
@wylin #15899

accelerating agritech. empowering communities. ending hunger. Founder: theCityFarmers.org | sovereign | post-rich | 🇺🇸/acc | remilio
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what if our art backed money came with fractional voting rights?

incentivizing holders to participate in the governance experiment, no artificial quorum inflation from bricked Nouns

the incentives seemed mostly geared toward dumping our money for other monies at the moment, and given the liquidity levels, DCA’ing into $nouns is nigh impossible
couldn’t agree more. the only thing i’d modulate is that Nouns as a charity is not an individual view of Nouns, but a vehicle to holistically align the incentives of builders, creatives, and financial contributors in facilitating the productive tension of subcultures and worldviews in Nouns

looking at existing charitable organizations like the Sundance Institute, Code.org, the Videogames and Esports Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation, (just to name a few,) it seems not only possible, but wise for Nouns to pursue charitable designation as a DUNA
one of the goals it to become wealthy enough to not have to interact with anyone with an IQ below 115
the amount of short form videos being played aloud in public is entirely too high

remigration needs to start immediately
i have sworn upon the Altar of God eternal hostility against any tyranny over the minds of Man
i just put up a candidate to support BigShot in these dire times.

hope Nouners will consider sponsoring

shoutout Southwest Airlines for maintaining the reality of 2 genders and 2 genders only on their website
onchain typos are based and no i’m not smoking copium about the fact i just hit send without reviewing half the time
i like some of the Gaga songs, but what the fuck does know about cameras?
Vance completely exposing the CBP One app asylum scam to backdoor illegal foreign nationals into the country and the hosts talking down to him for “explaining the legal process”

definitely nothing to do with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
therapy culture is poison
i seem to be right on track
bit of a random request:

i’m using an imported ICANN domain as my ENS, i used 3dns.box (which i learned about in part from Coinbase wallet rewards)

the wallet doesn’t seem to support it though and defaults to my cb.id

any chance these domains could be supported?
it’s only the truth that’s gon’ set us free - ye
loving the orange theme in the recent updates

requested it a while back on here, had one of the team’s designers share the challenges with ADA and their design guidelines.

so good to see it implemented
AI replace my lack of programming skills with bad programming skills and i’m not mad at it
experiencing this error on Chrome and Safari using coinbase wallet. connected via wallet app QR code scan on Safari and browser extension on Chrome

maybe user error though idk
back in my day, getting boosted meant someone was robbing you
I hope to see the DUNA proposal as a candidate first
did the QR code scanner get deprecated in the latest update?
Really helpful essay from two of the main lawyers involved in crafting the DUNA law on why (D)UNAs are a better option for DAOs than Caymans Foundations

welcome to new Nouner @skateboard

awesome meeting you IRL in Denver you Gnarly mfer