Gwynne Michele

@thecurioushermit #734400

Devotional polytheist living a monastic lifestyle centered on curiosity, simplicity, and joy. Exploring the intersection of technology and spirituality.
5731 Follower 385 Following
Neuroethics assignments done and turned in.

Currently working on a character sketch exercise - I tend to lean into worldbuilding so deep diving into a character is a good practice. ChatGPT knows me well to assign homework 🤣

I have ended up with a completely fascinating character, though, and she might end up spawning a story.

Still need to go into more detail on the character sketch, and I'll be sharing it on my public Obsidian digital garden when it's done.
Reading for this evening:

"Initial Response to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for Depression Predicts Subsequent Response"

Supplementary materials for this week's neuroethics work.

Fascinating stuff.

But my brain is gonna be throbbing by the time I go to bed.
I alternate between intensive and expansive periods.

During intensive periods, I'm hyperfocused on one subject or project. The last few days, that was marathoning a Chinese romance series as I'm diving back into intensive language study.

Today I've shifted into the expansive moved. Moving from topic to topic, interesting to interesting, slowly wandering my way to the next intensive interest dive.

There's no rush in either mode.

Everything connects one way or another to everything else.
This week's topic in neuroethics is reading minds and controlling minds.

I have a paper to write by midnight.

I got this.
I got my Hermit Gaming notes published to the web today :D Including my current vamp playthrough - which I'm WAY behind on. I'll be adding template and more as I continue to build this out more.

I needed a header image for my new Obsidian-based website. Went to Midjourney and put in "a hermits garden" just to see what it would do and see if I wanted to make adjustments.

One was a hobbit-like garden, with the round door and mound house. Nice, but I'm not a hobbit. Another two were lovely gardens.

But this one stood out cuz that minecraft vibe to it makes it perfect for a "digital garden."
Thanks to @wanderloots.eth great article on how to do it, I got my Obsidian vault set up to deploy to the web.

Right now, the only notes I've got published are related to the DIY MFA in Creative Writing learning project I just started for myself, which includes building a writing portfolio, and a digital garden will work nicely for that.

I will be adding more as I go - I've got a crapton of self-study curricula for various areas of interest that I've used ChatGPT to create and followed. For instance, it was a ChatGPT self-study plan that got me started learning Mandarin Chinese.

https://thehermitsgarden.netlify.app if you want to check it out and see all the suggested reading ChatGPT has for me, as well as suggested exercises - like a deep dive character study.
Weekly AMA!

It's exactly what it sounds like.

Ask me anything.

About content creation.
About my weird life as a self-vowed hermit nun devoted to a made up deity.
About going back to college to finish a bachelor's degree in middle age not for a career pivot, but for fun.
About anything you've seen me cast about.

Or really, about anything at all.
GM Curious Fam!

I spent the weekend and the last couple of days hyperfocused on watching a CDrama so haven't posted all that much, but I made it through all 36 episodes of the series in Mandarin, so now brain is all dopamined-up and ready for creation 🤣

Which is good, cuz I have a neuroethics paper due today.

I also got the first book in my "DIY MFA in Creative Writing" that I had ChatGPT design for me.

Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin - it's a small book, 10 chapters, with corresponding writing exercises.

I've decided I'm going to do the "DIY MFA" as a "Learning in Public" project, so I'm also working on setting up Obsidian so I can publish the notes for that online for others to follow along on this AI+self-guided journey to improve my writing and build a consistent writing habit.

What's your Wednesday looking like?
A peek at my Mandarin language learning vault.

I'm currently having ChatGPT generate intermediate graded readers for me to work through, and all new vocab gets individual definition notes with an audio embed of the pronunciation.

Then I'll work through the text, doing my best to understand and translate it, and I'll then have ChatGPT review my translation and give me notes for improvement.
One of the things I like to use ChatGPT for in my language learning is to create "graded readers".

They have vocabulary and grammar at various learner levels, and you can have it create them on any topic you want, in basically any language you want.

I have a couple ways that I use them.

I put them in my language learning Obsidian vault where I can then create new vocabulary notes for any new words that I encounter, and then I import them into LingQ where I can read through them using a popup dictionary and automatic translation tools.

And they're WAY more interesting than the sorts of generic graded readers you can find online.
The other day, I had ChatGPT design a "DIY MFA in Creative Writing" for me. It includes booklists and exercises to do along a two-year timeline to improve my writing and build some consistency and discipline into my writing practice.

The beauty of using ChatGPT to create DIY curricula for myself is that it "knows" me well enough to tailor the materials exactly to my interests and goals, and I can have it adjust it as I go and those interests and goals change.

My DIY MFA in Creative Writing starts with reading Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Neither of the libraries I have digital access to have it, so I ordered the paperback on Amazon.

It'll be here this morning.

Now I just gotta figure out how I'm going to share my developing writing portfolio for learning in public.

I'm already a really good writer.

I want to be great.
Current Status: Three kittens tucked in my shirt sleeping because they want constant cuddles, but I need my hands free to write.
We need some lawyers on this one...
Yesterday, I shared his video about yeast to produce psilocybin. He's also got a video on using yeast to produce morphine.

Bioengineering is so freaking cool.

GM Curious Fam!

Today is a brain break day because I had assignments due over the weekend.

Well, "brain break" isn't really the right term for it cuz I'll be obsessively studying all day, just not school assignment stuff 🤣 I'm focusing the next few months on breaking through the intermediate plateau in Chinese - I can understand about half of what I hear and about 80% of the characters I read, but that's not actually enough to truly understand what's going on in a piece of media cuz turns out about 80% of words in a language are filler and connecting words 😆

Vet appointment with one of my beasties this morning - Squeak is my tiny hospice foster who the vet is shocked to see alive at every appointment because he is a hot mess who is half the size he should be. He's with me as long as he wants to be on this Earth, and he is my little bud. Tucked in sleeping in my shirt right now.

How's your Monday looking?
Someone on Reddit suggested asking ChatGPT to create an image of you based on your interactions with it so far.

This is what it thinks of me.