
@aaina #2042

cypherpunk • human rights lawyer • actress • queen // hosting /aaina • also indivisible.fm
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Disclaimer: Cuarón directing a sociopathic Cate Blachett, an unhinged Kevin Kline and a irrepressible Sacha Baron Cohen is masterful.
today is a great day to watch inside out 2 for the third time. it’s just so brilliant.
Shana Tova!

Take extra care to be happy and share with others through the next few days. Your energy here is part of what determines the soul you call in for the coming year.
people whose words do not match their actions can achieve a lot but never the top. it’s not so much their lack of character as it their lack of integrity that deals them out.

whatever you may or may not be — you diminish its value by representing something else. authenticity is the most valuable currency. and if you are authentically a person who loves, that is the MVP of all.
An Indian Summer in San Francisco.
at the top of the list of things that are never acceptable is overhead lighting.

truly, unless the purpose is terrorism or extrajudicial torture there is absolutely no reason for an overhead light. even worse a fluorescent one. it actually hurts my soul even to think about it. is fluorescent light a fate worse than death? might be.

this is a hill I would die on but won’t, because anyone who wants to come for me up here will be swiftly defeated.
What happened to the zora bridge??
I feel immense gratitude every time I get in my car. Freedom, mobility, privacy, autonomy. What a gift.

My advice is to always have a car. Non-negotiable, no exceptions. Maybe New York. Thank me later, I know you will. Xx
No matter how much reporting like this I read, it will never cease to shock. I do not think people fully appreciate the threat of the entire upcoming generation being educated under liberal rage with a chokehold on critical thinking.

although the pendulum swung the other way is bad, this is much worse. It’s hard to fathom the nightmarish details of this story, that it is all true. Beloved. Dedicated. Brilliant. 25 years of 5 star service, generations of loving students. Fired unceremoniously for offending the (diversity hire) schol admin’s (diversity admit) daughter. For refusing to coddle weak thinking.

This is not just a crisis, it is the crisis. If it happens, this is why Trump wins. And by the way, hijabs are a radical offense to freedom on any terms.

radical, QUIET generosity is the currency of power. there is no such thing as a man who does not use his wealth to uplift others.
a building is only as beautiful as the thought that created it.
If you want security, go to prison.
my intuition says that eating beef is important for your energy levels, iron and health. all the things.

but I also know* that you take on the energy of how the animal was killed. intelligent beings cannot watch those videos of how large scale farms work and consciously choose to support that consumption for their own bodies or their surroundings. it is in fact, completely unconscionable — anyone who has supported it, myself included has done so by dissociating.

the only solution is to put in the effort to only eat meat of the highest quality. do not eat meat out casually or buy it from big stores. prioritize the expense or eat fewer servings per week and fill in the gaps elsewhere. and if you can’t do that then cut out meat and focus on the more pescatarian/ ayurvedic systems of eating (where many also thrive who figure it out) until you can.
what farms are people going in the napa / sonoma area to source the best quality grass- fed beef where you can see how the animal lived and know exactly how it was killed?

ideally somewhere that delivers and sells retail without requiring you to purchase a quarter. ♥️
the seed level of your free will is choosing what you give energy to.
sorry I cannot come to work today ser it is prime time Elul and I am preparing my soul for Rosh Hashanah.
how you do anything is how you do everything
seeking your hot takes on wecrashed!

from what I heard people loved it, and the performances look phenomenal. I am always in awe of Jared Leto’s ability to go method.
It is hard to quantify the freedom and joy that comes from loving failure.

Like what an absolute rockstar privilege it is to fail and fail again. How else do you earn or elevate or expand? And what (Nietzsche) IS happiness, but the feeling that power increases, that resistance is being overcome?

The price for what remains given is an equal quotient of desperation that will rot your soul from the inside for so long as you do not find the edge of failure from where to begin.

zero to one or zero.
Adam comes from the soil (soft) and Eve comes from the rib (hard). Men are softer inside, which is reflected by the outward call to be more strong and decisive.

So observe the symmetry of women — attracted to strength as a reflection of their core and men, attracted to what appears as soft.

Using men and women here as proxies for masculine and feminine energies, which most often present as male and female (but not always).
a sincere thank you to /boysclub for sharing the meme formats that matter.