the garden


a place for digital plants

tfw you spent the last two years building a game only for its first release to become the lowest-engaged activation of its history

in the world of game development, this is called "the dark tunnel," and it is said to be inevitable

typically, the tunnel is entered around the time of a completed mvp, as it is around this time that product direction starts to solidify, initial hype fades, teams face capital constraints, and playability remains significantly limited by accessibility & porting challenges

so while it doesn't feel great, it also doesn't change anything & at the end of the day, it's better that we enter this tunnel sooner rather than later

so remember:

as a founder, it's important that i remind myself every day that no one cares about the project as much as i do

as a human, it's important that i cut myself some slack once in awhile & think about where i started & how far i've come

and as someone who is their own biggest enemy, it's important that i do not take these things personally

i bring a certain kind of disillusionment to the function that really helps set the mood
i’m on that nearly two-year solo founder start-up pain x bedridden covid x freshly sober boss fight right now
gm. i am back and ready to complain about things. what or who are we mad about in august?
i logged onto X to post an /animarising update & was tracked down by FC people because I apparently have a 40K degen allo build-up that needs to be distributed today lmao 🤣 😅 you guys are awesome

so my plan here is to give 10-20k to degen & eco projects (let me know), and then give the remaining to anyone who wants to come help with /animarising, which is where 100% of my focus is going right now

anima is an idle-sim mmorpg that unfolds on a real-world timeline over a decade. the easiest way to explain it is:

if you took the open skilling mechanics of OSRS/WoW, added the simulated nurturing elements of Tamogatchi, the turn-based strategic combat of MtG, the real-money economy of EVE, then put the entire game on a real-world timeline & made it fully idle & cross-platform---a mouthful indeed, but it's quite unique.

we're looking for testers & community folks (but are always open to talking to devs). so, if you want to test or help, hop in the discord & get paid (i guess, lol). pls don't farm me. :)
gm fartcaster

logging in quickly to claim me $moxie & redeem 1 million more $based

i'll likely buy a boatload more $moxie in the coming days once the claim sell off has cooled; 3x the valuation of $degen... i think not my good man

also, note to self: you desperately need to move shit off the degen l3 including your $proxy

i'll also likely buy a boatload more $proxy when i get around to bridging it back --- probably in 3 weeks or so, when i'll be:

>starting the /animarising raise, and
>coming back to fartcaster to prepare for next base szn

(think if trump get in there, we get another alt season, potentially closer to next summer following any btc & eth pump into 2025)

till then 🤝
i’m scared to go sober because i will become too powerful; too introspective; too aligned

i’m scared to go sober because i will become invincible

i will become myself
/animarising art & gameplay design for pre-alpha (next 5-6 weeks) is done & in development

will have some time; lookin fwd to spending it here
i am deeply, deeply, deeply demotivated by money

i simply do not care about it AT ALL

the ONLY monetary motivation i have, is ensuring that i have enough, such that i never have to look at another bank statement again in my life

simply logging into my CC or bank account stresses me out more than anything else in life

my hatred towards it has nothing to do with me not having enough (prob rooted in the stress it caused my parents while growing up)

since i started working 10 hour days at the age of 15, i’ve always found a way to have & make plenty of money; i’ve always been good at the one thing i hated most

it’s never been an issue & yet, it seems that somehow every conversation i have is always ultimately about money

this obsession is lifeless to me; any conversation about it makes me feel less human; makes me feel like zero-sum scum

i do not care where you vacation or what car you drive; i’ve worn the same $4 shorts for 4 days in a row

money is the most unfortunate aspect of life for me
spent the weekend with my ex; she’s no longer my ex; funny how that happens
climbed a mountain; found a castle
coming out of a few day sprint; have been living off smoothies/coffee for 4 days & haven’t put a shirt on in a week

i don’t mind working like this; just wish i had a bit more regularity when i’m in it

i tend to blockout anything & everything when i go into these trances; so gym, cooking & wellness all go out the window

once i get moving, i don’t like to stop until i’m fully exhausted, which usually takes a few days & when i do normal people things, i get pulled out of the headspace, so i don’t; i simply sit in my box

i’ve been switching it up with the standing desk & trying to work in some stretching here & there, but good god, do i ruin my body when i do shit like this

i is getting old
a garden note, keep scrolling (not interesting)

a little mid summer stress has set it, probably bc everyone i know is on their second vacation of the year already, and most of them are having their first kid soon: a normal life, a life i deeply admire, but just not my cloth, not yet at least

naturally, i have no vacations planned and am now single bc: i need to lock in (as written) (is what it is)

so to cope, i did what any good american would: a little retail therapy; picked up an m1 ipad air for $400 and a new desk mat

with the entrance of the new ipads, this was the best deal. i didn’t care much which model really, so long as i got an m chip. there’s little to no reason to have anymore power than this in an ipad. plus, this will save me a bunch of money on /animarising art. good pickup imo

a lot of shit going on these past few weeks. looking to get past it and refocused in the next. more and more i need to simply trust the process. it doesn’t matter if you stand alone, so long as you stand tall
entering my “bet on me” arc

ready to move industries
i always cast within the first hour of waking up; the timeline is fresh, my ideas are sprouting & my energy is concentrated

but i don’t have my coffee for at least an hour, so while i want to cast, the casts are always SO sloppy; filled with wrong numbers, typos, bad grammar & usually dyslexia-coded

so uhh my bad
my mullet is mulleting extra mullety today
create your own reality or live in the one created for you
warp has been so busted lately it’s not even worth logging in

dcs are actual hell, feed decides when it wants to load, notis are broken, and everything feels painfully slow

i’m constantly missing things and it’s not an enjooyable xp right now

feels like mainnet in 2021

bullish but annoying

sorry friends
i am terrified to look at my notifications

stay based

todays lesson

never let anyone except your accountant into your financials

if people find out you have a lot of money, it will lead to more problems

if people find out you have little money, it will lead to more problems

just do “OK for yourselves” at all times
quick whiteboard art for my friends new apt
my strategy this cycle is quite simply to stack and trade eth while throwing $300-$1200 at good early memes/coins which i’ll hold for 3+ months

majors always easier to trade for me; memecoins are far too volatile and influenced by too many unforeseen factors
resilience is more important to the process than perseverance
my girlypop gf is wearing darker eye makeup these days and is super into this resurgence of “emocore influencers”

i showed her ronnie era escape the fate just now and she said “i like this band!”

my god, are we back
i love bull crypto conferences bc it’s every one for themselves

no body cares about you & everyone has a million hands to shake

being here, present & passionate is everything

ppl will laugh at you, will love you & don’t understand or know why they should care about you, until then they do

it’s beautiful