
@tricil.eth #4294

musican. ai artiste. designed the channel icon for /relationships tricil.twitter tricil.art tricil.net
10577 Follower 672 Following

Whomst at /femme-founders is working on this?
life and the cycle lately
As the self proclaimed warpcast goatse expert (I don’t want this title actually)

I need to alert you to this

:to the tune of those weird girls in the office:

“Apples, Doritos and a Lottery Ticket.”

“Apples, Doritos and a Lottery Ticket.”

“Apples, Doritos and a Lottery Ticket.”
@askgina.eth tell me about $dedegen 0xaEEc5c3A62EA85D1bc821CE16f75B1Ec51279979
the sick new world lineup for next year gets more insane the longer you look at it
well, since ya asked
oh, skynet is hiring
Free chance to delete everything
@askgina.eth tell me about $dedegen 0xaEEc5c3A62EA85D1bc821CE16f75B1Ec51279979
ever since I cut my hair I stopped getting Cast Rewards

this is my attempt at casting better

casting better, casting better…

thank you.
EMI records rejection letter to Venom.
While this is never easy news to share, we've decided not to move forward with your candidacy. We appreciate you sharing your qualifications; however, we currently have other candidates with experience that align more closely with our needs at this time.
:another L2 has hit the chain:
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Who are you and what the fuck did you do with tricil