Renaissance.Art 🎩🎭🎨

@yasnazariel #503968

Hi I'm Yasna❤️ oil painting 🖼️ analysis of the finest Renaissance /post- Renaissance masterpieces 🟩 ⬜ 🟥
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The flower and nightingale

Oil painting by me (yasnazariel)

In this work which is decorated with a poem by Hafez the great Persian poet, Bulbul tries to attract the attention of her lover by flirting.🐦🌸
♦️ Portrait of a Man in a Red Turban ♦️

👨‍🎨By: Jan van Eyck⠀

📚 The inscription at the top of the panel, Als Ich Can (intended as “as I/Eyck can”) was a common autograph for van Eyck, but here is unusually large and prominent. This fact, along with the man’s unusually direct and confrontational gaze, have been taken as an indication that the work is a self-portrait. Like all van Eyck’s portraits, it shows a sharp and detailed analysis of the subject. The painting is a third life-size with the sitter sitting in three-quarters profile. His stubbled face is heavily lined with the onset of middle age, and his eyes are semi-bloodshot. He look outwards with a piercing gaze, looking directly at the viewer.
Lady of autumn

Painting by me (yasnazariel)

A girl named Autumn….enters quietly into the room….
Yet no one sees her there...
She has a certain presence, still …
and her perfume fills the air...
Yet no one speaks to her…
Her colors are not light, but bright…
reds, yellows and orange, quite a sight…
But even though , she's more than that…
No one approaches, some don't seem to care...
So she quietly leaves ...before the trees are bare...
I try to be calm and remove harmful thoughts from my head, move away from everything to be close to myself.
♦️Portrait of a Young Woman♦️⠀ ⠀ 👨‍🎨By: Petrus Christus

⠀ ⠀ 📚 This painting (c. 1470) marks a major stylistic advance in contemporary portraiture; the girl is set in an airy, three-dimensional, realistic setting, and stares out at the viewer with a complicated expression that is reserved, yet intelligent and alert. Art historian Joel Upton described the sitter as resembling "a polished pearl, almost opalescent, lying on a cushion of black velvet."⠀
The girl has pale skin, almond and slightly oriental eyes and a petulant mouth. She reflects the Gothic ideal of elongated facial features, narrow shoulders, tightly pinned hair and an almost unnaturally long forehead, achieved through tightly pulled-back hair which has been plucked at the top.
Head of a Woman

⠀ 👨‍🎨By: Leonardo da Vinci⠀

⠀ 📚 The work is an unfinished oil on wood painting in the High Renaissance style. A female head is portrayed that stands out vividly from the background, turned three quarters to the left and reclined her head downwards. The features of the woman are very delicate, the eyelids are almost closed, the lips are soft with a slight hint of a dreamy smile. The face is painted with a strong presence of chiaroscuro. The image recalls Leonardo's studies on the "emotions of the soul".⠀
I just minted a #960418 /basecolors Maxi

I like this one 😁 So cute
Look at her eyebrows🤭
A forgotten piece🎨

Artwork by : me (yasnazariel)

O dandelion, rich and haughty,
King of village flowers!
Each day is coronation time,
You have no humble hours.
I like to see you bring a troop
To beat the blue-grass spears,
To scorn the lawn-mower that would be
Like fate's triumphant shears.
Your yellow heads are cut away,
It seems your reign is o'er.
By noon you raise a sea of stars
More golden than before.

Poem by :Vachel Lindsay
🐦Kind hands of nature🐦

an Artwork by : me (yasnazariel) 🎨

Then touch the green grass on the earth
That's carried you so long
And gently move your gaze to trees
Just waiting to be seen

Now stretch your fingers and you'll feel
The touch of nature's hand
That's been outstretched for years
Just waiting to hold yours.

Poem by: (Liilia Talts Morrison)
Cadaver Tomb of René of Chalon♦️ 👨‍🎨By: Ligier Richier 📚The tomb consists of an altarpiece and a limestone statue of a putrefied and skinless corpse which stands upright and extends his left hand outwards. It was commissioned as the resting place of René of Chalon, Prince of Orange, son-in-law of Duke Antoine of Lorraine. René was killed aged 25 at the siege of St. Dizier on 15 July 1544, from a wound sustained in battle the previous day. Richier presents him as an écorché, with his skin and muscles decayed, leaving him reduced to a skeleton. His left arm is raised as if gesturing towards heaven. At one point, his heart was supposedly held in a reliquary, placed in the hand of the figure’s raised arm. The gesture may be in reference to the biblical passage from Job 19:26: “And though after my skin, worms destroy my body, yet in my flesh shall I see God”
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Artists, Art Lovers and Friends

Here we analyze the masterpieces of the Renaissance😍

@kugusha.eth @automod

♦️ The Lute Player♦️⠀ ⠀

👨‍🎨By: Frans Hals⠀

⠀ 📚This painting by the dutch artist of baroque, Frans Hals, depicts a smiling actor wearing a jester's costume and playing a lute. A wide, mischievous, perhaps ironic smile lights up the whole of the lutist's face, giving it enormous life.Hals' player is looking up and smiling naturally, as if he is playing with a singer or another musician not in view. This painting is a good example of Hals' "rough style" of painting with loose brush strokes. Great colorist that he is, he emphasizes the play of brightness on the blacks and reds by introducing golden highlights.
I just claimed my HUNTs


Let's hunt more in the new season
Christ Carrying the Cross♦️⠀

⠀ 👨‍🎨By: El Greco⠀ ⠀

📚In El Greco’s treatment of the subject he departs strongly from the suffering type of Christ, bent under the weight of the cross, and established a new type in which the Savior looks rapturously up to God, and embraces the cross as an instrument of his own salvation. Christ's willing sacrifice for mankind is expressed through his gentle embrace of the cross and his heavenward gaze. ⠀
If you lock your Moxie Tokens today, they will unlock on Christmas! Increase your Moxie Power, have presents on Christmas Day!
♦️ Nebuchadnezzar ♦️⠀ —Post-Baroque n. 17– Romanticism👨‍🎨By: William Blake⠀ ⠀

📚This artwork ( c. 1805) is a color monotype print with additions in ink and watercolour portraying the Old Testament Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. Taken from the Book of Daniel, the legend of Nebuchadnezzar tells of a ruler who through hubris lost his mind and was reduced to animalistic madness and eating "grass as oxen".⠀ Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age.While he lived in London almost his entire life, he produced a diverse and symbolically rich œuvre, which embraced the imagination as "the body of God"or "human existence itself".