Learn in public


An open channel for everyone to share what they are learning, progress and what they’ve built with what they’ve learnt.

Remember when I was really excited about Foundry? Well, gone are those days. I have foundry headache now.
Still excited for the next couple of months when it all sits in, but currently, it's all floating around my head.
At my time boxing attempt, I failed!
But we try again today. Lessons learnt, and changes will be made.
First goal for today, start time-boxing.
If you don't know what time-boxing is, it's basically allocating a time window to cover a particular task. How much you end up covering is not important, the important thing is that you move to the next task when time's up.
Had a quick vim catchup on Searching and replacing.
Realised you can use /word or * to highlight. 🤯
Life hack.
Write a grocery list once, and never have to write it again.
Back home and back to business.
Did a quick ChatGPT research on Account Abstraction as well. A concept I have been meaning to spend time to understand.
Spent the morning looking into focus modes. Now I understand it better, I hope my camera starts listening to me.
I somehow feel that my twitter account is not an actual representation of who I am any more.
Super excited for Zebu tomorrow!
Just learnt of Chisel, and it's basically solidity in your terminal!
The best type of morning 🎶🍂
Finally got around to scoring Autumn Leaves(Clapton version ofcourse).
It is pretty sick that you get canva plus note taking in /obsidian.
Talk about well thought out features.
I know I have a cast here where I shared my goal to learn solidity be December. Really happy that that's already in motion.
Really can't wait to start building and seeing what the future holds.

No 5 year plan, just forging that path as we walk!
Been playing around with long exposure photography and it has been fun!
wish I could try a bit more during the day, but I don't have filters for my lens just yet. The outcomes are still random, always slightly deviated from my original vision, but they work all the same.

If you have any tips don't hesitate to let me know!
I know i am barely around anymore but someone correct me if I am wrong; there is a Moxie mascot called Maxi? And Maxi is a meme coin too ?
I'm learning today, as most of FC users, how t̶o̶ s̶t̶a̶r̶t̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶c̶r̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ adjust to new reality in purple app world😁
there are still many questions but I'm sure everything will be cleared up.
Somehow I've crossed the 2k follower mark.
Thank you to everyone(humans and bots alike) who have deemed me a worthy follow.

The follow notification has been broken for sometime now, so if I haven't followed back just reply to this and i'll fix up!
A part of photography I never really thought about is how much you have to take and how the collection just grows.
I only imagine what it must have been for photographers before the digital camera era; developing films to see what shot(s) you got right and just ending up with a massive collection of decent/junk shots.

Easier these days, but I might just have to get more external storage for this.
My best play on Moxie has been getting @ramsey's FT. Put in about 2k and current value is 10k.

I'm about to get me more Ramseys.