Ryan Berckmans

@ryanb.eth #12621

Ethereum investor and payments builder
598 Follower 123 Following
How we can make payments easy and free in any context across all of Ethereum?

I'm looking forward to speaking @EFdevcon. See you in Thailand!

3cities is requesting that Ethereum's L2 teams reach out or open a PR to help set the number of confirmations that 3cities should wait before marking payments on their L2 as final!

We'd also love to chat with L2s about anything payment-related.

When paying on Ethereum for your Devcon ticket, please note
- ETH on Linea is temporarily unsupported. Use DAI or WETH on Linea
- You need enough $ in a single token to pay. If amount due is $300 and you have $295 in ETH and $50 in DAI, you can't pay as you need >= $300 in a single supported token.

See you at Devcon!
Build an app that buys every cheap blob.

You'll build an app that buys every blob below ~0.1 gwei blob base fee and funds purchases from a public wallet with an ENS.

At $2400 ETH, it only costs ~<$50k/yr to keep blob base fee above 0.1 gwei, or 10^8 higher than the protocol min fee of 1 wei.

Payment is as follows: you will setup a public address to fund blob purchases. You will also provide a separate fee address for your own compensation. I will setup a Sablier v2 stream that goes to an 0xsplits and you will receive a 5% commission of all funds used to buy cheap blobs.

After the app is live, as a part 2, you will make a backend and public web viewer to start filling these blobs we're buying with awesome Ethereum-inspired images, especially the work of https://x.com/AdrianoFeria .The part 2 compensation will be a commission bump from 5% to 8%.

Given successful part 1 and part 2, your year-1 expected compensation is 8% of ~$50k or $4k for you, given ETH at $2400.

Build a L2 safety micro info site: Build a very tiny info site to provide a simplified view of L2 safety. You will rank top 10 or more L2s with one green safety checkmark ✅ per green pie slice on L2Beat. The site will be extremely simple and the community will link it to people who are overwhelmed by L2Beat's amazing but detailed data. 1 claim available, DM or reply here or on X (@ryanberckmans) before starting work. Your repo will be open source, with a simple embedded dataset (prefer JSON or typescript strongly typed literal) of L2 security that can easily be updated by anyone and merged by you or me, and auto-deployed by your github CI/CD. Site must be good looking, mobile responsive, etc. The site will be hosted at L2Safety .com and L2Safety .eth.link, I registered the domain and ENS already.

50 USDC for a static site that requires data to be manually updated. 300 USDC if you make it auto-update itself based on L2Beat's data, so that the site is always up-to-date.

Posted on the other app about how Circle seems to be imploring Congress to make non-US-licensed stablecoins illegal to run or hold.

Imagine if holding DAI was a felony. That seems to be Circle's goal 😱

A space for all things related to payments on ethereum and in crypto 😍🤑💰
3cities is a payment protocol focused on accessibility and credible neutrality

Today, 3cities launched Pay Pages for every ethereum address and ens

Earn tips and get paid across ten L2s 3cities.xyz
This week, 3cities, the decentralized payments protocol, will launch tipping and payment pages for any address on Ethereum.

The url

3cities .xyz/#/<address or ens>

will become a tipping and payment page for anyone, with automatic L2 defragmentation and multiple currencies.

It's also always available on IPFS
If you're building a web3 service economy app like @bountycaster @gang @unlonely

I'd love to chat about supporting your payments for multiple currencies, tokens, and chains.

The integration is decentralized, free, neutral, whitelabel-able, and has no signups, api keys, or tracking. Takes <1hour
3cities is a payments protocol focused on accessibility and credible neutrality

We just launched multi currency requests

Request $5, get paid $5 in ETH at the current spot price

3cities is a payments protocol focused on accessibility and credible neutrality

Happy to announce that Week in Ethereum News is now using 3cities for Job Ad Payments

Support publishing to Farcaster from Typefully

Upvote this feature request: https://typefully.canny.io/feature-requests/p/publish-to-farcaster

We need 65 more upvotes to be the #1 requested feature 🚀

Typefully is a great pro publishing tool for Twitter. Adding FC support helps serious builders crosspost easily!
Who is building the Associated Press for web3?

A platform that crowdsources research and investigative reporting and serves as a marketplace for mainstream media to buy stories and fact checking.
The only good thing Elon ever did for us with Twitter is to revoke the Executive Branch's direct access to censor trends.

The distance between govt and our accounts & feeds is a metric of freedom.

But all of Elon's other Twitter changes have been about him, not us.

Farcaster gives us both freedom & user centricity.
A deep truth of trad social is that the UX is built to serve the company itself, not customers, who are a captured audience.

So, the trend of decoupling UI/UX from protocol, in which fc is an industry leader, is a mechanism for customer centricity, and may end up being as important for crypto adoption as stablecoins.
Thanks to @christin for the wonderful chaplaincy/coaching session today, booked through @gang. I highly recommend Christin! You can book her sessions here https://gan.gg/christin
Farcaster is proving that a core benefit of crypto is that you can let your UX flourish in a marketplace of clients without losing control of your core business.

We'll look back on 2010-2023 as the dark ages when large social networks had captured and stunted UX by forced vertical integration of protocol and UI.