

A channel for discussing mindfulness (theory & practice) In every moment, we have two choices: be mindful or mindless. Mindfulness is the philosophy of gaining control of our experience and living a more engaged life ✨

Still working on my plans for moderating this channel (& all of my channels for that matter)

New tools are coming out each day, so I’m evaluating each one mindfully to strike a balance between openness & spam moderation ✨

atm, I’m inviting people one by one, so feel free to comment here if you’d like to be a mindful member
Mindfulness is not a "state to achieve" but is rather a way of being, of living.

By trying to force yourself into that state, you paradoxically cause yourself to lose it.

Instead, recognizing that awareness is a state that happens in and of itself enables harmony with experience ✨
It's been almost two weeks since I reminded you...

I hope you haven't forgotten to breathe.

If you have...


In. Out. Repeat.

Focus only on the breath.

Hone in on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your nose, passing over your upper lip.

Keep at it.

Start with a minute.

If you "don't have time" for one minute, you need to do it for five.
As we move from the Information Age to the imagination age, I think it’s incredible important to recognize that infinite information is not what leads to creativity.

Instead, taking time to process the information and allow our minds to wander as we sit in stillness unlocks the next phase of existence ✨

Meditation & mindfulness are the best skills I’ve cultivated as well, as they allow me to ground my self into my existence, appreciating all elements of my reality at my own pace 😌

My best ideas come when I take time to be still and just be 🧠
Just did a deep rest meditation on the the Waking Up app 😌

I always like seeing how my heart rate changes as I take time for stillness and awareness of my breathing ✨

More info on the app in the pinned cast of /mindfulness 🧠

Discovering your intrinsic motivations is underrated ✨
A reminder to take a moment to reflect ✨

Reflection leads to self awareness, which can lead to a continuity of self from day to day, building into the person you were always meant to be ⛰️
Trying to share more in the mindfulness channel since I’ve been hearing some similar philosophies on farcaster ✨

What does mind expansion mean to you?

For me, it’s finding ways to shift my perspective, to recalibrate my sense of self so I can operate in a more mindful & intentional manner, rather than live in reactivity 🧠
I finally started using the Waking Up app that @wanderloots.eth has recommended several times in his podcasts (and on here). Callum - I couldn't find our discussion about it and where I was complaining about paying $150 after the first week trail period, so I created this new cast.

I didn't start it the day I started the trial, so cut myself short to test it for 14 days and only have 10 days left now of the free trial. But I must say, even after just day one and also reading about who Sam Harris is and what he does, I may indeed continue to use and it and pay the fee. I like that you can offer it free for 30 days to someone else. That's a nice touch.

I also noticed it's cheaper if you sign up on the website. I did it through the apple store and it's $150/year, but on the website there is an option for $120/year or $20/month. I did the trial via the apple store.

Breathe in, breathe out ✨

Adding intentionality to your breath can help recalibrate your nervous system 😌

A coherent (aligned) nervous system and mind is a good place to be 🧠
when the world feels overwhelming and you don’t know which step to take next, perhaps the best next step is no step at all.

Take a moment to breathe deeply and focus on your awareness, grounding your “self” in the moment through mindful meditation 😌

Stillness is underrated ✨
A breathing guide to assist with your regulation✨
When you're stuck, just breathe.

If the thoughts swirl, imagine that each exhale is pushing them away.

Just for now.


Our breathe is the only autonomic function we can truly control, it connects us to our nervous system, and it's one of the most powerful ways we have to regulate and reconnect to our bodies so we can function as a whole human. <3
Whenever I find myself stuck on what to do, and I ~notice~ my attention flitting between too many things, I take a deep breath, then pull out a book to read.

Reading is one of the best ways to recalibrate focus, as it requires an intensity that fights distraction.

Over time, reading can retrain the focus muscles & increase attention in other areas of life ✨
We often discuss living in an attention economy… but how often do you actually consider your attention?

There is a reason we use the terms “spend time” and “pay attention”, they are economic actions, depleting our finite resources.

Mindfulness practice can help restore fractured attention & improve your intentional spending of it, rather than mindlessly scrolling and dropping attention wherever the algorithm tells you to ✨
Mindfulness in Recovery

May 17, I got hit by a truck while riding my bike and broke my leg. 10 weeks off my feet, non-weight bearing, and I'm just now getting to where I can transition from crutches to a cane in the house.

Each step is a moment of mindfulness.

Heel to toe, taking care to notice what each muscle and joint is doing.

More awareness of my body than I've ever had before.

It's not about pain - there is some ache here and there, but mostly, the leg feels weird. It forgot how to be a leg, and now I have to consciously remind it how to be one.

Everything has to the potential to be practice.