

#1 Open-Source Farcaster client for teams and pros to grow smarter and faster. App → https://www.herocast.xyz Code → https://github.com/hero-org/herocast

big news: if you created a Farcaster account in herocast, you can now import it back into the Warpcast app
Just @hellno.eth and me conducting a routine checkup on @herocast
farcaster client collab of the week:
thank you to @patxol.eth for pushing farcaster team to fix dependencies and open a PR for @herocast 🙏🙏
Gm! Scheduled posts are not working for me since yesterday… :)
1 step to support herocast ✨
give this cast a kind reply mentioning herocast
gm friends!

how does it work with images that are casted through the scheduling feature in terms of resizing and compression? how different it is when compared to the normal cast feature?

schedule casted a couple this week but ended up deleting them because images were way too compressed imo.
gm amigos!

scheduled this one for the 18th (2 days ago) and have only noticed that it was never casted - it's still under the 'Scheduled' tab.

text + youtube link.
gm herocasters

the key to fame and glory (also know as building a brand) on Farcaster?
→ Consistency...and memes.

That’s why we teamed up with the awesome folks at Glo Dollar to get you going and cast more.

Get 2 USDGLO when you set up a herocast account and schedule a cast.
If you already have an account, schedule at least two casts.

Haven’t heard about Glo Dollar?
It’s like USDC but instead of keeping the profits, they donate them to important causes like fighting poverty or climate change.

This is a limited offer until Dec 12, 2024 or until our budget is depleted.
We in Aisa time zone often have to do time travels for more chance of being seen in the feed 🤣 below is a scheduled @herocast cast to help us time travel
More feedback on @herocast :

1. Actually would prefer sign in w/ farcaster as an option instead of putting my email.
2. If cast character limit (320 characters?) is same as currently on warpcast (1000 characters ) would be great, most times i need schedule cast is when i want to post a long cast or for product announcement ( again, would be longer) .

What I like:

1. UI have a retro newspaper feeling very refreshing for reading;
2. User analytic page also great, where i can see my account growth and recent top casts.
3. Nice to see the option of pinning channels in my feed, tho yet to feel substantial change in my feed.
4. Channel name on top of cast also much better than bottom as currently in @warpcast.

@biji appreciate u actively reaching out users for feedback!
3rd one was going to be the horizontal scroll on mobile but it seems like it's been fixed <3 much thanks!
please allow the use of the browser's back button. Once going feed > cast, clicking the browser's back button or swiping (very common use), instead of using the 'back' on the app's interface, will lead the user to the previous page on the browser's history.

(mobile below)
gm team! sending 3 suggestions for your consideration :)

First: allow for visual assets to be enlarged when clicking/tapping on it. As art plays a fundamental role to many (myself included), enlarging images and going fullscreen is key to experience the content.

ps: this is also true for videos, which does go fullscreen, but has a bug that aligns it to the left (below)
Lean back, grab some 🍿 and watch me ramble about @herocast, brands on Farcaster and open source
Just had a live demo session with @biji on the new version of Herocast.

The product has matured so much over the past 2 months - truly incredible to see and use.

The killer features: search + analytics

As a social media manager, you have no idea how much these features mean to me.
is it only me or herocast's casts are not going through?
Growth challenge of the day:
Find 5 conversations relevant to your brand and REPLY.

Make your brand about them, not about you.
gm! using @herocast's follow feed, I noticed this cast from someone I was sure I didn't follow. Hovering on their name while in the feed shows me the opposite (left img). But going to the person's profile on both herocast and /warpcast, it then shows that i'm not following them (right img).

any idea of why this is happening?

(i've hidden the person's info but can share in private if it helps)
exciting new @herocast updates, please enjoy this (unrelated?!) video while we're re-deploying
Gm Hero Casters,

due to high demand by the creators in our community our Creator Plan now includes unlimited scheduling for both casts and replies.

Schedule now, shape the future :)

UI Suggestion #1 - Responsiveness

it looks like @herocast has been built using 1024px res as the default, keeping it nice and tight.


1. for higher resolutions, the central column expands, but the content remains restricted to the default size, creating a big empty space in the central column (as if something should be there but it's not)

2. when in 1024 and creating a new cast, once the user clicks on ’new draft’, the central column expands (due to the 2 column structure and the textarea’s size) and crops the right column

3. when creating a new draft, the focus remain on the current/previous cast, which might lead the user to write the new one on top of the previous

Alternative solutions/suggestions:

1. keep the max-width of the main div as 1024px instead of the current 1400px - ran a test and everything seems to fit, except the 'post' page, which I explain on item 2 - or make the content area expand with the column's width. Not a fan of the latter tho :D

hey amigos! any chance to default directly to herocast.xyz/feeds when the user is logged in instead of the login page?
“Dan Romero hates these simple tricks.”

I analyzed 100 top casts from creators and brands to uncover content patterns Farcasters love.

Quick takes in this thread. Full insights on Paragraph. 🔽