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We’re on an onchain journey, exploring protocols & apps. We livestream and create content about our experiences. We aim to have explorative, entertaining and educative conversations & content. We help onboard the next 100M ONCHAIN Welcome ◡̈

Humans are bad at coordinating together. Traditional finance doesn’t help. Multitudes in national legal systems, each with their own compliance requirements, doesn’t help either.

To combat global problems, create a transnational treasury pool, coordinate and allocate funds towards impactful and meaningful actions, we need…


Due to its WWIII resistant character, its quality to deliver in extreme adversarial conditions, Ethereum is the only technology that can assist humanity in coordinating meaningful global impact within extreme crisis.

I will be casting about this more and more going forward. This is how the movement starts.

Snowball DAO.
A Global DAO for Radical Climate Action

The climate crisis is worsening, but governments and corporations are too slow and corrupt to respond. Traditional funding and coordination of funds for radical climate action is impossible on a global scale. People want to help, but there is no global platform to pool resources for direct, impactful climate efforts.

The Solution:
A DAO treasury, governed by the contributors, that can coordinate and fund bold climate actions. From supporting grassroots movements to disrupting polluting industries.

Why It Matters:
The fight against climate change is urgent. Traditional institutions are too slow and ineffective. By globally pooling resources and making decisions together, we can take direct control of climate action and disrupt and attack the industries driving environmental destruction.

Let’s take the fight for climate into our own hands. Create a DAO that pools resources, decides priorities, and takes the bold steps necessary to make real change.
I just bought @linda's Fan Tokens powered by @moxie.eth cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth

Fan tokens done right. Awesome frame/app/wallet flow.
Watching this has reignited my commitment to Ethereum and the principles it stands for.

Freedom and independence have always been fundamental motivations behind my actions, and I see Ethereum as a powerful vehicle for realizing those values.

Ideally, the bull market takes another 6-12 months to kick off, giving us more time to focus on creating meaningful innovations without the distractions of market frenzy.

Thank you @linda and all others that worked on bringing this insightful docu, highlighting many important angles and aspects of the Ethereum garden and history.


This promises to be at the very least interesting and at the very best mind shattering!

Can’t wait for October 8!
Basically the philosopher that gave us the modern framework for truth finding in science said this about tolerance:

Popper's Paradox of Tolerance:

“Unlimited tolerance allows intolerant forces to destroy tolerance. Societies must limit tolerance to protect it.”

So no, freedom of speech isn’t unlimited, nor absolute. There are some things that are not allowed, not legal to just spread around anywhere.
@unlonely leaving Base and with that the Ethereum ecosystem, gives me strong dYdX vibes when they wanted to leave for Cosmos.

Did they ever?
What I like about Pixel Nouns X @basecolors is that, the more colors you own, the more colorful the Pixel Noun.

This is a project that really pays off for the big collectors. Nice!
It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Base Colors.

All the stuff being built on top is just so awesome to see. And even better to play around with.
💭 Check out this poll:
“How many Cred Pass did you mint?”
I minted Pixel Noun #32395 in Round 39 using my /basecolors for the pixels!
Does anybody know if /channels can or will ever have sub-domains?

Like you could have /music/jazz or /sports/golf or gaming/pong.

It is probably too early to categorize this much, but at some point it might make sense for single channels to become a sub channel for an over arching channel.
Hey @johnson it checks out now! Thanks, this is awesome!

By the way, is the bar below my BCID my soulbound? This is pretty amazing!

500 $DEGEN
Check out my /basecolors profile!

What's yours look like?

Frame by @johnson

[Mine isn’t right though. I have 95 colors, 14 punks and 4 higher arrows. Or three, but at least more than zero lol)
Hey @dwr.eth have you ever looked into Livepeer for potential to leverage as video infra for Farcaster?


PS I have no bags in this.
it's pretty awesome to see how the Base Colors primitive is generating, empowering, spawning, so much creativity and new ways to interact with NFTs.

Base Colors evolved the first social color graph.

totally here for it!
Europe should do two thing right now:

1. Use over production of clean energy for BTC mining. (Yeah don’t hate me, lots of problems with BTC long term viability, security budget, I know. But I’d rather have excess energy used than dumped short term.)

2. Make LDES (Long Duration Energy Storage) using hydrogen and fuel cell technology the main innovation objective. Use summer overproduction to generate hydrogen, store it, use it to create electricity through fuel cell in the winter.

This would be a great decentralized opportunity. Every house, building, neighborhood, their own LDES. With embedded local energy trading facilitated by some Ethereum layer. Of course. ◡̈

Farcaster seems slow and laggy today.

That doesn’t frustrate me. It’s gives more of a feel of being in a house during construction, or renovation. Where you can’t use the kitchen for a while and have to improvise.

You just go with the flow.

And think about what that new kitchen is going to feel like once you’re there. 🤩
Farcaster seems slow and laggy today.

That doesn’t frustrate me. It’s gives more of a feel of being in a house during construction, or renovation. Where you can’t use the kitchen for a while and have to improvise.

You just go with the flow.

And think about what that new kitchen is going to feel like once you’re there. 🤩
Farcaster seems slow and laggy today.

That doesn’t frustrate me. It’s gives more of a feel of being in a house during construction, or renovation. Where you can’t use the kitchen for a while and have to improvise.

You just go with the flow.

And think about what that new kitchen is going to feel like once you’re there. 🤩
Thank you to everyone that has been following me, chatting and interacting with me!

I’ve reached 500 followers now and I have to say that it has been an amazing journey, with great conversations, insights and fun so far!

Special shout out to @visheh @ciefa.eth @jack @plantsnft @cooprecs @kaitoren.eth @niftytime.eth @1000 @iamlosi @bakergracemusic

Connecting with you and your art makes Farcaster the nicest place for me! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
I just minted an onchain subscription on Hypersub.


Curious to try this out. Found it through the ‘explore’ tab.
I’ve worked in big corporate, risk function, blockchain/web3 consulting for almost ten years.

During those years I’ve seen the client questions move from: ‘what is blockchain?’ To ‘I want a blockchain slide deck’ to ‘I want to have a private blockchain consortium ecosystem.’ (And: ‘can you do it for free, if you’re a party to this consortium?’ lol)

The next move will be: ‘how can I join this neutral supply chain solution, built on public main?’

The problem: there is no neutral supply chain solution. (At least that I’m aware of.)
