

The Go Programming Language

urfave/cli is getting closer to releasing v3 👀 excited to see what the changes are!!

One issue with writing idiomatic Go for so long is that when you use another language (like javascript), you end up writing variables named `chainID` or `apiURL` and trigger everyone else

what a waste of brain energy
A proposal on adding "become" keyword to support tail calls in go

tldr: wontfix

Go 1.23 with range-over-func is out. https://go.dev/doc/go1.23
Russ Cox is stepping down as Go tech lead after 12 wildly successful years. https://groups.google.com/g/golang-dev/c/0OqBkS2RzWw
Feeling the urge to learn go. Any recs on best resources? I like books
What’s your preferred method of signing binaries on MacOS?
make and append might be my least favorite part of go. They've always felt clunky to me. Especially append.

s := make([]string, 0)
s = append(s, "hello world")

I've been bitten several times in the past by using the len and cap params of make incorrectly. Now I use a linter rule.

- Is Go a language for dummies? I don't think so. I know Pike made _that_ comment, but I don't think that was the motivation for its creation.

- Generics + Iterators do make the language larger and more complex. I like Go for its lack of features.
Lol my old Tumblr profile photo was a picture of my go t-shirt 😅. This was back in 2012 when go 1.0 was released.
Even though I've written code in many languages, not using just one for long stretches of time, Go is by far my favorite one. I keep coming back to it.

It's not perfect but it strikes a great balance between simplicity, flexibility robustness and performance.
Why hadn't I heard of templ.guide before?
Looks very useful.

Also, why are all languages turning into PHP? 😂
I like Rust. It has some nice things.
However, building an HTTP server in Rust is not even close to this:

If you like simplicity, Go is still the Goat.
Are you using Go's race detector on a regular basis? CI?
The little gopher that could.

Go breaking into the top 10 languages on GitHub for two years in a row. 🥲
Do Golang enjoyers also enjoy calling Cgo Cgolang?
Some people don't know this, but the language is actually called: Go

1.22 is out! What are your favorite changes?

TIL Go has Profile Guided Optimizations! Feed a pprof profile to the Go compiler to (possibly) make your program faster!
