Creative Process


a channel for sharing process, inspiration, workflows, ideas but also problem solving and help about creativity

Another voxelous timelapse with a soundtrack.
software: magicavoxel
be confident in your taste, make friends.
Make music like back in the days Noise/Pro Trackers!
I can recommend Renoise. Its a little bit weird but once you get the hang of the hexodecimal musical timeline, you can make literally anything you want without expensive hardware/software.
It's been a while, but hey, here another timelapse from unqle qubyt
sound on! (p.s. the soundrack is not banging cus is still in a premaster situation)
IM COVERED IN BEES (internally)
This is not mine. Irish guy (Bobby Fingers) models these incredible dioramas about hilarious events and does this in a super entertaining way.
Its a hugely talented guy and his films about the modeling are comedy gold.
fucking around with live compositing in blender.
pixelate everything.
If you wanna become Magister Ritmicus like Iota Dillae or Disci Fantinum Primerus, here it is
Draft/wip for a hypothetical trailer for a hypothetical game set in Italy in the mithological Dopa 90ies times. just became opensource and standalone!