Angelika Kollin

@angelikakollin #326040

Estonian documentary and fine art photographer creator: /now • /portrait • /shakti • https://linktr.ee/angelikakollin
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Highlight of my day - meeting Amanda.

A Sangoma in training. I am very fortunate to create portraits with her soon 🖤
This week I am watching the Light to understand where it is at during the next few days so I can start creating 🌀🤍
When we honor our lover's divine presence, we open ourselves up to limitless love and connection. We recognize that there is something far greater than just the two of us. Joining with another human being in this way opens channels of communication that go far beyond words. It supports us in sharing our innermost selves with one another and experiencing a level of intimacy that is truly sacred.

the Lovers

You are my Mother - Lindsea & Chrysea

The impromptu session that sparked the beginning of my three-year project.


Portrait of Miriam

A series depicting 'ordinary' people who live their lives unnoticed, selflessly devoted to faith and service to others. It portrays domestic workers from affluent Cape Town suburbs, women who not only ease the lives of their employers but also continue their labor at home, taking on the roles of mothers, wives, and caregivers. Often unseen, they stand as the quiet pillars of their communities.


ITAP I took a photo of a woman doing laundry per hand outside on a hot day in Namibia

I was driving around doing errands all day today - getting groceries, making appointments with gallery and local printer, lunch with a friend, dinner with another one, stopping at many of my favorite places for hugs ❤️

View into my paradise today
Portrait of Devi, Miche, and Indiana

2021 I South Africa
Mbaba is one of the rare pieces in my work that I felt compelled to approach in an entirely different way. I followed my intuition, and the final image became a perfect reflection of the inner harmony I was seeking and the message I wanted to share with the world.

Ndahafa, holding her firstborn, embodies the very essence of motherhood—the fullness of life and the pure joy that comes with unconditional love. In that moment, she becomes her own universe, with all of creation witnessing her beauty.

Just landed in the Mother City ❤️
"Awakening is not something that happens once and is then complete. It is an ongoing process of self-discovery and growth."

Shakti Gawain

"Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
We had no network since yesterday. Now it’s finally back, but very choppy. Will try to catch up with some messages here before I board my first flight and during layover 🫶🫶🫶
Dear friends, tomorrow afternoon I’m heading to South Africa!

I can’t wait to feel the sand of my beloved beaches, hike the mountain trails, hug all my friends, and soak in the surrounding breathtaking beauty.

I’ll be there for two months and, hopefully, will be blessed with the opportunity to create my heart work—portraits.

I will keep you all updated and will share everything I experience here with my FC Family ✨ 🌊 🏔️
I’ve been less active here lately, as we’ve been without electricity since Wednesday, and it looks like this will continue for another five days.

Seeing this photograph by @minalisa1991 took my breath away. I want more people to discover it!

I Am Iran

“I've been becoming the land that my mother planted in her head
now, I am that land, glorious, free...
I am Iran.”

As Minalisa explains: This is the shape of the map of Iran. I made this work inspired by it.
Hairstylist: Shakiba Eslami

(see the comment for bts)
About two years ago locals in Tampa shared with me a fascinating legend about why the city has never been hit by a major hurricane. According to the story, the Seminole Native Americans, who once inhabited this land, had their sacred burial grounds here. When the last of them were forced out of the area around 100 years ago, they are said to have cast a spell to protect these sacred grounds from harm.

The first time I heard this legend, I was captivated by its mystery, which left a seed of inspiration in me to create a mystical-realism project one day - ‘A City Under a Spell.’

As Hurricane Milton approached, I couldn’t help but think of this old story, wondering if, once again, we would be protected. As you now know, the storm that finally landed was far weaker than what had been predicted.

It makes you wonder—perhaps the legend is more than just a myth?

A statue of Mary surrounded by debris
2024 | Tampa
We have no electricity since yesterday, and hence my internet is not great today. Will be more active when things go back to normal 🙏


A quick update:

We are safe and doing well. Thankfully, we haven’t experienced any significant damage, unlike many others who weren’t as fortunate. We’ve been without electricity for 14 hours, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s a minor inconvenience.