Jack Miller

@jackm #12443

Partner at Cosimo Capital
2531 Follower 646 Following
CBOE proposed a rule change that would allow ETFs to stake crypto

They completely punted on the liquidity question, saying:

“The Sponsor expects to maintain sufficient liquidity in The Trust to satisfy redemptions and current liabilities”

Hit me with the ol’ 5am wakeup then fall back asleep in my arms and I took the bait like a sucker
These same coins the US gov says they are not selling triggered a huge dump a while back over fears they were quietly selling …

Now they’re officially not selling and market dumping
When my son was 2 I'd hear him laugh from the other room and think "that's sweetest sound in the world"

Now he's 3 and I think "the Devil himself has entered my child and something terrible is about to happen"
Working out in the AM is GOATed

You always have time if you make time
Deep into The Culture series rn

Epic space operas and sci-fi that takes non-human intelligence seriously. 10/10

1st book, Consider Phlebas, is kind of a side quest, told from the perspective of a Culture antagonist, distinct from the other books.

I enjoyed it as a story on its own and it warms you up to the saga
Mind blowing graphic

$10b+ market cap countries founded in the last 50 years in USA vs Europe
Mixed in calisthenics lately. 10/10. Recommend

Fun having new goals (skill work) instead of just weights++

Def leveled up balance, muscle control, and functional strength

Took some time and persistence to get off the ground (literally) but starting at ~0 on these skills meant progress was relatively quick
My $0.02 on staking and liquidity re: ETFs as a liquid fund manager (last week's episode, sorry I'm behind)

Stupid-simple solution- just leave some unstaked, some rolling unstaked, and some always staked

Second- recreate a liquid staking token without a token. Just a private agreement for lenders to provide short-term liquidity knowing you're good for the collateral

Third- just use a liquid staking token

Fourth- some Frankenstein of those 3

Possible the ETF regulations will privilege different assets based on their lockups. SOL maybe better positioned than ETH for example. SOL staking ->3 days unlock in worst case, ETH worst case is like a month? It's messier

Unclear which liquidity regs *will* apply or (to a layman like me) which *should* apply but possible staked assets are deemed illiquid (some ETFs no more than 15% can be "illiquid"). Also possible staked SOL deemed not illiquid as worst case <7 days but ETH is deemed illiquid, meaning you only see staked SOL (et al) ETFs and not staked ETH ETFs
Crypto feels like a wasteland because liquidity cycles are moving faster than technology cycles

As crypto gets bigger the problems take longer to solve

In the meantime we still see speculative bubbles and external forces like monetary easing

Some people hate this but really just need to zoom out
Feels like a pretty meh deal for the Bulls

People have been saying "blow it up" since Lonzo got hurt

For their best asset they get 3 league average backups and their own pick back
The boys teasing a historic episode drop this week and that Matt will be covering global auditing and accounting rules now that SAB 121 has been defeated

Get your popcorn ready
Being a parent means some days your morning workout gets interrupted because you have to play "zombies"

But you have become the kind of person that loves that
Before being a founder, a day full of meetings was mildly annoying but whatever

Now a day full of meetings is excruciating because of all the other things I didn't get done
Firmly in the phase where all jokes get repeated and laughed at at least 10 times in a row

I know I’ll never get laughs this easy again 😂
I'm from a city in the midwest best city in the whole wide wide world
this channel has more thristrap pics than the gram lol
People are discussing annexing Mexico and Canada

Approaching levels of "we're so back" previously thought impossible
My sweet 3 year old smiled, looked me right in the eyes, and said “Dad you are such a bitch”

If your kid wants just one present for Christmas, ask follow up questions on what they are picturing so you know exactly how to present it

My son only wanted a gum ball machine (???) for his birthday but had a meltdown because he only wanted BLUE gum balls
Sleep regression? You get lulled into a false sense of security and they just regress?

What torture is this
Feels like we are at an inflection point
This channel has more thirst trap pics than my Instagram feed

As political will (maybe) arcs towards truth and reconciliation for OCP 2.0 why don’t we just go after Warren?

I mean who cares about the rank and file paper pushers

”If you come at the king you better not miss” but IMO “missing” has been derisked

This should be her legacy
My son is the best at cracking eggs in a houseful of good cooks. He cracks them out with full confidence, doesn’t worry at all about eggshells, yet doesn’t get any eggshells in the bowl

Lessons in there
Still learning things after lifting weights for 10+ years

I was never fully engaging with my back muscles (not enough "scapular depression") in things like rows, pullups, etc

I worked on doing it better, finally got the brain-muscle connection, and it feels like I unlocked my entire back
My new favorite part of the pod is when the theme song fades out and Matt EXPLODES in to the intro as Jeff Cox's "and out of this worry we have something called a Bitcoin ... Bitcoin" echoes in the background
Managing engineers is so weird

They can solve complex gigabrain technical problems but they are like children who need guidance on basic life tasks and social situations

(I am/was an engineer btw)
> How are things in the trenches?
I love watching movies with my kids but it's physically exhausting because I have to answer questions the whole time

It's more like me telling a story and generally explaining the world with visual aids
Weird as you get older how you take on a more parental role with your own parents
We’re hitting new ATHs and nobody outside of my crypto bubble seems to give a single shit
“Who tf gave the AI agents uncensorable financial tools???”

Crypto bros:
Been working out at home lately and focusing more on alternative goals of up my calisthenics game and grip strength

Front lever tuck
Vertical Rows
Rope pullups
Grip squeezes
Kudos to Nic for posting such a personal piece with commentary on the election

My engineers all want to WFH but only like 10% of them are any good at it

The rest get lost or create friction that slows down other people

How do you navigate this?
When you’re the leader, no task is too menial

But I’m getting real sick of doing the dishes 😂
What age can a kid meaningfully start practicing ball?

I can kinda guess but curious what anyone else’s experience has been
So many simple foods "for kids" that are lowkey GOATed and I can't remember when or why I stopped making these for myself

PB and J
Mac and cheese
Bagel bites
Eggo waffles
Rice Krispies treats
Grilled cheese
Root beer floats

Many such cases
Entering my home gym arc

I take the winter 1/4 of the year for home workouts to mix things up

Started doing this in Dec/Jan to avoid the New Year’s crowd and it’s been expanding every year

Super comfy and been fun to collect equipment over time
Satoshi mystery is the best mystery

Only behind ultimate ones- why the universe exists and origin of life

Off the dome, other mysteries are Bronze Age collapse/Dark Age (the mysterious Sea People?), were Atlantis and Troy real?

More recent the fate of DB Cooper, the Zodiac Killer, and other unsolved crimes etc
“One must imagine Sisyphus happy” I reassure myself as I pick up the same toy blocks for the 1000th time
“Terrible 2s” ?

This is the funnest shit ever

This little ball of energy makes me belly laugh more than anyone I know
Does Nic have any comments on David Hoffman fighting Kain Warwick
How much whining is to be expected and tolerated?

Say for 3-5 years old, or something

I don't have a baseline for my expectations