

Decentraland - a virtual world that is populated, owned, and operated by people like you and me.

I like that in the new DCL client, the linked wearables are listed with all of the other wearables. I have a couple of Woodies NFTs. A couple years ago they released 3D skins for every NFT holder so ppl could be their woodies inside DCL.
Where's AJ?

If you think you know where my avatar was to snap this pic, go there, snap a similar pic from the same spot. Post an entry to the bounty here: https://poidh.xyz/degen/bounty/728

I'll DM you for the coordinates to see if you are correct and award you the 1k Degen (currently worth $10 usd).
There are still plenty of free wearables in /dcl. You just need to know where to look. Join me tonight at 6pm Eastern at the ABC Clubhouse and you can get yourself this snazzy MSocial Phucket shirt, shorts and sandals!

I am running for one of the positions on the revocations committee in the Decentraland DAO. Please have a look and ask me any questions you may have.

GM metacommunity 🙂

I have been selected as a candidate for the Decentraland DAO Revocations Committee.

Please give your input and cast your vote by Oct 15th 🗳

I published my first wearable in Decentraland! These galactic boots are the product of many FAFO hours with @awedjob and a whole crew of creator friends coming together to fix my Blender disasters.

Thanks metafam. 🥰

Available on marketplace: https://decentraland.org/marketplace/contracts/0xe5336cefadaf3116f2dd4b3b523c4afcd3ad61c0/items/0
Come by the Community Building Decentraland X space and learn about a tiny but mighty group of metaverse explorers.
GM /dcl community.
A summary of the work completed at Regenesis Summit is now available on the DAO forum. Check it out and give us your thoughts. 💓

I appreciate being able to invest directly in another user's Fan Token. I just bought @hanisart's Fan Tokens powered by @moxie.eth cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
How do you rate? Click below and find out.

Check your social rank and score.
Frame by @compez.eth
powered by @moxie.eth cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth🫶
I checked my @airstack moxie airdrop to follower ratio with this frame by @sayangel.
Jaych knows what’s up
These are always fun and informative
Auction for the /wac Fan Token goes live soon. Who is interested in creating a FT for DCL?
Hey I just checked my MOXIE POWER thanks to this frame that @bleu.eth made. Check yours!
Roll up and hang out with some hard working metaverse creators.
Have you been waiting for the next "Finding Whimsy" event? These are the beginnings of that event.
Playing around in the In World Builder from Last Slice and the DCL DAO. Last year I worked for a short stint creating assets. These four lanterns are some of the 3D models I created.
Many thanks to everyone that has purchased second-hand wearables from my Decentraland closet. You've helped me rais over 250 MANA! 🧀

There are more items available... check it out here: https://decentraland.org/profile/accounts/0x2ae9070b029d05d8e6516aec0475002c53595a9d/assets?page=1&isOnSale=true
At long last. I am reinstalling Windows 10 back on my workstation. Been missing that dual boot lifestyle. But really, I want to test out the new DCL alpha client.
Have you signed up for and started using the new alpha client?
Welcome to the /dcl channel @tangpoko
Shoutout to @tangpoko to finally come and hang in the /dcl channel