

a place to write short stories a fun, supportive place to test and share your writing anything goes so long as it's original... let's get creative!

View your Daily Degen Stats in this frame and cast action by @sgniwder!
My 1st experience on Warpcast was tough....prominent accounts ignored me, leaving me feeling isolated. I shifted my focus to smaller accounts, which helped me grow and connect. Supporting each other led to our collective growth. Seeking validation from larger accounts would have stalled my progress, but I did find some big accounts that became friends, which I value. Overall, while challenging, finding the right connections is rewarding....
Who has time for bridge trolls anyway
The desert is nearly behind them
Introducing @suffuze.eth and @theleroi

In the fourth day they will reach the coast!

Anyone have enemie suggestions for along the way?
Gotta treat your team mates well. Watch out for each other
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"A Promise in the Starlight"

A few weeks passed, and I found myself returning to that island in the starlight. This time, the island seemed broader, and paths that I hadn’t seen before unfolded before me. As I walked along the path, I saw a massive tree that I hadn’t noticed before. Beneath the tree was a small stone marker, and on it, familiar words were inscribed.

"Everything you find here is a part of you, and together, these parts make you whole."

I read the words slowly, letting them sink deep into my heart. Each time I journeyed in the starlight, I had been searching for something, but I realized that all of it was a part of me. Underneath the marker was a small box. When I opened it, there was a glass jar containing sparkling starlight.
“John Lennon once advised that if you start a song, write it through to the end in that sitting” -Rick Rubin*

*I think this is a good practice for short stories as well

You can always rewrite or not, use it at another time or not
"The Secret within the Starlight"

On another night, I followed the starlight back to that island. This time, the island felt even more unfamiliar and mysterious. I found a small pond at the center of the island and approached it. As I looked into the water, my face faintly shimmered, and suddenly, another version of myself, identical to me, appeared on the surface of the water.

“I've been waiting for you,” the reflection said. “Here lies everything we ever imagined—your fears, hopes, and all the secrets hidden within you.”

I looked at my reflection in the water, momentarily speechless. Then, gathering my courage, I asked, “What will I find next time?”

The reflection smiled and replied, “It’s what lies deepest in your heart. When you’re ready to find it, you’ll return here.”

That night, I woke up from my sleep, holding the conversation I had with the other version of myself close to my heart. And I understood. This journey wasn’t just a dream but a journey to find myself.
“Journey Among the Stars”

As I looked up at the night sky, countless stars shimmered above me. I reached out, stepping lightly, as if walking through a dream among the stars. Following the path of starlight, I arrived at a small island filled with glowing flowers. I picked one of the flowers and tucked it into my pocket.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in my room. But as I checked my pocket, the tiny flower, still shimmering with starlight, was there.

That night, I fell asleep, ready to journey among the stars once again.

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That crazy 🍖🦙🎩 getting into mischief
0xen coming in with the short story

great character development and plot in such a few words

8/10 stars
Don't forget to read the other parts from previous days
Will continue this story through the week
✍🏼 he always showed his top half… the pfp

he felt confident and secure that the world would see him as a normal person

not the hideous half man half shark that he was transformed into after that horrible experiment gone wrong

“Commander Stark, You can play God!!!”

I should have listened to the general but I was too obsessed with being right I had to prove that my research was more than just theoretical

a foolish foolish young man, and now a foolish old Commshark 🦈

@jacy you’ve made me reveal too much. I’m embarrassed
for now, if you want to cast just join as a member

/shortstories is for everyone

let's do our part to report bots:
"dad, please don't hit me again"

the words burnt on the background of his mind. the sadness made him feel miserable. he was feeling dead from the inside out. how could you end up doing something that made her say those words? what kind of monster are you?

all of that happening on the background of his head. and he didn´t know how to deal with that voice. the one of blame. the one that tortured him.

you are the worst that ever.

that music running on the background of the mind. throughout the whole day. i hate myself. i don't want to see myself in the mirror. i just want to escape. i just want to be free.

he didn't know what to do

so he just started feeling. feeling it all.

feeling how it burnt.

feeling how that fire transformed into tears.

seeing the tears come from the deepest part of his body.
I'm seated in the quiet study area of a library. In front of me is a sign titled "Please be aware." I can't read the rest of what it says. Next to that sign is another sign that says "Please do not leave your belongings unattended." As I sit and write these words, a lady in front of me is getting up from her desk to leave the room. She left her rose gold MacBook Air unattended. Trivial mistake on her part, but why would she assume an ex-thief is seated behind her? Is she aware of what the signs say?

There are 11 other people in the room, including myself. I could easily grab the MacBook and walk out if I wanted to. The lady wouldn't know what happened. The people in the room would be too oblivious. They're distracted by the academia of their life. Oh, the giddy feeling I’d get to steal this lady's computer and sneak away. I'd wanna see her reaction when she comes back to her desk finding nothing but a sign saying "Please be aware."
After 2 weeks of rain the sun returned to say, Roy and Lucy come on a cat walk today.

Hammallama walked thru the wet tall grass and one by one they followed his dumb ass

Out back behind the barn, beside the firepit knelt down low petting the kitties who walked single file on jelly bean toes.

Psst psst psst
come on you two kitties return to the porch

And then Hammallama went back to wage paid work.

The end
a bomb dropped

but it wasn’t for me

so I took a deep breath of cigarette

the release i feel after an explosion is depressing

I can hear it coming, I make peace with life, and I prepare for death

but when it passes the struggle reveals itself as purposeless

and I find myself wishing that it would have been for me

it’s been like this for months

every day and all night

the quiet periods are the most stressful

all I hear are my eardrums beating

“thump thump thump”

incessantly, claiming my thoughts, putting me on edge

but it’s not my time

maybe tomorrow, maybe not

I breath deeply again with my cigarette

I don’t feel the smoke

I’m a different person

clothed to the world, I’m revealed naked to myself

more a coward than I had imagined I would be

I still see beauty in the night sky

black and blue horizon with barely visible, grey clouds

a field of dirt beyond the trees and my breath, a plume of crystallized air

a sound approaching, maybe this one is for me
short stories can be non-fiction