
@0age #4262

@Uniswap (views are my own)
60266 Follower 174 Following
looking to turn off *just* the FunctionSpecializer optimization step

trying to reuse code to keep size down & it's absolutely crushing me; would rather not hack around it

anyone know how to manage this in foundry?

torn on an interface choice and would love some opinions here

we've got an array of (uint256, uint256) pairs, used in both an EIP712 payload and a function arg

is it best to:
* use 2 uint256[] arguments & ensure they're the same length
* use 1 uint256[2][] argument
* use an array of structs with 2 uint256 elements
some of you out there are due for a massive QOL improvement if you don't yet know about this trick

bonus points if you recognize the UI — coincidentally, this technique really shines when you're working on a quick test or POC there
ordered nonces are clutch because you can invalidate any malicious payloads you may have signed (increment it by a large pseudorandom number)

seaport has this with an incrementCounter() function but it doesn’t have bitpacking

just implemented one that uses bitpacking, 1 SSTORE & to a dirty slot 254/256 writes
all booked for devcon as well as uniday on Nov 11th

see all you nerds there
sharing some news: I’ve joined the one & only @Uniswap 🦄

so much appreciation for my time at @OpenSea & will miss working with so many great people there

excited to help tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our ecosystem, starting w/ cross-chain swaps (if you’re working on this too, hit me up!)
can we stop and get some PGA?

ethereum: we have PGA at home

PGA at home:
with gas on mainnet at 1.65 gwei…

this is a golden opportunity to deploy all those critical data contracts to lock in universal access for time immemorial

we should be throwing down llm weights, historic works of art, manifestos, critical portions of Wikipedia, the works

where my cypherpunks at rn
qol improvement suggestion:

an option to aggregate .forge-snapshots into a single file would be a massive win for keeping PRs succinct

right now every PR that incorporates snapshots has "9.7e15 files changed"
thrilled to see IR pipeline improvements (especially speedups in compile time) land in solidity 0.8.27 🎉

addition of the `transient` keyword is great too...

but (if I'm understanding this correctly) it *doesn't actually do anything yet?!*

the solc <> TSTORE wars will continue until morale improves
step 1: add `via_ir = true` & `extra_output_files = ['irOptimized']` to your `foundry.toml` (can always turn off IR later if you want)

step 2: `forge build` and locate your contract in `out/*.iropt`

step 3: penetrate occult mysteries of the cosmos & observe how calldata validation, abi encoding, & memory mgmt work
pro tip — loose leaf tea is +EV to the max

the ritual of preparing it already puts you in an improved headspace

and not once have I felt worse after drinking a cup or two (can’t say the same about basically any other beverage or other consumable)

also so much room for experimentation to suit your tastes

absolute masterclass on how to thwart overly-conservative solc defaults and bring down gas & contract size

you’ll also recognize a lot of these tricks throughout Seaport

and a hilarious read to boot

@d1ll0n don’t miss

woah, got paid 5 USDC yesterday just for sharing random musings

something about receiving stablecoins rather than memecoins makes it feel *way* more legit

everybody knows crypto and expectation of future profit don’t mix, just imagine the tax problems you’d have to deal with if that fiver were to 20,000,000x
wow… power, internet, & even 5G are still out here

good guy LTE coming in for the win

also got a barely working generator running at a family member’s place that needs to be reset every ~30 minutes

can’t stop this caster
so there’s a relatively widespread power outage going on here

the smart move here would be to conserve my battery

on the other hand, my casts are being boosted…

obvious choice, really

took a decent hiatus from casting

time to get back in the saddle and grind up to win back that sweet sweet power badge
now you see why we put media onchain

this audiovisual file is stored across like 9 full data contracts, might be the first fully onchain video

can’t nerf this warlock spell

any solidity libraries or general resources anyone can recommend for working with sorted list insertion / deletion?

i've seen a few for sorting arrays in memory and such, but not a whole lot for operating on storage in an effective manner
is it possible to mute channels?

I understand that toe spacers are a thing now and I’m thrilled that all you foot fetishists are having a good time but /toe-spacer is literally a third of my feed rn
pro tip for all the audiophiles out there

pick up a pair of open-back headphones

I’ve got these ones (Sennheiser HD 650)

obviously other people can hear what you’re listening to, which is often the point of using headphones

still, they sound insanely good and you avoid the fatigue of in-ear / closed-back
so last night I set up a cryptosteel

if you haven’t heard of them, they’re this metal cylindrical capsule where you slide steel tiles onto a rod inside to safeguard a seed phrase

yes, setting it up letter by letter was absurdly tedious

but DAMN does it feel hardcore once you’ve got the finished result in hand
so it’s common knowledge that quite a lot of crypto has been irreparably lost (notably, Satoshi’s coins)

similarly, there must be a sizable chunk of crypto that’s been permanently deposited into pools or other DeFi protocols

chime in if you have any interesting data points to share on these eternal positions
it’s 2024 and we’re still launching new telegram bots?

wild that they still make up a big chunk of onchain activity

is this like stablecoins on TRON where a purist mindset is preventing me from seeing the real value here?

… no way