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@mrmemes.eth #3850

co-founder @chaindrop § software engineer § privacy wonk § music head § theoretical memeticist
1163 Follower 590 Following
This lawn sign is for sure getting stolen 😂 how long do you think I’ve got?
After a month in Japan, I’ve boarded my flight and am heading back to the US. I’ve loved being here and fulfilling a lifelong dream to visit, but I’m also ecstatic to be headed back home. I think I’ll have a lot to say about my time as things get back to a more normal pace for me, but for now… it’s enough to say:

My last week in Tokyo has been so packed that I have literally zero clue what is up with channels. Anyone know where I should go to get the 411?
It really does stagger the mind not just how big Tokyo is, but also how dense it is. There’s just so _much_ everywhere you look that I don’t know how anyone could truly know this city. Would one lifetime be enough?
At the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa
There was an old guy at the top of the mountain that had some meat cut in the back of his van and an audience of 3 Japanese kites that he was tossing chunks of it to… he’d sort of dangle it at them, one would break away and start a dive, he’d toss it up and it would snatch it mid air. So cool!
Rode to the top of Utatsuyama on a fixie 😂 hard to tell from this angle, but I gained a good amount of elevation. A couple of those switchbacks had 10% or so grades… my thighs are murdered!
After all the really excellent seafood I’ve had in Kanazawa, I’m abnormally excited to have this (not at all fancy) Kaga style curry from Champion’s Curry 😂
ITAP of a Grey Heron at Kenrokuen Garden in Kanazawa. Needed a telephoto lens to really be able to do him justice, he looked so cool 🥹
Sometimes I wish I could like someone’s like, just so I can be like “Yes! You got my exceedingly vague reference!”
My first ever ride on a Shinkansen is on this handsome devil!
ITAP of a gorgeous dahlia in Shirakawa-go.
bugger... looks like I need to start using a different tip balance frame. I'm seeing 4 different answers from 4 different sources. Anyone know which is correct? The official web site lags too much to use.
Headed out to get drinks with the boys
Like the old saying goes: "If thou piss off thy feudal lord, kneel thee down on stabby boards."
I tried to make this as precarious as possible. Both the standard "I was here" statement that these rock piles have been making for thousands of years and an acknowledgement that "I won't be for long".
30 seconds of Zen in Kamikochi, Nagano, Japan - part of the Japanese Alps.
nobody told them about danger crow
To us who were once geniuses
To you who were a prodigy
We could’ve become anything, another way
I still haven’t given up
At 6'1" (186cm) in Japan, I'm either constantly ducking or adding another bruise to the collection on the top of my head.
“Lucky” fish dinner did not prevent me from accidentally hiking 20km (reading maps in Japanese is not my strong suit - just a bit further…). Still, given the views, I have no complaints.