
Discussions about the Ethereum Virtual Machine

we live in the early blockchain era when people mostly issue fixed supply tokens to satisfy markets that find dynamic supply token software difficult to digest
Anyone have strong feels for where to draw the line for a contract that *is* a proxy vs one that happens to contain a proxy-like thing? Specifically for WhatsABI's proxy autoresolving.

My current ideas is if the contract has an SSTORE then treat it as a destination contract first, proxy second? Is there a better heuristic?

Very useful!
@sammdec.eth·5 days ago
I built a new thing if you’re a dev building in crypto/web3 that’s a little tools that’s hopefully very helpful.

Read more for the use case 👇🏻
Taking bets for over under on this statement
Optimism has a pretty monstrous solidity codebase at this point, including a ton of tests and scripts.
Build times were starting to get pretty horrendous. Something we did that significantly improved the speed is to use this pattern of using `vm.getDeployedCode()` and `vm.etch()`.

This compiles MUCH faster than the `new SomeContract()` syntax, because the script/test doesn't need to wait for the contract being deployed to compile first.
Foundry protip: if your traces are hard to read because of huge vertical blocks of bytecode and other gunk, use `tput rmam` to disable wrapping. (`tput smam` to revert).

Before and after:
@z80·19:46 10/03/2025
Introducing Cryo-MCP

An MCP server enabling your LLMs to query blockchain data using the best tool available, cryo

Your agents can use this to perform complex queries of on-chain data and use this to form their responses
Daimo Pay solves this using intent addresses. Single transfer > any action.

Check this out:

Docs: https://pay.daimo.com
Angel - Not A Bot
@sayangel·22:46 08/03/2025
I want to make a simple mint frame that accepts erc20 payments for mints. Aiming for one click.

IMO the approval step adds confusion for first timers.

Is there an elegant way to transfer an erc20 to a contract and then check that msg.sender has sent the appropriate amount before minting?

All roads I've thought through so far lead to the check offchain. I'm ok with that but wondering if someone has done something similar and can help me out!

Daimo Pay Contract Demo

Demo arbitrary contract call from any coin on any chain

An indexer for EVM storage.

Who’s building this?
@shazow.eth·17:23 06/03/2025
What's the magnitude of negative externality from @dune.eth buying the sim.io team and killing evm.storage? Auditors relied on it, now there's no substitute.

Maybe the next billion dollars North Korea steals will be because of this?

At least evm.codes was OSS from the same team so it's still around.
Has anyone seen discussions about repricing the PUSH0 opcode? Will it forever be priced same as RETURNDATASIZE?

before 7702
_ eoa keys do not rotate
_ smart accounts do not import / export

after 7702
_ eoa keys do not rotate
_ smart accounts do not import / export
If you choose a chain ID greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER for your chain, call me. There's something I'd like to say. Best not in writing
Has anyone tried yet?
@xmon.eth·23:00 27/02/2025
Gm is anyone trying out the 200ms flashbots blocks yet

Am wondering if the wss also provides event support at the same 200ms granularity?
@fucory·18:00 24/02/2025
TevmNode. It's just viem with an in memory ethereum node
Which protocol has the best docs? Want to learn from the best
Very excited about this for a few reasons

1) My latest PG extension decodes arbitrarily complex ABI data
2) Crypto companies should accept crypto payments
3) @daimo is really good
Index Supply
@indexsupply·19:25 18/02/2025
How Index Supply collects payments with Daimo Pay + Index Supply

@daimo is the simplest service for accepting any coin, on any chain, from any wallet. Index Supply is the simplest API for instant access to Ethereum. But can they blend?
The intersection between Blockchain and AI Agents is just getting started!

Wallets are not designed for Agents and soon we’ll see a major revolution in UX

The @walletconnect network is building for this future with Smart Sessions
What’s the closest equivalent to evm.storage now that it’s gone? Need it for Base Sepolia.
Now any time someone says they’re gonna fuzz-test a smart contract, this is the video I’ll be thinking about.
TGE = token generation event
… when tokens are created onchain and distributed

TTE = token transferability event
… when tokens can be transferred between accounts

TME = token monetization event
… when tokens start generating revenue for the network
Ethereum is not loosing but it’s also not winning

The growth stagnated because of L2 fragmentation

Decentralization is good for infrastructure…

… but it’s not good for coordination 🙃

Ethereum needs @VitalikButerin and Foundation to take back control and grow its ecosystem!
Chain-Agnostic infrastructure is not easy to build...

... but its much much easier to use for everyone!

Every day @walletconnect connects thousands of users through CAIP standards that support Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc

Interoperability is a requirement for superior UX!

Honestly we should stop using terms like "transactions", "user operations" or "messages" when talking about Wallets

Just call it "actions"... for every Wallet approval 😎
does anybody know how to get Tenderly to recognize minimal proxy clones/instances of an already-verified implementation contract?

I found Convert to Proxy, but I need the inverse; more like "Convert to Implementation"
Introducing Create3s: Cheaper Create3 deployments for small sized contracts.

Create3s is up to 35K gas cheaper than Create3 for contracts sized <= ~3.6KB. The smaller the bytecode, the more gas saved.

For how this works, here is the link to the repository.

Ethereum should follow the steps of Optimism ❤️

Spin out the L1 execution into an L2 and rename it to “ETH Mainnet” with new logo

Then educate the world about Ethereum ecosystem

Ethereum is not ETH Mainnet

Ethereum are all the L2 rollups with ETH as gas

It’s 2025 and it’s undeniable that every account onchain will be a smart account 💪

But let’s not forget the benefits of combining them with MPC networks 🙏

What are the best MPC networks live today?
Good thread on the Memecoin meltdown on Solana and how it might have played out on Ethereum
Bundler3 is cool! I wonder if you can supercharge it by using it as a 7702 wallet
CAIPs are the hidden hand making UX better for Bitcoin, Solana and Ethereum 💪
We can do better than having separate fee markets per "state hot spot": We can have fee markets per temporal event relating to a hot spot!

Imagine an ephemeral rollup that automatically deploys to aggregate state for a hot spot, then collapses state back into the L1 once the hot spot dissipates.

Could we make this completely transparent from the user's perspective and fully inherit security using native rollups?

We could have some settings on a per-contract level to enable this, the contract could choose a sequencer strategy if it needs to aggregate (contracts could commission their own sequencers for additional business models during periods of high activity).

Space ➡ Time.
veil.cash is live on intersend

privacy is a fundamental human right

also thin the web is jittery because accounts get in the way

now tho, you can autoconnect and get your privacy on

consumers: app.intersend.io

devs: embed veil.cash in your app, https://intersend.mintlify.app/overview

(soft) introducing monchain!

recently ive been working on something fun.

something i hope can bring all lots of evm frens together in these trying times.

monchain is a pvp game aspiring to be the pokemon x smash bros x mugen for onchain communities

here's a sneak peek:
WalletConnect’s best UX combo ever 💪

One-Click Auth + Link Mode = ⚡️

Fastest SIWE experience for Wallets 🔐
Been writing solidity for like, 8 years now, but somehow am only just now in a situation where I'm having to deal with the infamous stack too deep errors and contract size limits.

So it goes.