coachcoale.eth 🎩

@coachcoale #1979

executive coach for /founders + founding teams Δ host of pods.media/the-delta and /coaching Δ kevincoale.xyz
3898 Follower 2719 Following
This Saturday afternoon 10/19, 2-4pm in Palo Alto, CA, help us test an AI powered education and fun app for kids ages 4-10!

Optimization doesn't equal perfect.

It means doing your best to make something good.

Didn't hit your goal?

Forgive yourself for being human and do your best tomorrow.
Best questions are simple...

Like: "Who is our customer?"
What is optimization? A common question I'm asked by founders.

My "secret": Optimization is aligning your values with your behaviors.

Example: Valuing creativity?

Schedule "unproductive" time. It fuels innovation.

Level up: Ask yourself daily, "Did I protect my creative time today?"

This simple exercise is perhaps the most impactful "hack" I know.
Just finished UNSONG, a rec from a client.

Fascinating read.
degen.tips have allowed me to expand my coaching by making it more accessible to folks on Farcaster 👏🏻👏🏻

If you're interested in paying for coaching with $DEGEN tips, let's jam.

Sentence starter:

Conflict within a TEAM…
As you get older, what’s a belief you’ve let go of? And what’s a belief you now hold more closely?
Friday Retro 👏🏻👏🏻

What worked this week?

What didn't work this week?

What did you learn?

What would you like to do differently next week?
Be. Happy. Now.

“I’ll be happy when…” is a myth.

What skills are you leveling up today?
This is a good Q. If you had to onboard ONE user in the next five minutes, what’s your plan?
Crafting an article with an elite performance coach.

Spoiler alert: It's not talent that sets top achievers apart.

The secret? Mastering your STATE.

More to come... bookmark here to stay up-to-date.
It’s on you, to be happy now.
If you care about education, if you're in the crypto space... these are great reads, worth your time and consideration.
I just won 529 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen!

Founders: Your next team meeting is crucial. Skip the "ice-breakers" and opt for a "dynamic warmup" instead.

Try this: Have everyone silently answer, "Who exactly is our customer?" Then share aloud.

Alignment? Great. Divergence? That's valuable insight for you as a leader.

Clarity on your customer is the foundation of success.

Make it a priority.
I grew up playing sports in the streets with my brothers.

This is the stuff that matters in 20 years.
Q for founders:

If you had a magic wand 🪄, what professional/personal development would you design?

Feel free to comment below or DC me.
A Friday challenge for /founders:

Try adopting this policy for your TEAM...

"We speak highly of competitors."

Why? It's a dual win - we recognize excellence + keep our TEAM sharp.

Let's get real... Complacency is the real opponent.