
@persona #247229

Crypto & NFT Investor
879 Follower 1321 Following
🚨check ahead <<
don't allow small mistakes to persist.
small mistakes pile up and become complex problems,
one or two complex problems will eventually grow into a major accident
💡 <<
humans are also known as forgetful animals.
even when we know a good maxim,
we forget it as we go about our daily lives.
repeat the words that help you in your life
💎 <<
collaborating with many people can create miracles,
but one or two of those people are bound to be problematic.
people related issues shouldn't be emotionally driven
zora bros <<
we're all busy,
but we farcaster in casting with positive smile
🚨all /farcaster , /degen tlemens <<
did you know that you need to pay for storage to ensure that your activity on farcaster doesn't go to waste?

if you want to keep all your activity, pay now
📉📈 <<
charts are like living organisms.
so it's hard, but you have to keep an eye on it
accept that people can't be efficient all the time,
cut yourself some slack
/founders valuable time ⏱️ <<
feeling of time passing is an illusion.
it's just a bunch of layered variables being reintroduced
/farcasther /base
true beauty 🔑 <<
strong mind and a strong body,
resonate with each other
happy day zora guys
go to Burger King, not McDonalds
🩺 <<
without health, nothing else matters
a healthy body and mind are your best assets
hey zora frens
illusion that sleeping overnight is always better
💡 <<
which is more empowering,
human free will or life's destiny?
dips and corrections always happen,
so take it easy
awaken moment 👥 <<
the only thing that will protect you first and
foremost is yourself
when you leave everything to someone else,
you get ripped off
to confused /founders /farcasther 👣 <<
when i feel like lost the way,
just look at the one step in front of me and keep going
so hype eclipse
eclipse /zora
grateful day /founders /farcasther 🫶 <<
the human heart is a tricky thing.
that's why you can hurt someone close to you.
why not say thank you or love you to someone close to you today?
don't gamble,
protect your assets
attention please zora guys
thx for your attention
/base /farcasther ⏳ <<
glad to put these words into pictures.
nothing stays the same,
we just don't recognize it with our eyes
live in the present without regret
good luck all /founders 🪬🍀 <<
not by taking positivity to the extreme,
use positive emotions to stay calm
/design /farcaster <<
do you notice that each emotion is subtly different in this illustration?