Shakti Rising


Dance of Shadow and Light on the Goddess Path. Let us celebrate the Divine Feminine through art and writing ♾️

The photo series
“Ballerinas and Flowers"
author: Yulia Artemyeva
The last piece of this collection

6. Guest Bedroom
from the series "A Day At Home"
by: Charlotte Colbert 2013

Charlotte Colbert
is a British/French photographer and screenwriter living and working in London. Working primarily in black and white, Colbert's dark images explore issues of identity, time and place, recalling his experience in storytelling as a filmmaker. His works examine how we choose to perceive the world as well as the various and complex workings of the human mind. The themes of isolation, sexuality, fear and fantasy are repeated throughout his works.
5. Master Ensuite
from the series "A Day At Home"
by: Charlotte Colbert 2013
"Awakening is not something that happens once and is then complete. It is an ongoing process of self-discovery and growth."

Shakti Gawain

4. Dining Room
from the series "A Day At Home"
by: Charlotte Colbert 2013
3. Annex
from the series "A Day At Home"
by: Charlotte Colbert 2013
2. Living Room
from the series "A Day At Home"
by: Charlotte Colbert 2013
1. Family Room
from the series"A Day At Home"
Charlotte Colbert 2013
hihi I just boosted my FarScore by 0.012827 by locking 13 /shakti channel's Fan Tokens with MoxiePower!
cc @betashop.eth
The happiest day...
Photo by: Daniele Torella
Rome, Italy
"Within every woman lives a goddess, a radiant force of divinity that connects her to the cycles of life, the power of creation, and the wisdom of the ages."

Shakti Gawain
Alice, St Tropez
by: David Hamilton 1984
"If I had seven lives, I would be a photographer in each of them."

by: Shomei Tomatsu 📸
“No one reaches out to you for compassion or empathy so you can teach them how to behave better. They reach out to us because they believe in our capacity to know our darkness well enough to sit in the dark with them.”

Brené Brown,
"I tried to convey the typical atmosphere of French hotel rooms. There were many impressions: the shabby furniture in a cheap hotel, the "Cupids" embroidered on the curtains. And I was in love with a girl, the girl who was my wife. I think this series of photographs should be compared to a novel or a poem, not to an image,"
René Groebli
France, 1953
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Photo by: René Maltête
The Kiss, Paris 1950
From the series "Blossoming"

Romualdas Rakauskas Lithuanian photographer: To take a single necessary shot, I could click six rolls of film at a time. The villagers always helped me very sincerely. My favorite photo is a boy walking along the road and carrying a rabbit. I photographed this boy and his brother. And finally, I caught the moment when he so surprisingly warmly bowed his head to this white rabbit. People don't believe me that all this is staged. But staged photography should be done this way, so that it looks natural. You have to be able to do it.