

i say what i believe, the consequences will be what they are

one of the goals it to become wealthy enough to not have to interact with anyone with an IQ below 115
the amount of short form videos being played aloud in public is entirely too high

remigration needs to start immediately
i have sworn upon the Altar of God eternal hostility against any tyranny over the minds of Man
shoutout Southwest Airlines for maintaining the reality of 2 genders and 2 genders only on their website
onchain typos are based and no i’m not smoking copium about the fact i just hit send without reviewing half the time
i like some of the Gaga songs, but what the fuck does know about cameras?
Vance completely exposing the CBP One app asylum scam to backdoor illegal foreign nationals into the country and the hosts talking down to him for “explaining the legal process”

definitely nothing to do with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
therapy culture is poison
i seem to be right on track
it’s only the truth that’s gon’ set us free - ye
AI replace my lack of programming skills with bad programming skills and i’m not mad at it
back in my day, getting boosted meant someone was robbing you
Wylin-chan's uwu urban farm grows the dankest memes and juiciest strawberries~ All traced on-chain for maximum FOMO! >w<

Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
Selkis tweets were and are GOATed
the sparrow will never understand the behavior of the hawk

the heart of the lamb will never understand the soul of the lion
i’m a bird feeder outside of the office window maxi
fully off grid decentralized farming

bringing farming into cities, making our food nutritious again
clear some land

mark out the corners

lay a foundation

attach bottom plate, raise the walls

sheet them

build the roof, sheet it

install MEP

install exterior sheathing

install interior sheeting

finish MEP

install flooring

finish and paint interior

basically captures the process
imagine production scale greenhouses in every city, growing the food you eat with publicly available onchain data about the water, air, and soil quality

coming to a city near you soon
decentralized agriculture is the future
shoutout @coinbase

always hooking it up proper on these trips
capital punishment for people who play tiktoks out loud with no headphones at the airport