
Discussions about the Ethereum Virtual Machine

just let me deploy and destroy bytecode at my EOA address. (who is building this?)
My EIP-7702 delegation designator points to another account with a delegation designator. What does EXTCODESIZE return? 23? Is it just treated as invalid code?

Crypto needs to move faster

Congrats on the launch of Ithaca @gakonst!

looking to turn off *just* the FunctionSpecializer optimization step

trying to reuse code to keep size down & it's absolutely crushing me; would rather not hack around it

anyone know how to manage this in foundry?

Did you commit code to WalletConnect?

Have you authored an ERC or EIP?

Are you participating in CAIPs?

Did you contribute to core EVM and non-EVM SDKs?

Then you might be eligible for the WCT airdrop!

Register before Oct 18th with your Github account

Help me I had a stupid idea but I cant explain why it's stupid: could tx.origin be used instead of explicit approvals for authorizing token transfers? Like iff you initiate a transaction your tokens are all unlocked
Dedicated some time to add support of decoding Gnosis Safe transactions and this was quite time-consuming 🫣

Now, Loop Decoder, the transaction decoding library I'm working on, along with already implemented proxy resolution, multicalls and recursive decoding, covers most of the cases for decoding blockchain data.

And this all comes with request caching and batching, storage customizations and more, in the form of a TS library written in Effect TS.

Contract deployments is a dataset that users frequently ask about. sim makes it extremely easy to explore contract deployment tables or build your own pipelines, webhooks, and APIs with contract deployment data.

Like with every dataset in sim, you can view, fork and modify the canvas powering it, check it out: studio.sim.io/sim/canvases/a6e321fe-a776-4d42-a9fd-e9b2f9d7e6a2

P.S If you are wondering who is the top deployer... No surprise there, it is XEN 🪳
What public Polygon RPCs do you recommend? Been using https://polygon-rpc.com for some time, but it is getting inconsistent recently
📰 EIPTools Digest #1

Covering new EIPs & updates to the existing ones 🧵

✨ New EIPs:
1. EIP-7775: New opcode BURN

2. ERC-7779: Interoperable Delegated Accounts

3. EIP-7778: Prevent Block Gas Smuggling

4. ERC-7774: Cache invalidation in ERC-5219 mode Web3 URL
5. ERC-7776: Transparent Financial Statements
6. ERC-7777: Governance for Human Robot Societies


⌛ EIP Updates:
1. ERC-6909: Minimal Multi-Token Interface
> Status Changed from Draft to Review

2. ERC-6734: L2 Token List
> Status Changed from Draft to Review
torn on an interface choice and would love some opinions here

we've got an array of (uint256, uint256) pairs, used in both an EIP712 payload and a function arg

is it best to:
* use 2 uint256[] arguments & ensure they're the same length
* use 1 uint256[2][] argument
* use an array of structs with 2 uint256 elements
What are you fav protocol diagrams? Share the ones that you've seen and helped you understand protocol!

I'm looking for a friend (inspiration)of a protocol explaining diagrams that are easy to understand
You can now view contract code and copy ABIs directly from sim Explorer (http://evm.storage)

Navigate to the contract ABI section and click "View Code." You will be presented with flattened contract code, eliminating the need to search through endless files!
gradually adding support for unverified contracts, starting with whatsabi integration
Does anyone know of protocols/apps that have policies or guidance on things like:

- How frequently they upgrade their Solidity or Vyper versions
- How they determine when new compiler versions are considered safe for production use?
I’m of the belief that auditors and hackers have benefitted greatly from the ~25 KB contract size limit. I would argue that a bump up to 50-64KB is entirely reasonable and that the ecosystem has already lost more funds than any resource tax this would’ve imposed.
Still 908 bytes short 😭
Just released WhatsABI v0.15: https://github.com/shazow/whatsabi/releases

Improved using autoload to just resolve proxies and getting full verified contract metadata when available.

Fun fact: Etherscan returns proxy info for verified contracts, but Sourcify does not... yet. Maybe Sourcify should use WhatsABI to provide this in their API... 🤔🤔🤔👀👀👀
Is there a standardized import for the WETH interface? Yes I realize it’s 3 lines of code but it’s more around standardization. It seems like OZ only includes ERC interfaces.
Soldeer 0.4.0 is ready!
PR ready to be merged in main!
What a monumental work on this one.
Soldeer as a solidity package manager is the wei.

EVM upgrades are rolling out faster than software updates on your phone. 📱 How do you stay updated with the latest changes?
Are there any wallets that exist primarily as a secure library for apps to import and then build their own UI off of?