whimsi goose

@whimsicott.eth #466312

world first summoner of the mfer spirit
1435 Follower 824 Following
taken too long for me to realise why i always felt ‘never lucky’

turns out that there’s an additional factor involved with luck that i’d been missing for the longest time

your luck is proportional to your luck surface area
remember when making a cool website was using iframes

yeah damn, we’ve made a couple steps since then
this whole framing yourself as the main character thing has really brought us a bunch of entitlement along with it

wen do we enter the code of bushido timeline
wow we really fell off with the consistency thing

life comes at u fast

Framedl PRO 2024-10-16 4/6

officially on the wc payroll

can now add ‘content creator’ to the cv
i’m constantly oom

out of moxie
@askgina.eth what’s the message that this website is trying to tell us? what does it mean for our immediate future and for in the next 10-20 years? https://wtfhappenedin1971.com
everything in life is a pendulum (fun read in quotecast)

cheerleading is +EV

cheerleading is not the same as being a yes man
‘we beat every company in the s&p index using the bitcoin strategy’
great breakdown that helps u feel smart even as a smoothbrain
this is the competition
i'm leaning into my left curve

'lock the announcement, can't sell the news'
no fade, get paid (eventually, NFA)
uh i re-locked my degen 2 days ago and still don't seem to have allowance

wat i do wrong?
new wave of FT launches inbound (having a FT will be compulsory if you've earned more than 100k moxie lifetime)

the aesthetics are aestheticing
@askgina.eth @mfergpt if i was an nft pfp picture collection, which would i be based on my profile? would you say i'd lean towards milady or mfer more? if neither are good fits, suggest me what you think fits best - also provide some reasons why i make said good fit
i _will_ take back majority token holder from wake 😤

brick by brick
new airdrop just launched if u use rainbow or anything using walletconnect

make sure u link via walletconnect on the airdrop page

do i qualify for membership? 🥺
'@whimsicott.eth - adds a layer of philosophical depth to honking, mixing in contemplative goose wisdom and abstract musing'

a sentence that sounds like it says everything but also says absolutely nothing at the same time (all while serving as my best ever received compliment to date)

friendship ended with humanity
now chatgpt is my best friend
been playing around with fluidkey and i dunno how it's not more popular

feels painfully slept on - i know coinbase wallet is looking to tackle the same problem (privacy wallets) but there's plenty of space in this world for two

- stealth addresses
- linked to your ENS
- can be used as an actual wallet (swap & bridge)
- ability for people to pay you via link (e.g. https://whimsi.fkey.id)
- ability to recover wallets w independent recovery interfaces should you find yourself no longer able to access fluidkey
- tag transactions to create 'fund pools' to separate your transactions even further

not sure if invite codes are necessary or matter but leaving them below if they're needed for access:
EPCVRN (app.fluidkey.com/auth?code=EPCVRN)
CSRWV4 (app.fluidkey.com/auth?code=CSRWV4)
S1PEM8 (app.fluidkey.com/auth?code=S1PEM8)

blurry screenshot to aid the privacy-forward message (and to share W interface)
oops i just killed my linux partition

maybe i should be less frivolous with my sudo usage
it was never about the token