

Let’s share our self care journeys, tips & practices as we seek balance in the 24/7/365 wild ride that is web3. Be kind to you. 🤗 And spread it around.

Wrapping up a quiet and mostly unplugged Saturday with this lil man. Did some serious self care today. We’re at the finish line for some massive shipping at Fuel and shit has been intense!!! Excited to head to Permissionless nest week— bummed to be away from my fur baby. Hit me up if you’re in Salt Lake next week.
grwm to cast some freakin bangers

and gm 🫡
Enjoying this little slice of fall weather in the Rockies today. Upper 60s. Cool breeze. Bright sun. Chill pup. Happy human. No complaints.
I gotta say…one gorgeous thing about having the time to heal the nervous system, spine and being able to do yoga again is the space all of this downtime has created in my mind and body. Ideas can enter, bounce, marinate and grow because there’s simply space to do so now.

When we’re constantly under stress and our nervous system stays in a perpetual state of fight or flight, seeds of ideas may enter, but they end up having no nourishment to sprout and grow. Focus on /selfcare and creating space so your beautiful ideas have room to flourish.
Enjoying my last weekend “involuntary sabbatical” by reading, having a detox spa treatment and meeting lovely humans for coffee. This extended period of downtime wasn’t necessarily “pretty” but it was beautifully messy with a fuckton of healing and space.

Mindfully re-entering ETH land as Head of Community at a bad ass org doing big things is now the test of all this healing work and my own leadership practice. Here we go!!!
Week 2 of /selfcare birthday month treats wrapped with an extra special spa day. I got to let beautiful possibilities & ideas of my new job bounce thru my brain while getting a facial and scalp massage. Had amazing ideas bouncing all day. Deets to come…but this next chapter is gonna be lit. Buckleup Buttercups.
For my birthday month, I’m booking a spa day once a week. Fuck it…im doubling down on pampering myself. 🤣 (helps that I have a few extra spa membership treatments stacked up).
We’re continuing our /yoga weekend!! Got a new yoga toy- a wheel- & created a new “neck/spine strengthening” sequence w/lots of wheel action. Thinking I may need to put my yoga onchain this summer. Based.
Turned my home office into an anatomy yoga lab. Sometimes /selfcare is taking control of the healing narrative with all the resources our collective human experience dating back thousands of years provides us & placing it into the center of trad medicine. Putting that 500 RYT to good use…on myself. 🤣
Spent the day mostly off screens building a yoga sequence for those of us who spend too much time on screens. So much more chill than my normal “media over-consumption” work days. Once I refine them, I’ll make em downloadable as PDFs for any /yoga fam.
Entering a new healing chapter where the actual therapy is causing positive pain. Intense & counter intuitive, but necessary. Requires next level /selfcare & awareness too. Last I dealt w this shit, at 27, the halfway point was smooth. This time, the halfway is murky AF. Fascinating journey in self awareness & patience
I have managed to adopt the sweetest, laziest, smartest lil pup possible. And…he just guilted me into joining him on the couch for a power nap. Great healing journey buddy!!
And just like that…a new chapter begins.
Reading “The Anxious Generation” to better understand creating safe spaces for builders, etc. & this research is devastating to see in a body of work. Dovetails w the polyvagal theory I’m studying now too. Honestly makes me want to launch a yoga studio for technology induced anxiety.
Just got a copy of this!! Soooo good. I work with and mentor alot of genz & wanted understand the impacts of tech. Wow. Highly recommend this one. And yes, my @ethdenver sporkwhale is my “post PT” couch buddy. 🙈🫠😁
Boy howdy, going to physical therapy for an injury that takes months/year to recover from is a humbling experience in aging gracefully. At any age.
Part of my current “learning/healing” journey right now is “reintroducing” my yoga asana & modifying poses based on nerve irritation/neck pain. The body truly holds all the answers & the emotions- it’s wild.
Ok… gonna experiment… reply below w real answers. Got some degen left to tip before I fall asleep. Let’s incentivize /selfcare

What are your self-care Saturday plans— and what do you hope to gain with a bit of self-compassion?
Buckle up buttercups…the next week or so is a fascinating one in the realms of Astrology. I tend to take an optimistic interpretation of it all (I use CHANI app, which is amazing), but it will be an emotional week. Healing, releasing and making space for what’s to come is never easy, but always necessary.
Sometimes you just have to surrender to what is and learn the lessons you’re living through. ;) I’m learning an insane amount from these books & testing it all in real time. The outcome will be a guidebook to navigate chaos with Conscious Leadership. A conversation we need to have at scale in web3.
Money-poor and time-wealthy is not something we talk about often enough. But this was my life prior to entering the corporate meat grinder. Time to create. Time to enjoy friends. Time to build. Time to explore. It feels good to return to time-wealthy. From The Good Life Lab.
Spending today’s snowpacolypse studying the nervous system, vegus nerve and embodied self-awareness. Tons of science in this book too. This is the power of /yoga and other somatic practices—controlling the nervous system in any situation!!
Headed up into the canyon off grid for the day. Touching grass, hanging w farm animals and unplugging. Catch y’all on the flip side.
Current self care vibe at /ethdenver Taking a 30 min break in the chill zone to decompress from a fabulously wild day of helping do “the things” w/the crew. Also…yo-yo gmo.
Today’s coffeeshop goodness!! All about love!! It explores “love” in the non-western, sexualized version & how western culture appropriated “love”. In yoga, a core practice is to have compassion & love for all beings- even those who cause great harm. I struggle w/this- hard.