

A space for provoking awareness + improving performance.

What is /coaching? πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»
/coaching isn’t about changing someone else.

This is a waste of time β€” for all involved.

Coaching is about working with self-motivated individuals who are willing to think + do differently.

Can people improve? Definitely.

Will they improve? Maybe.

Does their buy-in matter? Hell. Yes.
Three of my favorite coaching QsπŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»

What do I want to work on?

Why is this important?

What does success in this conversation look like?


Why these Qs?

1) "Talk about" β‰  work on. Coaching is about work... going beneath the surface. Not here to just talk about something.

2) Importance = timing. "Why now" is a way of understanding urgency. Urgency is clarity because it shows us why we can no longer ignore this thing.

3) Success is the aiming point. If we don't know where we want to go, we're missing an opportunity. It's like getting in the car unsure of the destination.
It’s a great week to be coachable.
Some interesting questions will surely emerge from this....

My answer:
(On receiving bad news): What are 3 reasons why this is a gift?
Listened to a Nashville Writers’ Round this evening.

It’s amazing how much talent is behind a hit song.

Like great organizations with killer products β€” success is a TEAM sport.
One of my favorite self-/coaching strategies:

Five Whys.

Next time you need clarity, ask yourself why five times, each "why?" referring back to the previous answer.

I suggest writing it or speaking aloud and recording it.

Bet your fifth answer is much better than your first.
I think this one could work well for people of any age so sharing here too
Trialling interesting coaching questions for kids on my 11yo.

Today: How have you been kind to others today?

Reaction: pensive then slowly out they came: I gave S a highlighter, I let H kick the ball, I asked J to sit with us etc

Both of us = full of happy hormones
Good way to build +ve sense of self.
Cathartic coaching questions are those that allow us to express and unblock emotions so that we can move forward.

The most obvious one is: How are you feeling?

This can sometimes be hard to answer as it’s so bored.

Alternatives: What is giving you energy? What is draining you of energy?

Any others?
Sharing this here as an example of self-coaching - a powerful, on demand and free way of accessing coaching.

Catalytic questions (like the one I used for myself) are those that provoke action.

What catalytic question do you need to ask yourself today?

Ps I did the yoga :)
If a coach is someone who asks questions that provoke new thinking, what questions have you asked or been asked that have led to a new insight?

Here are a couple I like to get the ball rolling:

On the receipt of β€˜bad’ news: what are 3 reasons why this is a gift?

How can you best resource yourself?
As a leader, you want to find the sweet spot between artificial harmony (everyone gets along) and destructive directness (no filter).

The ideal is the middle: We’re a direct AND respectful team.

Teams that don’t say the hard things, or make it personal, quick β€” they probably won’t ship well or last v long.
πŸ“Œ Required reading for founders + founding teams:

Matt Mochary – coach to top tech leaders – wrote a brilliant tactical guide for org building.

A short weekend read, it will 10x your leadership.
Ever felt like meetings could be more productive? πŸ€” Many leaders resonate with the 'that should have been an email' sentiment.

Here's my take: When not doing 1:1 coaching, I'm all about 1:TEAM. Team coaching ensures meetings have direction, an agenda, and clear next steps.

Every conversation has great potential.
A coaching idea for founders + CEOs:

Bring in a coach, 1-2x/month, to run your meetings for the next 3-6 months.

It can be all-hands, 1:1, strategic, tactical, or all the above.

It's a short-term investment for a long-term gain.

Your future self, team, and org culture will thank you.

Interested? DC to jam.
Folks – and orgs – spend $$$ all the time on one-off professional development that provokes awareness but doesn't shift, or hold people accountable for, new behavior.

Try coaching instead.
Interested in coaching but not sure how it can help your org?

Here are five ideas for the year ahead:

- 1:1 coaching for leaders

- Team coaching for small groups

- Assessments (Birkman + 360ΒΊ) for all

- Retreat planning/facilitation

- Strategic planning workshop for leadership team
Thinking about working with a coach?

Here's a good, short read that will help you reflect on your (and/or your team's) readiness:
Many team issues stem from poor communication.

Here's a free assessment I like:

Understanding our strengths, the strengths of our teammates, and having a shared language for what we all bring to the table can reduce conflict and lead to higher TEAM performance.
new behaviors > new goals

If you’d like accountability in 2024, drop 1-3 new/aspirational behaviorsπŸ‘‡πŸ»
Who here uses a values-based system to help them choose To-Dos/what to focus on?
Many folks overestimate the importance of the plan and underestimate the importance of how it’s deployed.
Why should you ask for feedback?

In many cases, what's unknown to us is known to others.

Feedback saves us time, effort, and uncertainty.