

A new form of ↑higher education, a school for life. Join at

All of the greats had mentors, find yours.

Guiide is a mentorship community for those climbing higher.
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profound lesson in there
wise words from Daniel Arsham's mentor
Self-study is powerful.

Capturing data in the 3rd person *as you go* through life.

Jim Collins had a cool Bug Book practice for, “observing himself with dispassionate objectivity” like a bug in a science experiment.

@six, do you have an equivalent of a bug book?
How would you describe your note taking practice? Do you refer back to them often?
"[Journaling] is a slower, more subtle form of gratification [than …] the dopamine-driven cycle of social media sharing"

Do you have a practice of processing your thoughts and experiences in a personal space before sharing with the world?

Good read and practice to consider from @daojoan.eth
One foot in front on the other, keep going
These blocks of time aren't common practice in our always busy and over-scheduled American culture. Do you find ways to incorporate enough of these unstructured blocks of time into your days, weeks or your year?

If so, how? If not, why?

also, +1 to your experience @eriks 🤝
Bringing order to chaos is beautiful
Authentically wrestling to understand truth, beauty, and goodness more deeply is a noble and worthwhile endeavor.

How can your work, no matter the field be more beautiful?
You may have to try hard to build this practice at first, but eventually it becomes effortless as you experience the inherent enjoyment in doing something well. A quiet satisfaction offered freely by the task itself.
Similar to how VCs win as their portfolio companies win, we can yield even more satisfying rewards with people.

When we invest ourselves into meaningful relationship with someone as a friend, mentor, husband, father or brother their wins become our wins.

Beautiful win, @mcbain
How is your read of a person on first interaction?

Mine is decent, my wife is scary good. She picks up on every single subtle thing a person does and says. My eyes have been opened so much from her.

Better to find out sooner rather than later who a person really is.
These life defining decisions are special. Draft off this energy!
take a deep breath

let it out

relax your shoulders

soften your face
I’ve found I procrastinate sometimes to open the doorway to an epic flow state.

If boredom is too high to enter flow, my subconscious puppets my mind around just long enough until the impending deadline manufactures enough anxiety to enter into the channel.
Reflect on who in your life is gassin you up and who *really* sees you.

Genuine appreciation is a rare uplifting gift for both the giver and receiver. Flattery also affects both people, but as a low-grade poison to each.
Jerry Seinfeld’s work ethic and passion for his craft is UNREAL.

45+ years of developing material and he remains as focused and prolific as ever. How do you relate to Jerry's insight on his approach to life and work?
Tortoise and the Hare
Helpful reminder to those with kids yearning for simpler times with fewer responsibilities, or to the guy considering if having kids is worth pursuing or not
Develop a comfort with saying "No" often, it's powerful
Such a helpful daily practice. What are you finding appreciation in today?
basically a touch grass support group lol