mrmemes 🎩


A place for random musings when nowhere else seems to suit. Orange cat behavior encouraged.

Rode to the top of Utatsuyama on a fixie 😂 hard to tell from this angle, but I gained a good amount of elevation. A couple of those switchbacks had 10% or so grades… my thighs are murdered!
Headed out to get drinks with the boys
To us who were once geniuses
To you who were a prodigy
We could’ve become anything, another way
I still haven’t given up
I wonder why shower time is so good for liminal states and meandering down random thought paths... maybe because it's somewhat meditative?
This is soooo freaking cool :) I was only recently introduced to the theories around mycelia providing a "wood wide web" via electrical signaling between trees in forests, now this...
At 48 a lot of weeks are battles with dodgy knees, sore backs or flatlines in energy. I think I’m getting better at finding ways to stay active and work around temporary impediments though… and when that doesn’t work I’m also getting better at grace and acceptance and listening to my body. Only up.
Had my first Japanese lesson with an actual native speaker and did not completely panic and become non-verbal. Feels like a milestone for me. あぶなかった.
Love to see this! Proton makes substantive contributions to online privacy and digital rights, so to see them move to a non-profit model backed by a foundation means that they can keep doing this in perpetuity. 🔐♥️
My family just brought me back this Saitama figurine from the boba shop because "it reminded us of you... you know... strong bald guy." I guess I'll take that as a compliment 😅
My YoY activity increase is looking good. I frequently feel like my progress is slow, so zooming out like this to see macro level changes puts things in perspective. It’s a great reminder that small, consistent efforts add up over time! 🏃‍♂️📈

If you’re feeling the same, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You might be surprised at how far you’ve come!
As [Steward Brand] looked toward downtown, while wrapped in a blanket [on LSD], it appeared that the streets lined with buildings were not quite parallel. ‘This must be due to the curvature of the Earth’, Brand decided. It occurred to him that while we think of earth as flat, as we usually to do, we assume it is infinite and we treat its resources that way. ‘The relationship to infinity is to use it up’, he thought, 'but a round Earth was a finite spaceship you had to manage carefully'...

from Michael Pollan’s “How to Change Your Mind”
"My regard for science, as an end within itself, is diminishing as time goes on... when the thing I want with all of my being, is something that lives far outside and out of reach of empirical manipulation." -- Alfred Hubbard
Can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m pretty relieved that Boden dumped.
"Crypto is apolitical" is something I've heard.

But is it really? 🤔

It’s not apolitical to the folks pushing a pro-crypto platform that are vying for your vote. Vote for a pro-crypto authoritarian and they'll (surprise) make authoritarian moves once in office. As tempting as it is to keep our heads down, it could easily lead to a swift erosion of the freedoms we've come to rely on. 🚂🔒

Stay informed, stay engaged and DYOR.
Reporting in from "a principled stance". There's been a murder 🩸🪓
For those not in the know, the standard greeting for a fellow bald person is: "Hey, nice haircut."
Once you've dug down deep enough through all the layers of infrastructure and all the orderly abstractions, it's pretty amazing just how much of the world's tech is still either straight up bash scripts or intimately dependent upon them.
Love this take, but I'll add this for my fellow Americans thinking about the November elections:

Considering voting for someone with a pro-crypto agenda who also opposes basic LGBTQ+ rights or the right to make private decisions about reproductive health is a dangerously myopic outlook.
Showed this to my 17 year old. She said “Disgusting. Good job.”
Really, really dig this article from @daojoan.eth. Longish, definitely ranty, resonates on so many levels and an absolutely a joy to read.
I went hunting for folks working in cryptography and privacy yesterday and found:

* @kazani.eth - lots of good, regular posts about /privacy
* @mratsim - working on some good reference implementations of curves in Nim
* @zkmarek - doing some interesting visualizations on understanding cryptography

Some other no-brainer follows for privacy and cryptography are @eulerlagrange.eth and @cassie. I’m sure I’m missing a ton of great folks though, so who should I add to this list?
The hat stays locked up 😅🎩 I’m still a strong believer in $degen for recognizing contributions to Farcaster and will continue tipping accordingly.

This season, I want to better support those working on cryptography and privacy solutions, but they often don't self-promote. Who should I watch?
Long ago, the four nations lived in harmony...
Inexplicably cranky today.

I'm really glad that I've been able to establish a good fitness regimen. I know that in just a few minutes I will get to the gym, get cranking, and get out of my head. Moreover, by the time I'm finished, I will feel immensely better.

Take that, weird brain chemicals! 🏋️