Commstark 🎩🫂

@commstark #2211

Bitcoin, /appreciation channel host, /stolenfromtwitte channel host FID: 2211
13770 Follower 1129 Following

The new criminals

The new political far right neo Nazis, enemies of crypto

Everyone is a Farmer

Here’s news for everyone, so listen up:

The ENTIRE purpose of a token is to farm

all broad community based tokens are a monetary incentive to do something

if ppl aren’t farming it means they aren’t working for your token which means your token cannot survive

“When the ruling class conjures enemies from the ether, it is a sure sign you are living under the shadow of tyranny.” - George Owell, 1984, not really but probably
Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles.
which are we buying????

just kidding I try and stay on /base
meme of the day! Give the mfer his prize
can’t speak highly enough about the classic Gatorade squeeze bottle

after going through numerous high quality metal water bottles over the past decade in happy to say I’m back to basics

appreciate the classics
Do you want to win a HAM Hat? 🍖

Follow /mintedmerch & register to win using this frame!
classic liberal control tsk tsk

seriously tho why won’t Jason stop trying to control everyone


if it’s not pre programmed in, then it’s not a rule that can be made later

this is what we hate about legacy companies (especially tech)… they change the rules on us after we’ve out in time and effort

It’s done on purpose and we shouldn’t stand for it

SHAME! (Me pointing at Jason @airstack.eth
Who want any remaining 2400 $DEGEN?

wrote a fun short story in /shortstories

there are no rules, no judgement, no pressure

Just write

cast action by @sgniwder!
Zero chance Kamala wins

Who wants to tell me I’m wrong and why?
there is no fun

there is only suffering and failure
tariffs as a bargaining chip


the one unconsidered idea is that our economic friends shift gears and make new deals with our economic enemies (China) that maybe not destroy our economy but will shift geopolitical power once more away from America

of course all negotiations have risk and need to be done as a 3D chess game

ChatGPT is giving me the run around, anyone know what might be the issue?

i'm going in circles with it

these were the last lines of code that made sense. I was able to get an up to date Branch but couldn't run the actual code

any help is appreciated:

commstark@MacBook-Air cd ~/Desktop/ceremonyclient

commstark@MacBook-Air ceremonyclient % git checkout v2.0.0-p3
Switched to branch 'v2.0.0-p3'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/v2.0.0-p3'.

commstark@MacBook-Air ceremonyclient % cd node

commstark@MacBook-Air node % ./release_autorun.sh
zsh: no such file or directory: ./release_autorun.sh

again, just using ChatGPT in Terminal on a Macbook Air so I'm hard for me to troubleshoot. It goes on to try and help me find release_autorun {find . -name "release_autorun.sh"} but to no avail
it’s time friends


let’s get a quote cast chain going so we can all earn moxie and swap more tomorrow
go do this!

btw thanks to /rainbow for letting me know in wallet 🫡

you sirs are the best
Love that I got to choose which chain I wanted ti claim my Rainbow rewards on

so based

big day big day big day

been waiting for this day since January
appreciation in the wild 🫂
no dice

why does it seem so easy for everyone else?

i'm out of brain cells, will try again tomorrow

blast ChatGPT ... so smart, yet so useless