Unlock Protocol

@unlock-protocol #378915

Ʉnlock is an open source Ethereum protocol for memberships & subscriptions! Have an event or meetup? Check out http://events.unlock-protocol.com
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The Unlock Protocol Weekly Town Hall meeting is starting shortly! Come join us to hear about #prime and some of the latest goodness!

Unlock Labs has introduced Unlock Prime, a premium membership tier that offers enhanced features and exclusive benefits for creators and communities built with Unlock Protocol. Let's dig in... ✨ /thread
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**Unlock Labs Feature Release: Event Collections** The Event Collection feature makes it easier to showcase and organize events in one cohesive place that you can curate, share and highlight for your community. https://paragraph.xyz/@unlockprotocol/event-collections
Best-of-both-worlds time — here's how to bring events onchain AND get them listed in the common offchain event directory from Luma. Check it! /devcon /token2049 https://unlock-protocol.com/guides/how-to-add-an-event-to-a-luma-calendar/
Are you a writer, podcaster, or video creator? Do you want to get paid for your work? Then the Onchain Creator Toolkit from @rileybeans is brimming with resources you'll want to check out.
Join us on the Unlock Protocol Town Hall! Live at 10am PT on Huddle.
Unlock Protocol Spotlight: Best Dish Ever — Great food isn’t a fad, it’s culture.

See how @zguz and Best Dish Ever are bringing global food culture onchain in this delicious interview (featuring that amazing looking Oxtail Grilled Cheese).

Unlock Labs Upgrades Apple Wallet and Google Wallet Passes: Tickets, subscriptions, memberships, and certifications now can be directly added to Apple Wallet and Google Wallet, significantly enhancing their convenience.
Unlock Labs has added an “I’m Going!” commitment feature to its onchain ticketing platform. Attendees stake a small amount of money when RSVPing for a free event, which they get as a “kickback” if they attend. On the other hand, no-shows forfeit their commitment payment. https://paragraph.xyz/@unlockprotocol/im-going-announce
Even as more people move onchain, email remains an important comms channel. This is especially true in the case of users who are simply trying to achieve a goal (e.g. “get a ticket to attend an event”) and who are less interested in the technical details. https://paragraph.xyz/@unlockprotocol/unlock-email-guide