Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

@yasinaktimur.eth #325043

Eth solidity and solana rust/anchor developer. Co founder of vrnouns nft collection on base network and bitfight game on appstore
1278 Follower 916 Following
I just paid onchain at Home Base Merch. Onchain commerce is here with @slice and @coinbasewallet
Brutalism is the key.

We will create nounish houses with our new 3d noggle wall printers.

Details, new walls and noggle houses soon..
We will make eco brutalism great again.
2¹³⁶²⁷⁹⁸⁴¹−1, discovered today, is the largest known prime. It's a Mersenne prime (2ᵖ-1), which are easier to find.

It took nearly 6 years for the GIMPS software to find it after the previous largest known prime. It was also the first Mersenne prime found using GPUs.
Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles.
If this post get 100 like.
I will re-propose my nouns fusor - nuclear fusion reactor proposal.
Just one more paper, then I’ll be certain I understand
I submitted for Retro Funding Round 6 Governance
Firstly I thought when you buy 1M$ trump and 700.000$ kamala you can organize your risk on PMarket then i realize just buy 300K$ trump that’s it.
You can’t be rational with irrational people.
Only smart people know your brain works amazingly when you parasitic disease