhibition hall where artists turn waste into treasure, the balance point between "art" and "life" was lifted up by Varda with ease, and the exploration and tracing itself seemed to be as simple and playful as a cat picture or a walking person: since you are already on the way, you don’t have to pursue meaning; scavenging can also be fun, and it’s hard not to "eat meat porridge".
The female filmmakers I love! New Wave grandmother Agnès Varda
The first feature director list is reserved for my favorite Grandma Varda
Childlike, interesting, imaginative, and passionate
Any compliments are not too much for her.
The following are some of Varda's works I have seen
▪️Faces, Villages: The first work I met Grandma Varda. Thanks to this movie for bringing Varda into my vision, and the arrogant Godard, the whole world knows where his home is.
▪️Cleo from 5 to 7: A very delicate feminist self-examination work. Through the comparison between Cleo's "being gazed" in the first part and her self-gazing in front of the mirror, we can see the mutual influence of the portrayal of women's inner psychology/external environment and women's self-cognition exploration.
Talk about your favorite actresses
I love the actresses in the film so much
Elegant, intellectual, psychedelic, romantic, innocent, sexy, uninhibited, is the muse of beauty
The actresses I like include but are not limited to
▪️Eva Green: Eva Green's temperament is evil, gloomy, and seductive, but she has this magic that makes you fall in love with her "badness" unconsciously. I like her "Inception" the most.
▪️Tilda Swinton: Genderless elf. "Orlando", "Constantine", "Only Lovers", "Memento", Swinton is not like a person in this world, not like a man, not like a woman, like an angel on the other side of the scale quietly gazing at the world, watching the joys and sorrows, and the separations and reunions with compassion and doubt.
Other favorite actresses include Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson, Anya Taylor, Lucy Liu, Uya Thurman, Devon Aoki, Zhou Xun...
Dear Stranger
Let's talk about these actresses.
▪️Movie name: Leopard
▪️Director: Luckylo Vicantino
▪️Douban score: 8.8
▪️Personal rating: five stars
"We were lions and leopards before, but now we are jackals and dogs"

▪️A majestic elegy at the end of the aristocratic era. The rise and fall of the world, the change of classes, life is like this, a dance is over, sadly, the feast is over. .
▪️Through the nearly one-hour detailed portrayal of the ball, it seems that his mood can be felt. Under such a prosperous and extravagant arrangement is the last glimmer of the old era that was destroyed by the withered and rotten. When the tide of the times is rolling, only the descendants of lions and leopards can hold on to the last nobility and dignity, lying in the fatigue of death, arguing with jackals and dogs about what is eternal.
"Niche Movies" Is it difficult for us to reconcile with our mothers? Xavier Dolan, a young director known as the "Canadian Wong Kar-wai", made his first feature film "I Killed My Mother" when he was 18 years old. He also served as director, screenwriter and star in this film. The emotions in the film are like the sea water hitting the beach, and the confusion, loneliness and rebellion of youth are pouring up. It unfolds from the perspective of a son who announced his derailment in adolescence, focusing on the mother-son relationship and homosexual love, and intuitively reproduces the quarrels, roars, and mutual misunderstandings between mother and son, portraying a subtle, tense and tense relationship. Hubert said: "Everyone hates their mother, and everyone loves their mother. But I don't love her. If someone wants to hurt her, I will kill that guy without hesitation, but at the same time I can think of a hundred people I love more."
🟠Art film sharing | Carnival of the Goddess of Beauty
🎞Movie name: Caravaggio (1986)
🎞Director: Derek Jarman
🔸This is a classical visual poem.
🔸The boundaries between poetry, painting, and film are dissolved by the flowing picture frame. The two-dimensional picture breaks free from the constraints of the plane and projects desire on its imitating matrix. The dynamic image retains the static form, and the person being painted is also the painting itself.
🔸Orange and gold disguise ambiguity and desire as the color of time. Sex is highly artistic. The beauty of male and female body temperament is purified. Masculinity is masculinity, and femininity is femininity. They clearly occupy the two directions of beauty.
🔸The occasional colored light bulbs, typewriters, and calculators are experiments of postmodern art pioneers.
🎬High-scoring niche experimental film | Blue is the visible black
🎬Movie name: Blue
🎬Director: Derek Jarman
🎬Year: 1993
🎞️Director Derek Jarman's last work "Blue" records his last years after he was diagnosed with AIDS.
🎞️This is a purely auditory image. Turning off the vision can reach another dimension of perception. The blank gap can be filled by sound. This supporting role in the usual image is a retrospective index, guiding your own imagination and guiding your brain to complete the past of others.
——You open your eyes and see the full screen of blue, a group of temporary blind people created before the image, which is the only color that another person can see before death.
🎬Title: Determination to Break Up
🎬Director: Park Chan-wook
🎬Year: 2022
🎬Tang Wei x Park Chan-wook: Love is to die without a burial in the sea
The story is like the black soaked in red by a Chinese woman, dotted with syrup, cinnabar, and arsenic. The elements correspond to the mise en scene, exotic love, and murderous love. A recording and a legend of the sea, listening to "I'm about to collapse" and drowning in the sea water in the sand, such a weak vein, but still cutting open the blood vessels to show you the moldy ink.
Park Chan-wook's black love story, the strange and ghostly style, the gorgeous and almost showmanlike mise en scene and camera movement tailor-made such a beautiful and mysterious blunt beauty for Tang Wei. Under the ancient story framework of "the detective falls in love with the femme fatale", the transformation of gaze and being gazed is realized, and the original fixed routine is deconstructed with the case within the case, flashback, and virtual synchronization.
Hiroshima is your name, my name is Neville.
You have to open your eyes so you can see.
Hiroshima est votre nom. Mon nom est neville.
Ouvrez vos yeux pour que vous puissiez voir.
Film Appreciation Hall "Dogville" - Tie the dog chain of humanity
Title: Dogville
Director: Lars von Trier
Personal Rating": Four and a half stars
Review:The existence of the setting and the scene is largely to make the audience believe the authenticity of the narrative, so Lars von Trier simply relies on the narrative to create reality. Trees, dogs, chalk marks on the wall and the ground, the background is highly omitted, and the movement displacement and scene switching are also extremely simple. In this miniature reality like a stage play, all spaces create a common symbol system. The lack of walls makes the life of the whole town clearly exposed to the sun. The camera records the life trajectory of the residents of Dogville as "people" from a strange and subtle angle. They breathe, they move, they live, and the evil deeds are committed by this group of orderly, moderate, ordinary people who have their own life aspects.