
provocations on beauty, wit, freedom and truth დ etc.

Shana Tova!

Take extra care to be happy and share with others through the next few days. Your energy here is part of what determines the soul you call in for the coming year.
people whose words do not match their actions can achieve a lot but never the top. it’s not so much their lack of character as it their lack of integrity that deals them out.

whatever you may or may not be — you diminish its value by representing something else. authenticity is the most valuable currency. and if you are authentically a person who loves, that is the MVP of all.
at the top of the list of things that are never acceptable is overhead lighting.

truly, unless the purpose is terrorism or extrajudicial torture there is absolutely no reason for an overhead light. even worse a fluorescent one. it actually hurts my soul even to think about it. is fluorescent light a fate worse than death? might be.

this is a hill I would die on but won’t, because anyone who wants to come for me up here will be swiftly defeated.
I feel immense gratitude every time I get in my car. Freedom, mobility, privacy, autonomy. What a gift.

My advice is to always have a car. Non-negotiable, no exceptions. Maybe New York. Thank me later, I know you will. Xx
radical, QUIET generosity is the currency of power. there is no such thing as a man who does not use his wealth to uplift others.
a building is only as beautiful as the thought that created it.
would you rather be elon musk or anyma?
imagine waking up in a land of opportunity — with a family, an education, money in the bank, the ability to say whatever you want, an eternity of art and information at your fingertips, a US passport, transportation, your health and for even one second feeling a victim of another person, down on yourself or ungrateful.

some people really out here tryna find out what happens when you repay good fortune with bad grace. godspeed.
the demure meme is melting my brain.
alpha on the inside is humble on the outside.
Slick looking companies are out here charging hundreds for POLYESTER BLEND fabrics, which you couldn’t pay me to wear.

Pay attention to what you clothe yourself in similar to what you eat. Choose 100% cotton and linen where possible, those are the highest vibe fabrics. It’s totally affordable, it’s just a consciousness thing.

Modal, Spandex 👹rayon and💀 polyester you might as well just sterilize yourself and be rolling around in saran wrap.
did not know this! again stand corrected.

I try to default in seeing the best in people until proven otherwise. brene brown calls it “assumptions of generosity.”
waiting weakens your aura. it signifies a lack of trust and a lack of being present. it means you are the effect, not the cause.

there is nothing you need to wait for. turn the false concept of the future into the present and become the cause.

always the cause. tldr👇
where your fear is, there your task is

// carl jung
just a reminder that the real problems crypto is meant to solve are alive and well.

there is *nothing* less attractive than a person of means who lacks generosity.

A lack of generosity is generally the most unattractive quality, but if you combine it with wealth and even more so privilege the impact is astoundingly repellent.
“Either we have hope within us or we don’t; it’s a dimension of the soul; it’s not essentially dependent on some particular observation of the world or estimate of the situation.

It is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart;

it transcends the world that is immediately experienced, and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons.”

// Vaclav Havel, Czech poet, playwright and president (take that LinkedIn)
After reflecting on this media cycle, I also feel pretty heartbroken for this intersex woman. Regardless of whether she should be allowed to compete in this arena — which is the issue — I feel sad for the amount of hate that is being personally thrown at her and she has had to endure on the global stage.

Especially after what I can only imagine has been a very ostracized and difficult life, coming from a country where being different is feared and condemned.

She is not the villain, she is just one relatively vulnerable person who has tried to beat the shitty odds. I am at a loss for this depravity within us that dehumanizes and denies people the basic grace of dignity instead of staying focused on the issues.

Cruelty is one thing I can never abide.
No matter how smart, rich, attractive or right* you are — it is always, always the disqualifying mark of the lower man.
completely, completely unacceptable.
If you have the opportunity to be a silver fox, take it. 🪙🦊
the french revolution makes for an eternally spectacular show.