Viola Baylee

@tsukitsuki #847491

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"Once Upon a Time in America" ​​is an unsurpassed gangster classic
"Once Upon a Time in America"
Director: [Italy] Sergio Leone
Release ▶️: 1984
Gangster | Crime | American Prohibition
🍸Adapted from the memoirs written by gangsters serving sentences in American prisons
(It took 13 years from selection to successful filming🥹)
🍸When an artistic literary work fascinates us, it is never with their theme, never with their meaning, but with their charming, textured expression built on a specific artistic medium and the language characteristics determined by this artistic medium. ——Dai Jinhua
🍸Struggle, deception, betrayal... Life is sometimes a makeshift team, but just like noodles, we always have to be sure of something
Title: "Everything About Lily Chou-Chou"
Director: Shunji Iwai
Release: 2001
Youth | School Bullying
I want to describe the fact that juvenile crimes that are often filmed as urban crimes are actually just trivial matters in the countryside. -- Shunji Iwai
Title: Monster
Director: Hirokazu Koreeda
Japanese national character | School bullying | Sexual minorities
Movie lines: It is meaningless to brag about something that cannot be told to anyone. If only some people have it, it is not happiness. Happiness is for everyone.

A movie about "parallax vision"

There are no narrow lies or extreme settings of human evil or goodness here, but in a sense, we can all become monsters, and we can all be monsters in the eyes of others.
———Dai Jinhua
The theme of the story is not that the truth is unreachable, but that when we lock on to a single point of view, things will appear to be so far away. And this far away may be the gap between each other, or the gap between the facts. ——Dai Jinhua
Title🎦: "Flowers and Alice"
Director👩🏻‍💻: Iwai Shunji
Release▶️: 2004
🌸Prose poems of youth, a story about love and growth
🌸The introverted flower boldly makes the senior who fell down think that he has lost his memory and does not remember ever liking her; the interaction between the drama girl Alice and the silly senior expresses her love for her father
🌸Ballet on paper cups🩰Background of "Alice in Wonderland" Red Hearts♥️A...This movie reminds me of "July and Ansheng". In comparison, "Flowers and Alice" is more healing and gentle
Sichuan University ➡️Wuhan University | Watching the movie after being admitted to graduate school 100/25 "Swallowtail Butterfly"
Title🎦: "Swallowtail Butterfly"
Director👩🏻‍💻: Iwai Shunji
Release▶️: 1996
🦋A movie about the symptoms of modernization in Japan in the 1980s
🦋In "Swallowtail Butterfly", we can glimpse a special, Iwai-style way of relief: neither through the "violent revolution" mentioned by Marx, nor through the hippie-like decadence and debauchery to fight against the existing system, but to resort to a discourse about love. ———Sun Meng, Liu Xiaofang
🦋Yuandu-Yuandao; Iwai Shunji constructed a "dystopia" to let us think about issues such as immigration, marginalized groups, and the crisis of modernity
Movie title: "Dream Traveler"
Director: Shunji Iwai
Release: 1996
Award: Douban Japanese Fantasy Movie List NO.2
🌈Movie lines:
I know when the end of the world is, that's when I die.
I have to die, I can't not die, let me wash away your sins for you.
🎞️Director profile
Shunji Iwai (Japanese: いわい しゅんじ), Japanese film director, writer and documentary director. The flag bearer of the Japanese New Film Movement, he is known as the most promising new "image writer" in Japan, and some Chinese fans call him "Japanese Wong Kar-wai". —— Douban
🐦‍⬛The crow girl and the boy on the wall are looking for the end of the world and God's salvation.
🖤The last kiss of the earth, black feathers flying under the setting sun, the childish and arrogant crow girl, using a pistol to determine the arrival of the end of the world.
Title: April Story
Director: Shunji Iwai
Release: 1998
Award: Douban High-Score First Love List NO.8
Unlike Love Letter, this film does not have a substitute literature😂, it is just a faint and tenacious secret love, with a slow and fresh rhythm
Title: Young Hannibal
Director: Peter Webber
Release: 2007
Thriller | War
Dialogue: The little boy, Hannibal, died in 1944 out in that snow. His heart died with Mischa. What he is now…there is no word for it…except monster.
This movie is known as the prequel to Hannibal. Some people think that giving the "superman" Hannibal a motive for eating people has dismembered Hannibal's charm
Hannibal is a little immature in his handling of killing, but I like this clumsiness because it shows that Hannibal is not a perfect god, but also gentle and painful
Thank you, an unfortunate childhood needs a lifetime to heal❤️‍🩹
Title🎦: "Red Dragon"
Director👩🏻‍💻: Brett Ratner
Release▶️: 2002
Duration⌛: 124min
❤️‍🩹Congenital cleft lip, abuse by grandmother... The child with a sad diary longs to transform into a red dragon.
[His soul needs to see blood, he longs to experience the happiness of a knife. ——"Thus Spoke Zarathustra"]
Fourth on the European Horror List❗️ I had nightmares when I saw the exposed brain🥹
Title🎦: "Hannibal"
Director👩🏻‍💻: Ridley Scott
Release▶️: 2001
Duration⌛: 131min
🐏This movie is largely a reproduction of Nietzsche's "Superman🦸Theory". Nietzsche believed that after the death of God, the highest values ​​were devalued by themselves, and Superman should be called upon to create value.
🦸People are on the tightrope between beasts and Superman. Halfway forward, it is the "Great Noon". It is not shameful to fall down. If you go back, you will be eaten by Hannibal😋
A movie I watched on Christmas Eve
Title🎦: A Christmas Carol
Director👩🏻‍💻: Robert Zemeckis (who directed Forrest Gump)
Release▶️: 2009
Duration⌛: 98min
Animation | Family | Adapted from Dickens' novel of the same name
🌈Movie lines:
I shall love it as long as I live.
🍀If you could predict what you would look like in 10, 20, 30 years, or even when you die, if you continued living your current lifestyle, would you change?
🍀The death of God, God turned into bones, and the clothes of God held by people no longer existed. At the feet of God are a boy named "Greed" and a girl named "Ignorance".
My favorite war movie🥉Nolan fans collection❗️
Title🎦: "Dunkirk"
Director👩🏻‍💻: [British] Christopher Nolan
Release▶️: 2017
Duration⌛: 107min
Awards🏆: Nominated for the 90th Academy Awards; Nominated for the 75th Golden Globe Awards

🌈Movie lines:
Survival's not fair.
☘️Revisiting the spirit of Dunkirk

☘️One hour of air combat, one day of sea rescue, one week of port retreat

☘️British Spitfire fighters vs. German BF109 fighters in the air Military fans can code it, Douban has a detailed explanation
The cautious "Xiao Mouzi"😂
Title🎦: "Old Well"
Director👩🏻‍💻: Wu Tianming
Release▶️: 1986
Duration⌛: 130min
Title🎦: "Two Lives"
Director👩🏻‍💻: Krzysztof Kieslowski
Release▶️: 1991
Duration⌛: 98min
🌈Movie lines:
I always feel that my life exists in two places at the same time, here and another place. It's hard to explain, but I know that I can always feel what I should do.

"The body is dying, the shadow is living, or the shadow is dying, the body is living. - Liu Xiaofeng"
Healing | A movie about love and pursuit
Title: Millennium Actress
Director: [Japan] Kim Min
Release: 2001
Duration: 87min
Award: 31st Annie Awards
Love | First Love | Animation
With a key that is said to unlock the most important thing and a promise to take her to Hokkaido to see the snowflakes, Chiyoko lived in an endless pursuit of him. From princess to assassin, from geisha to pilot, Chiyoko kept changing roles, but the only thing that remained unchanged in the scene change was the firm pursuit.
🍀From a little girl to a white-haired old man, Chiyoko could no longer remember what he looked like, but when she saw the key that belonged to him again, she still burst into tears. He was nowhere to be found, and she was always running. Chiyoko did not die with regrets, but had already been close to the earth in repeated pursuits.
"Love does not necessarily have to have a result, the process of love is concrete and happy."
Technology and hard work: She gave birth to a car's child
Title: Titanium
Director: Giulia Di Cuno
Release: 2021
Duration: 108min
Award: Palme d'Or at the 74th Cannes Film Festival
Drama | Horror | Science Fiction
This film is very explosive, with a sense of sophistication that is incomprehensible. It also has the ability to mobilize the body and mind
Continue to update good movies
Subverting the perception of children, a movie that is almost depressing
Title🎦: "The Hunt"
Director👩🏻‍💻: [Denmark] Thomas Vinterberg
Release▶️: 2012
🔥Plot | Humanity
Obviously, in the face of innocence, the law has lost its effectiveness. Lucas is not guilty, but has been sentenced to death. Although the film finally outlines a seemingly harmonious picture, the last gunshot tears apart all the hypocrisy. Lucas buried the hound Fanny, but in fact he was also burying himself.
Do you really only love one person?
Title🎦: "Love in Prague"
Director🧙🏻‍♂️: Philip Kaufman
Release▶️: 2018
Duration⌛: 117min
Life is so light, like an outline, we can't ever fill in or correct, make any better.
Michelle Yeoh | Breaking the century-old Oscar award convention
Title: "Blink"
Director: Kwan Ka-wing/Daniel Schnatter
Duration: 139min
Comedy | Fantasy | Adventure
"This movie itself is an attempt to break the game for the entire Hollywood film industry, and it is very successful. It connects a family drama with a multiple science fiction narrative convention, that is, parallel universes. And each parallel universe is a Hong Kong film genre, jokingly speaking, it is a Hong Kong bad movie stalk. In the end, the film still presents the mainstream values ​​of American society, that is, family reconciliation and family values. Family is our only barrier against society, disasters, and crises. So in this sense, it is an expected award. - Dai Jinhua"
Japanese romance movies ranked fourth, office workers don’t deserve love?
Title: “Love Like a Bouquet”
Director: Yuya Doi
⭐Why can’t a person who is completely on the same wavelength reach the end? The film delicately allows us to feel the subtle emotions behind it
⭐Will the love of school days deteriorate after entering society? If you have the same experience and confusion, believe me, this movie will make you cry and feel relieved
⭐What is the true appearance of love? You will definitely feel it after watching the movie.
Healing | A movie about social phobia
Title: "Flesh and Soul"
Director: Ildikó Inyedí (Hungarian surrealist film master)
🔥🔥🔥🔥Love|Plot|Social phobia
"A man with a disabled arm and an autistic woman with severe social phobia are connected through unique dreams every night. In the dream, they transformed into spirit deer in the iceberg, foraging in the winter forest with flying snow and spring water, accompanying Accompanying each other. The unspeakable love in real life grows and permeates in the dream world again and again. "Gradually, the love overflows the dream. Perhaps in real life there are only bloody slaughterhouses, imperfect bodies and dull emotions. But the spiritual energy in the dream is rich and leads them. In the end, they stepped out of the confinement of themselves and accepted their imperfect bodies. This time, the clumsy body and the noble soul are combined into one. They reconcile with themselves and embrace each other in their entirety."
She plays a girl at the age of 70 | She was so beautiful when she was young😍
Title🎦: "Furong Town"
Director🧙🏻‍♂️: Xie Jin
⭐A "textbook-less" display of China's Four Reforms and the Cultural Revolution
⭐Feel the beauty and acting skills of Liu Xiaoqing, who plays a girl at the age of 70
⭐Jiang Wen was handsome when he was young, worth watching
⭐"I watched the best movie in China" - Douban netizen
💗Movie lines:
『Live, live like an animal.』
『God, in this world, if you don't step on me and I don't step on you, we can't live.』
『Your real matchmaker is the bamboo broom in your hand and the bluestone slab on the street.』
1️⃣Title: "Burning"
Director🧙🏻‍♂️: Lee Chang-dong
Plot summary: Jong-soo, a young writer who supports himself by part-time, and his college classmate Huimei met Ben, a young elite in society, when they traveled to Africa. Ben told Jong-soo about his hobby of "burning greenhouses", and soon Huimei disappeared as if she had evaporated from the face of the earth. Jong-soo embarked on a journey of search and destruction...
Recommendation reasons:
⭐The film has a strong focus on reality and can resonate with young people in the workplace
⭐The lens is elegant and delicate, with extremely high aesthetic value
⭐It has a profound existentialist philosophical connotation
⭐The protagonist's acting skills are super online
🍀What impressed me most was Huimei's dusk dance, the dance of life. And Jong-soo's powerless anger, as director Lee Chang-dong said:
[But we know, but we are powerless]