Pay It Forward


A channel for sharing kindness, knowledge, and innovating thoughts that enhance people’s lives.

reminder: all people are built different - a few things to keep in mind:

-what might work for one person may not work for another.
-things that you find to be easy or natural to do, someone else may find it very challenging
-you may not 'fit in' with everyone (it's ok)

find people that complement you and reach out for advice.
it might be easier than you think
i've updated the farcaster channel directory...

if you want to check:
-recently created channels
-channel creators
-channel creation dates
-followers over time
-members over time

Farcaster currently has 13,844 channels
-an increase of 201 in the last 13 days

Top 5 channels are:
/base (407,424 followers) +1,439
/memes (370,365 followers) +1,304
/farcaster (339,347 followers) +1,422
/ethereum (299,941 followers) +1,486
/design (208,412 followers) +687

Top 5 channels with the biggest increase:
/itookaphoto (23,105 followers) +2,781
/warpcast (83,598 followers) +2,602
/base-builds (35,796 followers) +2,590
/cryptoart (26,142 followers) +2,575
/airstack (45,969 followers) +2,475

Your channels are growing - @inceptionally @mxjxn.eth!
Our behavior towards people working in service roles is extremely important, as it reveals a lot about our character and the values we uphold. Kindness and good manners are not just a form of social interaction; they are also an indication of our ability to recognize the humanity of others.

Waiters and other workers in similar positions often face pressure and demands, and our attitude towards them can make a significant difference in their experience. Showing appreciation for their work, acknowledging their efforts, and adhering to basic rules of courtesy not only demonstrate our respect but also enhance social cohesion.

Moreover, the relationships built through kindness and respect can enrich our experience, making it more enjoyable. Good behavior acts as a bridge that connects people, regardless of social status.

Overall, our treatment of others is not only a reflection of who we are, but also an opportunity to promote values such as empathy and humanity in the world around us.
… pay it forward anon
Good morning fren.

In a time where we sometimes feel like we're "paying for the air we breathe, for freedom, and for democracy," it's crucial to remember the power of kindness. Let’s not just cherish our rights, but also extend our hands to others in need.

By paying it forward, we can create a wave of positivity. It can be as simple as helping a stranger or just sharing words of encouragement. Every small act counts!

Let’s inspire each other to contribute to a world where kindness is the norm.
I will be reviewing the bots here, but am fairly busy the next couple of days.

if you want to be a member of /payitforward and are not, please comment below and I’ll get out an invite

stayed up late and having my first cup now…

are you excited for the channel changes?
In addition to paying it forward to people in need, you can get a lot of return value for making donations to the American Red Cross currently
i've updated the farcaster channel directory...

if you want to check:
-recently created channels
-channel creators
-channel creation dates
-members over time

Farcaster currently has 13,643 channels
-an increase of 54 in the last 9 days

Top 5 channels are:
- /base (405,985 members) +3,097
- /memes (369,061 members)+2,365
- /farcaster (337,925 members) +2,910
- /ethereum (298,455 members) +2,937
- /design (207,725 members) +1,725

Top 5 channels with the biggest increase:
- /base-builds (33,206 members) +4,813
- /warpcast (80,996 members) +4,533
- /airstack (43,494 members) +4,225
- /zora (113,730 members) +3,997
- /mfers (35,896 members) +3,976

Your channels are growing - @betashop.eth @jacob @mleejr!
For Charlie Horse (which I learned what it is today) I have some info:
My sister is a masseuse and she uses certain oils for certain parts of body
For pain and cramps the black seed (nigella sativa) oil is very useful
You have to apply it on the skin and massage it
The move should be from your Achilles up to the back of the knee ❌but never massage the "back of the knee itself"❌
First gently massage your leg muscles with your palm for a minute to make your leg warmer then you should use your both thumbs to create a branch and zigzag move
Continue this for 5mins and gradually add more pressure to feel and locate the stiffness parts
While doing so breath naturally and be relaxed
Do the moves till most of the oil is absorbed then rest for 15 minutes
I hope this helps ❤️
Paying it forward with a smile can brighten someone’s day! Simply offer a warm smile to a stranger, perhaps while holding the door open or passing by. It’s a small gesture that can inspire kindness in others and create a ripple effect of positivity. Have you tried it before?
i've updated the farcaster channel directory...

if you want to check:
-recently created channels
-channel creators
-channel creation dates
-members over time

Farcaster currently has 13,589 channels
-an increase of 146 in the last 17 days

Top 5 channels are:
- base (396,003 members)
- memes (361,000 members)
- farcaster (329,104 members)
- ethereum (290,104 members)
- design (202,337 members)
asking people to help you with something or to do something for you goes a very long way vs. ordering them to do something for you...

your word choices matter too...

saying - "would you be able to do this?" vs. "do this now" can make all the difference...

people like being asked rather than being told what to do... it's about how we make others feel!
which would you rather be on the receiving end of?

so the next time you need something, try asking kindly...

you might be surprised at how willing people are to help...
🌱 **"Pay It Forward, One Gesture at a Time"** 🌱

Sometimes, the smallest gestures can make the biggest impact. Imagine this: you hold the door for someone, they smile and feel appreciated. That smile gets passed on to the next person they meet, and the cycle continues.

This is the essence of **Paying It Forward**. We may never know the full extent of our kindness, but it could change someone’s entire day—or even their outlook. Let’s consciously choose to spread kindness today, in whatever way we can. A smile, a compliment, a helping hand—it all counts. 🌟

Let’s start a ripple of goodness and see how far it goes. Who’s ready to make a difference? #PayItForward #KindnessChain #OneGoodDeed"

This post encourages small but meaningful acts that can start a wave of positivity.

Farcaster has storage limits. If you run out of storage, you can still use Farcaster, but your earlier activities will start to be removed.

This frame allows you to check your farcaster storage information.

You can install the cast action to check it at any time.

Please note the following:
Storage units purchased ON or BEFORE August 28, 2024 are valid for 2 years and have the following capacity:
-5000 casts
-2500 follows
-2500 reactions

Storage units purchased AFTER August 28, 2024 are valid for 1 year and have the following capacity:
-2000 casts
-1000 follows
-1000 reactions

Storage units currently cost approximately $3.
i've updated the farcaster channel directory...

if you want to check:

-recently created channels
-channel creators
-channel creation dates
-members over time

note: host fids are no longer provided...
So today I learned that slugs like dog food! so this is the story:
My Penny stays out most of the time because it's hot and I don't have an air conditioner
So I put her bowl on the porch, just one of the pieces apparently was out of the bowl and I just saw this
The chewing sound in the background is my dog eating!
(Those are my dog's hair as she shakes herself a lot and it's hot)

Ps: I don't like slugs and this is disgusting for me so I'm probably gonna kill it with salt
i wanted to share a quick story about my mom.

every day for as long as i can remember, she's used her stationary bike for 30 minutes a day. she's on the bike every day! she even picks up the phone to talk to me while she's on her bike...

she's in her 80s, but she doesn't look like it or act like it! people always mistake her for being in her 60s... she cuts her own grass, shovels the snow, and does everything around the house that you would think someone decades younger may have issues doing...

and every single time i try to help with any of these chores, she tells me "if you do it, then what will i do..."

a little fitness goes a long way...
Pay it forward

by learning the names of people you see every day is a small yet powerful gesture that can significantly impact their lives.

Remembering and using someone's name shows respect, recognition, and appreciation, fostering a sense of community and connection.

Whether it's the barista at your favorite coffee shop, the janitor at your workplace, or a neighbor you pass by regularly, taking the time to learn and use their name can brighten their day and inspire them to do the same for others.

This simple act can create a ripple effect of kindness and connection in your community.
in case you are unaware there was a massive breach with millions of people's names, birthdays, addresses, and ssn exposed out in the wild.

recommend going to a reputable site and checking if your data was exposed. If so, please freeze your credit so you're not dealing with the fallout years from now.

i'll share that i went to and found the data from a lot of my relatives exposed. (please check for yourself on a site that you trust)

it's sad that the company that exposed this information, NPD, only informed the public after a lawsuit was filed against it.
i was at a family gathering over the weekend and one of my relatives swore she had a picture of me, my dad, and others at a detroit lions game holding a sign that she had watched on tv...

i said - "no, wasn't us.. we've never brought a sign..."

the next day she sent us a picture of my dad getting ready to give a monster high five with most of us (me included) behind a sign someone was holding.

i had never seen this picture before and as my dad passed away a few years ago - it was pretty special to see him and how happy he was...

just a reminder that pictures can speak through time...

take as many as you can...

*bonus points if they're live photos...
if you want to check:

- when channels were created
- how the members have changed
- who moderates which channels

here's the Farcaster Channel Directory...
the secret ingredient to most smoothies is apple juice....

add to the blender or ninja the following to make an incredible smoothie:
3 - 4oz strawberries
1 banana
2 cups apple juice
1 tb peanut butter
1 cup crushed ice

and blend to perfection....

i do add other berries and fruits when i have them

what's your fav smoothie recipe?