

a place for me and anyone else to drop wip work. mostly generative onchain art. expect lots of zorbs

been making these funky little guys lately
just dropped a new piece on @highlight
another take on it
collective zorbs 1-40
finally starting to settle in after a bunch of travel and an out of state move

ready to go higher
took some time off, prepping to move to a new state (again), making some art
revisiting old code with fresh eyes
i've been wanting to put more process work onchain

not sure if rodeo is exactly what i'm looking for, but i'm giving it a try here

v cheap mints available for 24 hours
rough test generating an animated svg on mint and then converting it into a color dither animation to get the effect i'm looking for

all onchain

original generated svg / dithered output shown side by side for reference
exploring a new vibe
a project like /basecolors is a great example of doing this well

but i'd like to have one that uses the chain as the canvas since that's the thing that brought me here and continues to be what i'm most excited about

maybe it's just zorbit, but framed more for non-crypto folks. maybe it's something new. tbd.
the full Zorbit collection is now available to browse on the website

along with the ability to mint new Zorbit tokens
an infinite collection that anyone can contribute to but no one can own