

Swole is the goal, size is the prize.

Mixed it up today - played hoops, glute leg extensions, box jumps
Close Grip Bench PR

155lbs x 20 reps.
I somehow just put 25lbs on my front squat in a month. (granted I started very low)

e1rm a few weeks ago : 211lbs
e1rm today : 236.5lbs

PR today 165lbs x 13 (prev 10 reps). I probably had another 2 or 3 in me, but I was gassed.

Bench press
Incline press
Chest flies
Rope pulldown
Tricep pulldown
Shoulder circuit
Weighted situps
Leg day!

front squat PR, 155lbs x 10 reps (2 rep PR!)
Was late to the gym, only had like 15 minutes before had to catch the train so I just did

Weighted situps
Incline press
Rope pulldown

Medium-ish weight and just did as many reps as I could, 5 minutes each
Friday PR

Bench 195lbs x 14 reps, a 4 rep PR over my previous best with that weight.

Back & Bis

Tbar Row 2plates + 25 x 10, 10, 10
Weighted Pullups (25lbs) x 6, 6, 6
Cable Rows 145lbs x 15, 15, 13
1Arm Preacher Curl 30lbs x 15, 15, 15ish lol
Incline Curl 30lbs x 15, 15, 13
Getting back into lifting again after a a bit of a break, so far have increased my 1 rep max on the benchpress by 15% in 8 weeks (estimated by reps)

16 sessions over 8 weeks, basically 1% a session

Def going to see diminishing returns but kinda cool
Fuck yes! It's been years since I've had 1 plate on my OHP. My OHP is absolutely flying lately!

135 x 8
Trying something a little different. Bench day (chest/tris). Steve Shaw has a protocol called 1-2-3-4-5 (groundbreaking, I know!).

Set 1: 1 rep
Set 2: 2 reps
Set 3: 3 reps
Set 4: 4 reps
Set 5: 5 reps

Set 5 go for as many as possible. If you can't get 5 reps, next sessions drop a set. So just go for set 4 as many as possible. You are increasing the load while dropping volume over time, classic linear periodization. Eventually you're get to 1 set with 1 rep.

Today dropped down to ~75%, got 200lbs x 8 on set 5. Followed with Close Grip Bench, pushdowns, extensions, and chest flies.
My hams have been absolutely trashed lately. Can't even do my usual leg curls. :-/ Added back extensions and calvs instead of leg curls/ext
I rarely post photos of myself, but I did on Steve Shaw's community for Flex Friday.

Hit some Overhead Press PRs, 130lbs x 8. Not bad for a 40something punk.
Finally loaded the sixth plate onto deadlift.

Chest day! Hit a rep PR for 155lb bench: 22 reps. Progressing along with DB bench as well 75 x 12, 12, 12, and dips bw x 15, 15, 15

Isolations taking a hit from fatigue, but that's ok. It's all about hard training
Pushdowns 65 x 13, 11, 10
Extensions 50 x 13, 12, 14
DB Fly 20 x 10, 10, 15
Added a set to Front Squats, only did one set of leg extensions due to fatigue. Back of my leg was hurting so I didn't go heavy on leg curls.
Holy PRs! Ok, not gonna lie, been doing a body part split for ~4 weeks now and I'm loving it. Feeling sore like I've never been sore, but also feeling hella fresh going into my big lifts.

A couple PRs for Overhead Press: 125 x 8 (5lb PR!), 110 x 10 (10lb pr!), and 95 x 15 (3 rep PR!).

Also moving along nicely with my "Viking Press", like an idiot I was pressing from the center of the lever, making this way harder than it needed to be lol

Cable Lat Raises absolutely smoking my shoulders, love this movement.
Back & Bis

Still finishing workout, but wanted to post my PR.

DB Row 109 lbs x 12! According to Stengthlevel, that puts me solidly in advanced territory.
Leg day (and abs)

Weight sled push and pull (10 mins)
Leg press
Hamstring curls
Calf raises
Glute thrusts (?)
Weighted situps
Leg lifts (abs)
Chest & Tris

Bench 210 x 8
DB Bench 75 x 12,10,10
Machine Press 185 x 10,10,10
Tri Pushdown 67.5 x 15,15,15
Pecdeck ??lbs x 15,15,15
Tri extension 70 x 15
Leg day. Bit of a hurry, cut beck leverage squat to 2 sets, and did rest-pause for curls and extensions. I didn't really keep track of reps.

FSquat feeling decent. Low back ok. Knees aren't complaining.
I've simplified my routine a lot. I focus on consistency, working to exhaustion, and progressively increasing the weights. New routine every quarter (mix it up for a week in the middle)

~30 minutes routine for chest/tris day

Bench press
Chest flies
Rope pull downs
Shoulder extensions
Weighted situps