
Discussions about the Ethereum Virtual Machine

Anyone have strong feels for where to draw the line for a contract that *is* a proxy vs one that happens to contain a proxy-like thing? Specifically for WhatsABI's proxy autoresolving.

My current ideas is if the contract has an SSTORE then treat it as a destination contract first, proxy second? Is there a better heuristic?

Taking bets for over under on this statement
Optimism has a pretty monstrous solidity codebase at this point, including a ton of tests and scripts.
Build times were starting to get pretty horrendous. Something we did that significantly improved the speed is to use this pattern of using `vm.getDeployedCode()` and `vm.etch()`.

This compiles MUCH faster than the `new SomeContract()` syntax, because the script/test doesn't need to wait for the contract being deployed to compile first.
Foundry protip: if your traces are hard to read because of huge vertical blocks of bytecode and other gunk, use `tput rmam` to disable wrapping. (`tput smam` to revert).

Before and after:
An indexer for EVM storage.

Who’s building this?
Has anyone seen discussions about repricing the PUSH0 opcode? Will it forever be priced same as RETURNDATASIZE?

before 7702
_ eoa keys do not rotate
_ smart accounts do not import / export

after 7702
_ eoa keys do not rotate
_ smart accounts do not import / export
If you choose a chain ID greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER for your chain, call me. There's something I'd like to say. Best not in writing
Has anyone tried yet?
Which protocol has the best docs? Want to learn from the best
Very excited about this for a few reasons

1) My latest PG extension decodes arbitrarily complex ABI data
2) Crypto companies should accept crypto payments
3) @daimo is really good
The intersection between Blockchain and AI Agents is just getting started!

Wallets are not designed for Agents and soon we’ll see a major revolution in UX

The @walletconnect network is building for this future with Smart Sessions
What’s the closest equivalent to evm.storage now that it’s gone? Need it for Base Sepolia.