

Make something people want to be a part of. Join us for Internet Explorers on Fridays @ 10AM PST

We did a thing and acquired Build from @backdrop.

After 6 Build cohorts, ~10k crypto and AI builders shipped over ~1k products with millions in grant funding.

We’re incredibly excited to carry on the momentum created by @joey and @rapha.

Lets build baby.
too onchain too online

consumer crypto roundup, delivered straight to your inbox weekly
Join us live on Internet Explorers with @cojo.eth from @ponder at 1pm et !!!
we are sooo back (from asia)

all the hard conclusions people draw from these conferences are hilarious

it was great, it was dumb, it was everything in between

but you just can’t beat suddenly being in the same place as thousands of people from around the world who are obsessed about the same things as you

still buzzin
what should we discuss on IE this week? @nicholas and i are taking over while @jess and @joshcrnls are in singapore
@jess check tg

Got a founder with a interesting idea you might like
Can't say enough good things about the @seedclub experience - they've been in the trenches, relentlessly positive, and quick with advice

I don't know when the next cohort opens but highly recommend joining
on killer wedges...

a "wedge" is a tightly defined market segment that a startup aims to dominate as a springboard to a larger market

- Killer wedges let you test your product and gather early data and learnings relevant for growth
- Opposite approach: trying to be all things to all people.
- Crypto Twitter is a poor wedge due to scattered attention
- Focus on the intersection of crypto-comfortable individuals and your specific user persona
- Ex: Socially-ambitious consumer crypto projects targeting college campuses for viral growth. College students create viral networks with close geographic proximity, constant social interactions, and high-affinity to related user groups
- Use wedges to gather learnings and build a long-term strategy.
- Stay adaptable
a critically acclaimed consumer crypto roundup @seedclub !!!!

this week ft...
-Building lore with @meltem
-Killer wedges
-Prediction markets: Why regularity matters @polymarket @kylesamani
- @fwb FEST week
- @zora introduces Sparks
-2 new platforms to short memecoins
-Founders Fund led an $11M round in pudgy penguins parent co
- @enjoytech.eth passes 50k holders
- AbstractChain launched testnet
- Frames now support polygon PoS txs
- @crowdmuse announced its Create flow
-Blackbird Flynet on @base
-CA DMW x @avalanche
-BTC Nashville
Creating Personal Lore 101 with @meltem

-be memorable, bold, and authentic
-identify your archetype
-create a recognizable aesthetic and stylistic consistency. be uncompromising on your aesthetic
-tell stories that place you in the broader context
-show up consistently on your channels
Are L3s luxury chains? They make scenecoins and social token networks (Sanko, /enjoy, etc.) much more accessible and engaging, allowing for fluid participation, speculation, and a more focused space for collective contributions towards growth of a native scene. @joshcrnls @jess
internet explorers pregame